Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Science tells us the truth about reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Science tells us the truth about reality - Essay Example The results will therefore explain real behavior of the studied objects and communicate the truth that is observed. Scientific information can also be gathered from people’s opinions and perceptions on reality. Information that is developed from these approaches represents truth because they rely on people’s experiences or rationale from observations. Collecting data on people’s experiences, for example, develops information from people’s real life experiences. It therefore communicates the truth to the extent that the source narrated the truth. Other methods for developing scientific information such as making direct observation or analyzing secondary sources of information also support the position that science tells the truth about nature. This is because the methods are accurate and consistent (Cottrell and McKenzie 194- 196, 230- 234). These mean that science based information is derived from real life experiences and is therefore reflective of the tr uth about the reality that develops it. There are however arguments that science does not tell the truth about nature. The fact that some theories are not developed from actual data means that the theories cannot be proved using real life issues. The theories may therefore lack accuracy and consistency in what they say about reality. Inaccuracy of what science says in the theories may mean that science is not saying the truth. Scientific information may also be true in one area but it may be false in another area because of inconsistency (Cottrell and McKenzie 13). Existence of factors and happenings that science cannot explain also means that science may not be telling us the truth about reality. Logics and mathematical positions are examples of truths that science does not explain. Science only offers assumptions on the positions. Many other scientific positions are based on assumptions that cannot be

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