Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Migrations CCOT Essay

From 1700 to 1900 the migrations of people from Europe and Africa to the US grew and then receded due to the limits the U.S. put on immigrants.At the beginning of the period, Europeans stuck to their side of the ocean. However, When the Irish potato famine struck in 1845 however, there was a mass exodus of irish people in search of a steady source of food and a new life. In the beginning on the African side of things, there was a mass movement of africans to the US due to the slave trade but by the end of the period the slave trade was outlawed so there was a mass migration of Africans who migrated as indentured servants to find a better life. During the 18th century, there was much migration in between the thirteen colonies, Europe and Africa. In the 18th century, the slave trade was in full swing. People from the colonies and Europe were buying slaves very frequently. There were many slave markets and any child born to a slave also became a slave. Millions of Africans were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. During this time, although people went from Europe to the colonies, it was only to strengthen the colonies themselves. During the 19th century, the migration patterns changed. In 1845 the Irish potato famine made 250 thousand people migrate from their homes. The country had no food and was riddled with disease so the Irish people came to the U.S. to try to start a new life for themselves. In addition to this, people from Europe came to the U.S. as indentured servants to have a better life. In Africa, by 1807 the slave trade had been abolished.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Is technology a blessing or a curse in australia Essay

Good Evening fellow speakers, judges and audience. Tonight I will be speaking about the topic is Technology a blessing or a curse? What is technology, the definition of technology in the Macquarie budget dictionary is the branch knowledge that deals with science and engineering. To me it means anything that helps us to live our lives easier. Over the past decade, Australia has been advancing with all of its technology. It is said that this decade had the most technological advancements ever. Some examples are phones, television, and computers. Most of the things we have now like tablets and touch phones were a dream for people in the last century. If any of you have watched star trek enterprise, you would see that they used items that seemed like a tablet but wasn’t one. Also technology is a blessing in the educational area. It is because we now have the smart board, which helps the teachers with showing different resources, and it also helps the students because they can learn more about the subject. Technology is a blessing. The reason I choose this topic to relate to Australia is because Australia is rapidly developing in all areas. But the most is in the technological area. This century is said to be the technological era. Technology is a blessing because without it we would not be able to many things like contacting loved ones who are overseas, watching TV, calling people instantly with telephones and driving to different places in a car etc. Everything we do everyday involves using technology. Imagine the world without technology, no phones, no electricity, no sewage, no clean water and no cars. All these things have or use or need technology. Another reason it is a blessing is because in schools and workplaces, it is easier for the people to access the information needed for that time. For example for most of the students here would have used technology for there speech. If it were not for technology, we would have to do simple things to us now and have it harder to do. For example sending an email to a relative overseas who would receive it within 10secends would become writing a letter and sending through a postal office, which takes a long period of time. Technology is also a curse. The new advancements of technology have caused major side affects on us humans and the environment. The first floor is that there is an increase of teenagers needed glasses to read and see. Another reason is that in our environment it is impacted a lot by the extra greenhouse gases, which are killing animals, destroying habitats and warming our world causing the polar ice caps to melt which increases the sea level. To use technology, now you need electricity and power. To make these things you need to burn coal, which releases carbon emissions. Another reason it is a curse is because us humans are becoming very reliant on Technology. Teenagers always want the new iPhone or parents asking their kids how different items work. We are becoming dependent on technology too much that if we were to just remove technology, we could not live a good life and we have to start learning different things like sending a letter. In conclusion I believe that technology is a blessing rather than a curse because it has helped us have an easier life to live. Without technology we would have to walk to school, which might be over 15km away but now we just have to go by public transport or drive by car to different places.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Biography of T. S. Eliot

Elliot is a man known for his devotion to literature, a poet who decides to overcome all obstacles and to occupy a higher position in the world of literature. Eliot's poetry addressed his more uneasy life experience, not for cowards, but depression, illness, a complex society of the First World War. These trials and hardships collapsed Elliott, which was driven by his wife, Vivian's illness, and began publishing at night. As Eikin said, Eliot is notorious for leaving his reader in a notorious way (T.S. In a wonderful biography of Peter Ackroyd, this is one of the pleasant episodes. T. S. Elliott was really striving hard and he succeeded. In the publication of The Waste Land, Eliot broke the pattern of poetry and broke the pattern in the novel like Joyce's Ulysses (the same year that was published in 1922). There is Thomas Sterns Elliot before and after the history of poetry. Who is he, did this person create a new literary movement, in fact the language of the new poetry, the ability to open our consciousness with the sharpness of diamonds (AndersÃâ€"sterling, 1948 Swedish Academy permanent secretary). Ted Hughes said what he likes is There is a straight line that goes from Virgil to Dante, from Dante to Milton, from Milton to Elliot, and there are over 300 years of a great poet. Hamlet and his problem is one of T. S. Eliot's most important and influential papers. It was first published in 1919. In Hamlet and his problem, Elliott boldly declared that Shakespeare play Hamlet was an artistic failure, not a victory. why? Elliott is provocative about this statement, but he provides several reasons for this position. In this article we will analyze Eliot articles that can be read here. Overall, Elliott's claim in Hamlet and his problem is that the theater of Shakespeare is failure, but the drama is very familiar as a work of art everywhere. It is not more than that defect. This bold revisionist's claim is based on several aspects, in particular the fact that Shakes peare inherited Hamlet's original script from other writers (probably Thomas Kid who wrote the Spanish tragedy). In his book Defense T. Eliot (2001) and T. S. Eliot (2006), Craygrain is trying to defend Eliot from anti-Semitism accusations. Looking back on the book in 2006, Paul Dean said he does not believe Rennes' assertions. Still he said, In the final analysis, it is argued that Eliot might have been compromised as a person, just like Rennes in justice.In another comment published by Rain in 2006, Literature Critic Terry Eagleton also questioned Ryan's Elliott's defense against the character deficits as well as Ryan's books: Critics why they wrote like affectionate parents Do not you listen to the criticisms of children you dislike, thinking that you need to protect the writers, Elliott's reputation has no profit as much as the established archangel Gabriel? Biography of T. S. Eliot Elliot is a man known for his devotion to literature, a poet who decides to overcome all obstacles and to occupy a higher position in the world of literature. Eliot's poetry addressed his more uneasy life experience, not for cowards, but depression, illness, a complex society of the First World War. These trials and hardships collapsed Elliott, which was driven by his wife, Vivian's illness, and began publishing at night. As Eikin said, Eliot is notorious for leaving his reader in a notorious way (T.S. In a wonderful biography of Peter Ackroyd, this is one of the pleasant episodes. T. S. Elliott was really striving hard and he succeeded. In the publication of The Waste Land, Eliot broke the pattern of poetry and broke the pattern in the novel like Joyce's Ulysses (the same year that was published in 1922). There is Thomas Sterns Elliot before and after the history of poetry. Who is he, did this person create a new literary movement, in fact the language of the new poetry, the ability to open our consciousness with the sharpness of diamonds (AndersÃâ€"sterling, 1948 Swedish Academy permanent secretary). Ted Hughes said what he likes is There is a straight line that goes from Virgil to Dante, from Dante to Milton, from Milton to Elliot, and there are over 300 years of a great poet. Hamlet and his problem is one of T. S. Eliot's most important and influential papers. It was first published in 1919. In Hamlet and his problem, Elliott boldly declared that Shakespeare play Hamlet was an artistic failure, not a victory. why? Elliott is provocative about this statement, but he provides several reasons for this position. In this article we will analyze Eliot articles that can be read here. Overall, Elliott's claim in Hamlet and his problem is that the theater of Shakespeare is failure, but the drama is very familiar as a work of art everywhere. It is not more than that defect. This bold revisionist's claim is based on several aspects, in particular the fact that Shakes peare inherited Hamlet's original script from other writers (probably Thomas Kid who wrote the Spanish tragedy). In his book Defense T. Eliot (2001) and T. S. Eliot (2006), Craygrain is trying to defend Eliot from anti-Semitism accusations. Looking back on the book in 2006, Paul Dean said he does not believe Rennes' assertions. Still he said, In the final analysis, it is argued that Eliot might have been compromised as a person, just like Rennes in justice.In another comment published by Rain in 2006, Literature Critic Terry Eagleton also questioned Ryan's Elliott's defense against the character deficits as well as Ryan's books: Critics why they wrote like affectionate parents Do not you listen to the criticisms of children you dislike, thinking that you need to protect the writers, Elliott's reputation has no profit as much as the established archangel Gabriel?

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Divrsity and social justice course. topic is, what is the evidance of Essay

Divrsity and social justice course. topic is, what is the evidance of idiology (point of view).what do they want you to believe - Essay Example Additionally, it also acts as a group of ideas of many people or society regarding something. In diversity and social justice, both evidence and ideology are essential. This is because evidence shows proof of an action and ideology shows the beliefs behind the action. Each society holds some beliefs and folklore; hence, when seeking justice in the society there has to be an analysis for the myths of each society (Macleod & Hickman 1329). The diversity of the societies makes the processes hard; hence, need to have the incorporation of evidence into ideology. Evidence has to be present for social justice to succeed because it acts as a proof of an action by somebody. For example, when presenting cases for justice, there has to be fairness in the ruling so that, there is consideration of both the evidence and ideology (Macleod & Hickman 1330). I believe in evidence more than in ideology. This is because ideas vary across persons in one society to the next. Evidence does not differ because it is the clear proof of something or actions by somebody. There is always an idea behind an action, whether agreeable or not to justify it; but evidence proves clearly that an action is wrong or right. It is easy to ensure justice in a society by looking at the evidence before ideology (Macleod & Hickman

Culture differences and similarities between United States and Saudi Research Paper

Culture differences and similarities between United States and Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example Thus, there are characteristic cultural differences and similarities between the Americans and the Saudis. However, from a general viewpoint, the differences in culture seem to be more than the similarities. Case in point, the Americans belief and role of religion is different from that of the Saudis. In this regard, the Americans do not attach a significant value to religion in their daily lives. On the other hand, religion is the most important thing amongst the Saudis. Effectively, the religion dictates the rhythm of life to the Saudis and its role in the society and the country is significant. Nevertheless, while too many people think that there is nothing common about the cultures between United States and Saudi Arabia, there are similarities and differences between them. Therefore, this expose elucidates these similarities and differences while focusing on the important aspects of attachment to gas, the way people lived in these two societies, the role of women, and the role of the youths in the two societies. Attachment to gas The world cannot seem to get enough of petroleum and its byproducts. In this case, the use of the product varies from its fundamental intended use as fuel to an essential requirement of products such as lipstick. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration [EIA](n.d.), Saudi Arabia is the largest net exporter of oil and its products to the world. In this case, this makes the country’s economy rely, almost entirely, on the export of oil. However, the consumption of gas by Americans rivals no other one in the world. In this regard, Americans consumed 24,088 billion cubic feet of gas in 2010. On the other hand, the Saudis total consumption for the same period was 3,096 billion feet (EIA, n.d.). The United States of America ranked first in the world while the Saudis ranked ninth in the total world’s gas consumption (EIA, n.d.). Effectively, this makes Americans appear more attached and hooked to gas in compari son to Saudis as evidenced by these statistics. One of the main reasons is that the United States is a wealthy nation that effectively places low taxes on gas. In addition, the combination of a high population and a poor public transport system in the country effectively makes the Americans obsessed with gasoline for their transport. On the other hand, although the cost of gas in Saudi Arabia is cheaper in comparison to the United States of America, the country has a low population. In addition, its public transport system is effective enough to ensure that more people avoided using private means of transport and effectively cut on the requirements of gas for transport. How people live in the American and Saudi society One thing that is common knowledge is that, the Americans have the most open-minded society over the world. For this reason, America is known as the free world. On the other hand, Saudis appear to live in a close-minded society and effectively try as much as possible to avoid the uncertain future. Therefore, the American society embraces diversity and accepts the differences in people while it takes time for the Saudi society to do the same. Case in point, the current president in America is African-American. This effectively underlines the open-minded nature of the American society and ready to embrace others different from them. On the other han

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Colonialism and African Culture in 19-20th Centuries Essay

Colonialism and African Culture in 19-20th Centuries - Essay Example Conrad outlines a European perspective on African colonialism in the story Heart of Darkness contained in the book Bedford Anthology of World Literature. The story of Heart of Darkness is based on Charles Marlowe, who spends his life as an ivory transporter in along the Congo River. He is a captain and is saddened when he passes the land areas and from afar, he could see black men working hard while under watch by armed men. He comes to hear of Kutz and thinks he is an icon. Later he realizes that Mr Kutz is a hoax; he is engaged in human treaties as opposed to Marlow’s ivory transporter job. Contrary to Marlow’s expectation, he obtains one of Kutz letters written: â€Å"exterminate the brutes.† Kutz was an agent who was gathering information for Europe. Every time Marlow would come near the shore, the pilgrim would open fire, but with the sound of his steamer and this would make them stop opening fire. (Davis et al, 18). Marlow finds Kutz letters when he dies. H e takes it upon himself to deliver them while still hiding some of the information back to his family and friends. To his fiancà ©e, there was a note written â€Å"to my intended† but he tells her that Kutz last words were her name. The company that employed both Kutz and Marlow had its interest focused on the whereabouts of ivory (Davis et al, 14). On the other hand, African culture and responses are evident in Africa through the story of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe in the book Bedford Anthology of World Literature. The story stars a leader known as Okwonko. He was the well-bodied leader who was the local wrestling champion in the village. The book concentrates on the influence of British colonialism and comparison against the African culture. The text also covers Christianity and the effects it brought to the people of Igbo community.  Okwonko is a leader who tries to cover his weaknesses and at all cost tries to avoid succumbing to his father’s fate.     

Friday, July 26, 2019

24 Hour Diary Entry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

24 Hour Diary Entry - Assignment Example Harry was and is truly my life, and no hologram can take his place. Stephanie will be coming by with Peter in a few hours to spend the rest of Valentine's night with me. I will never understand why they prefer to travel to the house via particle transfer. It has always seemed so dangerous to me. Specially since I have to make sure they both show up fully atomized on my end. After what happened to Scampi, I just don't want another mess of red globs on my transporter floor again. I'll have to try and convince them to travel by jet pack again. It really is so much safer for all of us to be navigating through sky traffic than atom links. I'll be preparing their favorite dish to celebrate the night. The Duck L'Orange should only take about 1 minute to materialize from the Imaginfood maker. I hope the food maker doesn't act up tonight. It's been serving me double patty grilled pork pulls all week no matter what I think up. The repairman said I was thinking of too many foods so the analyzer could not figure out what I really wanted to eat. I hope it can see my visualization tonight. There goes the holophone. I better go answer it. It sounds like Peter on the other end. He hates it when his hologram has to stand around for more than 2 rings. I certainly hope they won't be canceling on me. I could really use the company of my daughter and her husband tonight. March 19, 2050 My how time flies! Just a few weeks ago I was celebrating Valentine's Day and here I am now, just back from another birthday appointment with my doctor. Really, these annual doctor visits become a bane for someone like me who doesn't really feel anything wrong with me. But I have to do it because Stephanie insists that I continue to be carried on her insurance policy even though I have my own. Why I have to be checked out by my doctor each year on my day of birth itself is beyond me. All this government red tape... Anyway, my doctor showed up via video conference while my medical emergency robot took care of the blood, urine, and fecal testing that the doctor required. I am really glad Stephanie got me a female carebot, I doubt I would have been able to allow the tests if it were a male. These robots look so lifelike that I oftentimes forget they are just wires and processing chips underneath the silicone skin. My results were fine as expected. Save for some Anemia and arthritis, Stephanie doesn't have to worry about raising her insurance premiums for elderly catastrophic care just yet. My grandson Skip will be spending the weekend with me while his mom and dad are away on business. I always like having him around. He never minds hanging with his 80 year old mumsie. I think it is because he feels more intelligent around me. I could never work that streaming music player he got me for Christmas last year. He promised to teach me how to use the humming feature in order to search for the correct music I want to listen to over the preset web stations. June 23, 2050 Summertime! My f riends and I are planning a virtual trip to Acapulco this weekend. All this rain outside my bio dome has been making my arthritis act up. I need the heat of the sun. Ever since global warming reversed the weather conditions. Summer has never meant summer and neither has the rainy season. It's been raining when the sun should be out and sunny when the rain should be pouring. Don't even get me started on that erratic snow fall that is wreaking havoc on my green house. You never know when that powder is going to fall. What I would without my artificial sun maker, I will never know. My best friends Linda and Laura will be using our life

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Describe and evaluate its role in understanding the psychology of Essay

Describe and evaluate its role in understanding the psychology of adult learning of Personality - Essay Example a greater understanding of the psychology of learning and development, as applied to educational contexts. Adult education promotes the development of adults in a variety of domains--cognitive and intellectual, social and emotional. Psychology has an important role in the field of adult education. The word Psychology originated from the two Greek words ‘psyche’ and ‘logos’ which means soul and science respectively. Psychology was the study of soul earlier. Then it was modified as study of mind and now it is the study of behavioral changes. According to the modern psychologists, behavior includes all those activities of an individual which can be observed by any person with or without the aid of an instrument. Psychology has several branches of study. General psychology, abnormal psychology, Industrial psychology, Development psychology, Child psychology, Adult psychology, Clinical psychology, Educational psychology are some of them. It is interesting to note that adult educators have, traditionally, been interested in understanding the different â€Å"styles† or modes of learning that adults demonstrate much more so than they have been in understanding or assessing cognitive and intellectual abilities. This has taken place despite the fact that the psychological research fails to find compelling evidence for quantitative as opposed to qualitative differences in these learning styles. There is no evidence to support some adult educators’ claims that instruction which is designed to capitalize upon an individual’s preferred manner of learning. Still, as adult educators have often pointed out, psychologists have generally been more concerned with understanding the â€Å"average† or â€Å"typical† performance of a group of learners rather than focusing on the phenomenological experience of the individual learner. And, historically, psychologists have

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Andrew Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Andrew Jackson - Essay Example On his defense of the rights of the Federal government during the Nullification Crisis of 1832, Jackson invoked his presidential powers to affirm the superiority of the federal constitution. 1Jackson declares that the responsibility 'imposed on him by the constitution" is to ensure that the laws are applied 'faithfully' as long as the execution of his duties is consistent with the authority 'emphatically pronounced in the constitution'. This contention delineates further Jackson's respect of the supremacy of the federal law which bestowed on him the authority to apply it objectively and fairly, making sure that he remains loyal to his obligations within legal bounds. Jackson is also unswerving on his perspective towards the role of the federal government as an overseer of the states. For him, South Carolina's illusory power to nullify a federal law is 'inconsistent with every principle on which [the union] was founded." Jackson's unwavering fidelity to fulfill his obligations as president and to put into practice the fed... This does not connote constraints on the freedom of the states but rather assert the duties of the federal government towards problems that fall beyond the bounds of the states' jurisdictions. 3Without this control, states' would effect its own policy towards the Indians which could result to more complications. Such policy makes it possible for the states and the national government to avoid collision. 4The prevention of this collision which purports to 'preserve the Union by all constitutional means" delineates Jackson's faith in federalism and the ideals he bestows in his office. 5This only shows that Jackson is ready to apply the full force of the law in order to protect the federal principles which for him form a part of a 'happy union.' In his response towards South Carolina's Nullification issue, he proclaims that he will 'recourse to force' to preserve the Union and views further opposition towards the national government's promulgation of the federal law a form of treason. However, this does not try to pit the state authorities against the national government but intends to fortify the federal institutions which all states subjected themselves to. As there had been other states in the past who aimed to weaken the federal institution by threatening to break away with the union, Jacks on's assertion of the power of the central government to bring to a halt these threats resulted to the strengthening of the fundamental system and avoided confrontations between the national government and the states. Jackson's decision not to renew the contract of the Bank of the United States further attested to his consistency in his obligations to the people

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Financing and the Capital SStructure Assignment

Business Financing and the Capital SStructure - Assignment Example This fact ensures that there is no dilution of the company’s ownership. Second, the company is entitled to pay the amount they borrowed plus a predetermined interest. This implies that the company can budget efficiently on how to repay its debt. It does not have to share the future profits of the company in any case the company becomes successful. The interest paid on the debt that the company takes are taxation allowable expenses. This implies that the interests can lower the amount of tax a company pays resulting to it lowering the overall cost of capital. The process of raising debt finance is simple and easy since the company is not entitled to comply with any securities regulations and laws. Lastly, in debt finance the company does not have to hold periodic meetings to explain their various actions to the debt holders. Despite the many advantages that debt finance has, it also has some disadvantages. First, unlike equity, there must be payment of the debt at some point in time creating obligations to the company. Debt financing also come along with fixed costs which at times can be high. High interest costs increases the risk of insolvency of a company especially on difficult financial periods. Lastly, debt financing require companies to pledge their assets as collateral. Equity financing generates large amounts of money which do not require repayment. What the company has to do is to only share a portion of their profits to the new investors who become part of the company. The company can use this non-refundable money to expand their operations or diversify its business to generate future cash flows. Equity finance also helps the company to maintain a low leverage which would increase its chances of getting debt finance in the future. The major disadvantage of equity financing is that the company has to loose part of the ownership of the company to the new investors and they will have to take part

Natural environment Essay Example for Free

Natural environment Essay History depicts that in the past, apartheid and Christian national education policies meant that races and cultures were segregated in schools and resources were unevenly distributed, making the role and the task of the teacher extra difficult in terms of balancing between the workload and catering for all learners needs. Education is inherently political as it involves values and goals in relation to such fundamental questions as what kind of individual and society are we trying to shape? These questions cannot be answered in a factual or technical way because they are questions of opinions, values and ideology and they are inevitably disagreements and conflicts (Carter, Harber Serfi, 2003). The nature and reality of educators is that, it places so much importance on the teacher to ensure that learners succeed at the end of the day, although there are some factors external such as the environment, socio-economic and resources issues and resources which disturbs or defeats the purpose of education. The teacher can either make or break the progress of the learner, meaning the teacher should cater equally for all the needs of the learners, as learners themselves are different in terms of race, gender and class. This means that the teacher should not be bias or discriminate towards a certain gender, race or class, as this will have a negative impact on the success or progress of the learners. In this essay I will discuss my experiences with the teachers who made a difference, the role they played in terms of perceiving gender, race and class in my life, and the reasons why they were significant and finally I will discuss the role I will play as a future teacher regardless of gender, race and class of the learners. The most features in class or school environment, is for the teacher to understand his or her learners and mostly interact with them on continuous basis, as problems learners encounter arise from time to time. These problems tend to distract learners and need the intervention of the teacher themselves. Sometimes learners struggle with the content required, a problem at home or moreover a personal problem. A good teacher must anticipate and have insight of foretelling and differenti ate amongst learners that are showing signs of encountering problem

Monday, July 22, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example for Free

Supply Chain Management Essay All supply chain management shares one common, and central, objective – to satisfy the end customer. All stages in a chain must eventually include consideration of the final customer, no matter how far an individual operation is from the end-customer. Each operation in the chain should be satisfying its own customer, but also making sure that eventually the end-customer is also satisfied. Supply chain objectives Meeting the requirements of end-customers requires the supply chain to achieve appropriate levels of the five operations performance objectives: quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. Quality – the quality of a product or service when it reaches the customer is a function of the quality performance of every operation in the chain that supplied it. Errors in each stage of the chain can multiply in their effect on end-customer service. Speed has two meanings in a supply chain context. The first is how fast customers can be served, an important element in any business’s ability to compete. However, fast customer response can be achieved simply by over-resourcing or over-stocking within the supply chain. Dependability – like speed, one can almost guarantee ‘on-time’ delivery by keeping excessive resources, such as inventory, within the chain. However, dependability of throughput time is a much more desirable aim because it reduces uncertainty within the chain. Flexibility – in a supply chain context is usually taken to mean the chain’s ability to cope with changes and disturbances. Very often this is referred to as supply chain agility. The concept of agility includes previously discussed issues such as focusing on the end-customer and ensuring fast throughput and responsiveness to customer needs. But, in addition, agile supply chains are sufficiently flexible to cope with changes, either in the nature of customer demand or in the supply capabilities of operations within the chain. Cost – in addition to the costs incurred within each operation, the supply chain as a whole incurs additional costs that derive from each operation in a chain doing business with each other. These may include such things as the costs of finding appropriate suppliers, setting up contractual agreements, monitoring supply performance, transporting products between operations, holding inventories, and so on. 5 factors for rating alternative suppliers Short-term ability to supply Range of products or services provided Quality of products or services Responsiveness Dependability of supply Delivery and volume flexibility Total cost of being supplied Ability to supply in the required quantity Long-term ability to supply Potential for innovation Ease of doing business Willingness to share risk Long-term commitment to supply Ability to transfer knowledge as well as products and services Technical capability Operation capability Financial capability Managerial capability Choosing suppliers should involve evaluating the relative importance of all these factors. 6 supply chain relationship business-to-business (B2B) relationships are by far the most common in a supply chain context and include some of the e-procurement exchange networks discussed earlier. Business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships include both ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers and online retailers. Consumer-to-business (C2B) relationships involve consumers posting their needs on the web (sometimes stating the price they are willing to pay), companies then deciding whether to offer. Customer-to-customer (C2C) or peer-to-peer (P2P) relationships include the online exchange and auction services and file sharing services. 7 types of supply chain relationship The very opposite of performing an operation in-house is to purchase goods and services from outside in a ‘pure’ market fashion, often seeking the ‘best’ supplier every time it is necessary to purchase. Each transaction effectively becomes a separate decision. The relationship between buyer and seller, therefore, can be very short-term. Once the goods or services are delivered and payment is made, there may be no further trading between the parties. The advantages of traditional market supplier relationships are usually seen as follows: ââ€"  They maintain competition between alternative suppliers. This promotes a constant drive between suppliers to provide best value. ââ€"  A supplier specializing in a small number of products or services  (or perhaps just one), but supplying them to many customers, can gain natural economies of scale. This enables the supplier to offer the products and services at a lower price than would be obtained if customers per formed the activities themselves on a smaller scale. ââ€"  There is inherent flexibility in outsourced supplies. If demand changes, customers can simply change the number and type of suppliers. This is a far faster and simpler alternative to having to redirect their internal activities. ââ€"  Innovations can be exploited no matter where they originate. Specialist suppliers are more likely to come up with innovative products and services which can be bought in faster and cheaper than would be the case if the company were itself trying to innovate. ââ€"  They help operations to concentrate on their core activities. One business cannot be good at everything. It is sensible therefore to concentrate on the important activities and outsource the rest. There are, however, disadvantages in buying in a totally ‘free market’ manner: ââ€"  There may be supply uncertainties. Once an order has been placed, it is difficult to maintain control over how that order is fulfilled. ââ€"  Choosing who to buy from takes time and effort. Gathering sufficient information and making decisions continually are, in themselves, activities which need to be resourced ââ€"  There are strategic risks in subcontracting activities to other businesses. An over-reliance on outsourcing can ‘hollow out’ the company, leaving it with no internal capabilities which it can exploit in its markets. Short-term relationships may be used on a trial basis when new companies are being considered as more regular suppliers. Also, many purchases which are made by operations are one-off or very irregular. For example, the replacement of all the windows in a company’s office block would typically involve this type of competitive-tendering market relationship. In some public-sector operations, purchasing is still based on short-term contracts. This is mainly because of the need to prove that public money is being spent as judiciously as possible. However, this short-term, price-oriented type of relationship can have a downside in terms of ongoing support and reliability. This may mean that a short-term ‘least-cost’ purchase decision will lead to long-term high cost. Virtual operations An extreme form of outsourcing operational activities is that of the virtual  operation. Virtual operations do relatively little themselves, but rely on a network of suppliers that can provide products and services on demand. A network may be formed for only one project and then disbanded once that project ends. The advantage of virtual operations is their flexibility and the fact that the risks of investing in production facilities are far lower than in a conventional operation. However, without any solid base of resources, a company may find it difficult to hold onto and develop a unique core of technical expertise. The resources used by virtual companies will almost certainly be available to competitors. In effect, the core competence of a virtual operation can only lie in the way it is able to manage its supply network. ‘Partnership’ supply relationships Partnership relationships in supply chains are sometimes seen as a compromise between vertical integration on the one hand (owning the resources which supply you) and pure market relationships on the other (having only a transactional relationship with those who supply you). Although to some extent this is true, partnership relationships are not only a simple mixture of vertical integration and market trading, although they do attempt to achieve some of the closeness and coordination efficiencies of vertical integration, but at the same time attempt to achieve a relationship that has a constant incentive to improve. Partnership relationships are defined as: ‘relatively enduring inter-firm cooperative agreements, involving flows and linkages that use resources and/or governance structures from autonomous organizations, for the joint accomplishment of individual goals linked to the corporate mission of each sponsoring firm’.11 What this means is that suppliers and customer s are expected to cooperate, even to the extent of sharing skills and resources, to achieve joint benefits beyond those they ould have achieved by acting alone. At the heart of the concept of partnership lies the issue of the closeness of the relationship. Partnerships are close relationships, the degree of which is influenced by a number of factors, as follows: ââ€"  Sharing success. An attitude of shared success means that both partners work together in order to increase the total amount of joint benefit they receive, rather than manoeuvring to maximize their own individual contribution. ââ€"  Long-term expectations. Partnership relationships imply relatively long-term commitments, but not  necessarily permanent ones. ââ€"  Multiple points of contact. Communication between partners is not only through formal channels, but may take place between many individuals in both organizations. ââ€"  Joint learning. Partners in a relationship are committed to learn from each other’s experience and perceptions of the other operations in the chain. ââ€"  Few relationships. Although partnership relationships do not necessarily imply single sourcing by customers, they do imply a commitment on the part of both parties to limit the number of customers or suppliers with whom they do business. It is difficult to maintain close relationships with many different trading partners. ââ€"  Joint coordination of activities. Because there are fewer relationships, it becomes possible jointly to coordinate activities such as the flow of materials or service, payment, and so on. ââ€"  Information transparency. An open and efficient information exchange is seen as a key element in partnerships because it helps to build confidence between the partners. ââ€"  Joint problem-solving. Although partnerships do not always run smoothly, jointly approaching problems can increase closeness over time. ââ€"  Trust. This is probably the key element in partnership relationships. In this context, trust means the willingness of one party to relate to the other on the understanding that the relationship will be beneficial to both, even though that cannot be guaranteed. Trust is widely held to be both the key issue in successful partnerships, but also, by far, the most difficult element to develop and maintain. 8 Matching the supply chain with market requirements. The supply chain policies which are seen to be appropriate for functional products and innovative products are termed by Fisher efficient supply chain policies and responsive supply chain policies, respectively. Efficient supply chain policies include keeping inventories low, especially in the downstream parts of the network, so as to maintain fast throughput and reduce the amount of working capital tied up in the inventory. What inventory there is in the network is concentrated mainly in the manufacturing operation, where it can keep utilization high and therefore manufacturing costs low. Information must flow quickly up and down the chain from retail outlets back up to the manufacturer so that schedules can be given the maximum amount of time to adjust efficiently. The chain is then managed to make sure that products  flow as quickly as possible down the chain to replenish what few stocks are kept downstream. By contrast, responsive supply chain policy stresses high service levels and responsive supply to the end-customer. The inventory in the network will be deployed as closely as possible to the customer. In this way, the chain can still supply even when dramatic changes occur in customer demand. Fast throughput from the upstream parts of the chain will still be needed to replenish downstream stocks. But those downstream stocks are needed to ensure high levels of availability to end-customers. 9 The bullwhip effect The ‘bullwhip effect’, is used to describe how a small disturbance at the downstream end of a supply chain causes increasingly large disturbances, errors, inaccuracies and volatility as it works its way upstream. Its main cause is an understandable desire by the different links in the supply chain to manage their production rates and inventory levels sensibly. Miscommunication in the supply chain Whenever two operations in a supply chain arrange for one to provide products or services to the other, there is the potential for misunderstanding and miscommunication. This may be caused simply by not being sufficiently clear about what a customer expects or what a supplier is capable of delivering. There may also be more subtle reasons stemming from differences in perception of seemingly clear agreements. The effect is analogous to the children’s game of ‘Chinese whispers’. The first child whispers a message to the next child who, whether he or she has heard it clearly or not, whispers an interpretation to the next child, and so on. The more children the message passes between, the more distorted it tends to become. The last child says out loud what the message is, and the children are amused by the distortion of the original message. Reducing bullwhip effect Reduce lead time Information sharing One of the reasons for the fluctuations in output described in the example earlier was that each operation in the chain reacted to the orders placed by  its immediate customer. None of the operations had an overview of what was happening throughout the chain. If information had been available and shared throughout the chain, it is unlikely that such wild fluctuations would have occurred. It is sensible therefore to try to transmit information throughout the chain so that all the operations can monitor true demand, free of these distortions. An obvious improvement is to make information on end-customer demand available to upstream operations. Inventory pooling Stable prices 10 time compression One of the most important approaches to improving the operational efficiency of supply chains is known as time compression. This means speeding up the flow of materials down the chain and the flow of information back up the chain. The supply chain dynamics effect was due partly to the slowness of information moving back up the chain.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Triggers of Energy Conflicts

Triggers of Energy Conflicts Title of Essay: Energy Conflicts are inevitable As the global prices for finite energy resources steadily increase, a proliferation of energy projects have sprung up in all regions across the world. Many of these high profile projects, most notably fracking in the U.S.A and Great Britain, have largely been the result of governmental plans for domestic economic development, with an end goal of â€Å"consolidating particular political agendas† (,). Other projects have focused primarily on bringing more renewable and suatainable resource solutions into play in regions where no previous exploitation had taken place. Such _ has noted that as the number of energy developments have increased, so too have â€Å"accompanying conflicts†, which are more often than not excaberated by external political, social and, of course, environmental factors. These conflicts quite often vary in their dynamics, however an underlying feature seems to be an inherent flaw in governance regarding the management of energy companies. Conflicts both at local and national levels have revolved around an array of issues, ranging from deep rooted opposition to the location of such energy projects to the very proceeses involved in harnessing particular resources. In less developed countries such as Latin America and India, the marginalisation of certain societal groups is strikingly apparent. However, as stated by Lustig (2011), â€Å"the last decade saw some improvements in terms of reducing the rising trend in inequalitythat could be traced back partly to improved education levels and increased transfers to the poor† (). Energy conflicts consistently relate back to these aforementioned social and political influences and can generally be divided into three major geographical categories: local, regional and national. All of these categories have implications on a geopolitical scale. For example oil projects is frequently used as a tool for building political alliances across borders. Sometimes conflicts, which are decades old, may re-ignite and therefore it is not always new investments within the energy sector that give rise to conflicts. On a national level, the exact distribution of energy revenues among institutions and/or economic groups fuel significant disputes. Local level disputes oftentimes offer up unique and insightful case studies on environmental conflicts. The reason being that, although these local conflicts unfold in the actual geographic sites of energy developments, the have been known to have national consequences if not dealt with in an appropiate manner. More importantly, these local conflicts tend to highlight existing failures within states, such as historic economic inequalities and weak insitutional frameworks. Unless addressed in a timely manner, these conflicts have pe rsistently presented awkward challenges for governmental energy policies and have even threatened the stability of some governments. Triggers of Conflict: A primary reason why environmental conflicts can be regarded as inevitable is due to the sheer mulitude of triggers that can ignite disputes. Oftentimes, these triggers are provoked simutaneously, which can pose difficulties in producing strategies for conflict resolution or mitigation. The foremost trigger to energy conflicts appears to be the level of opposition to a certain project. Such_ claims that this particular trigger is the most intricate of all, mainly due to the fact that the level of opposition with regard to energy developments frequently range from an absolute rejection to a total acceptance. In the case of fracking in Balcombe, opposition to the energy operations of the drilling company Cuadrilla was based solely on the negative environmental and social effects linked to fracking. On the other hand, approval on the pro-fracking side was spurred on by the prospects of econmic benefits and the creation of employment. However, as other energy conflicts, there exists move ments that occur in between the two extremities of approval and rejection. These frequently take the form of negotiations between the two opposing sides. Non-governmental organisations such as Greenpeace and the World Resources Institute are recent examples that have radicalised their direct actions across the world, while still gaining traction as negotiators for environmental issues. These, combined with non-homogenous views within the community vis-à  -vis the energy development on their lands, have often resulted in protracted conflicts. The level and nature of involvement of international non-governmental organizations in the conflict. International NGOs not only have grown in power and sophistication over the last twenty years but, because of their strong environmental focus, they have become particularly active in the Amazon. They have played a fundamental role in supporting communities in their negotiations with companies and governments. However, they have also at times be en accused of contributing to the escalation of conflicts through the imposition of agendas that did not fully represent the demands of local communities. Historical greivances, coupled with prior attempts at energy developments in an area or region, contributes significantly as an enerfy conflict trigger, especially in places that have experienced social or even enviromental damage as a result of such projects. In attempts to prevent history from repeating itself in cases Old grievances, or the history of previous energy projects in the area. In areas with a history of social or environmental damage from previous energy projects, local inhabitants tend to be more active in opposing similar new developments for fear of a recurrence of past negative externalities. Communities affected by old projects also tend to be more radicalized. The best example is widespread opposition to new dams, which builds upon the deep scars left by similar projects in the past. The Chixoy Dam in Guatemala, built in the 1970 to 1980s, entailed the forced displacement of more than 3,445 people, mostly indigenous, with no viable resettlement plan. That project also included allegations that the forced relocation included human rights violations by the then-military government. Another example is the legendary Yaciretà ¡ hydroelectric power plant built between Argentina and Paraguay in the 1970s; it displaced as many as 50,000 people. The environmental and social standards of the company involved in the energy projects. In the past decade, Latin America has seen a proliferation of both small oil companies and large national oil companies (NOCs), some of which have shown less stringent social and environmental safeguards relative to the big majors. Many of these junior companies are not publicly listed; this leaves them less concerned about their image and less subject to shareholder pressure to perform as well as the largest corporations do. Furthermore, they generally operate under more restricted budgets than their larger counterparts and the contractual span of their oil projects is much shorter, meaning that they may not have the time, the resources, or the interest in engaging in long-term relations with the local populations. The degree to which companies and governments comply with agreements reached with local communities. A government or a company’s failure to comply with a previous commitment with a community leaves locals feeling betrayed and is very often a source of conflict. Trust is eroded and difficult to rebuild. Communities often protest the breach of contract with force or violence. The extent of law enforcement. A brewing source of conflict is the improper enforcement of national laws or international conventions to which the country is a signatory. National laws may be either overlooked or not properly applied. Typical examples of this are oil projects developed in protected national parks, with full disregard for the laws that shield these socially and/or environmentally sensitive areas. At the same time, an overabundance of overlapping laws sometimes creates confusion as to their application, leaving them practically inoperative. These situations, combined with governments’ failure to comply with international legal standards—such as those imposed by the ILO 169 Convention and the U.N. Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (see box on page 5)—could lead populations affected by the energy developments to resort to violence as they seek answers to their problems. Indigenous communities often accuse governments of infringement of their right to free prior and informed consent, as granted by those international agreements. Very often, consultations are conducted after the license has been granted to the private energy operator and it is too late to object. Adding to the tensions is the slow pace of the legal system, which can take decades to settle a case, as illustrated by the lawsuit against Chevron that started in Ecuador 17 years ago and has still to be resolved. The availability of institutional mechanisms to mediate conflicts. More often than not, countries lack well-functioning institutions with the capacity to effectively mediate conflicts. An exception is the Peruvian Ombudsman Office, an organization with an unusually high level of legitimacy among all the stakeholders and with proven success in de-escalating conflicts. Local NGOs have also participated in mediating conflicts but usually with lower success rates. With all these triggers in mind, a so called elephant in the room still exists in relation to energy conflicts and that is the potential for economic and social disadvantages, which often leads to a political exclusion of sorts. This is more prominent in developing countries, whereby local communities are presented with the enormous task of bartering with global energy companies such as Shell and Chevron for healthcare and educational funding. These services, expected to normally be provided for by the government, is largely basic. Negogiating with energy companies therefore become the only method available to these communities in order to improve their living standards, or at the very least, gain access to basic state services. However the realistic results of such interactions are very seldom perceived as fair and as such, conflicts detroriate at local, regiona and national levels. Such_ has noted that unless these local conflicts are â€Å"addressed with the seriousness and depth they deserve†, then the ability of local communities to mobilise at national levels could be a major cause for concern for government stability. One need only look as far back as 2009, when the city of Bagua in Peru experienced violent conflicts between police and indigenous tribes, as a result of their oppostion to American resource exploitation in the Amzaon itself. This essay identified five triggers of energy conflicts as well as three major types of conflicts within this sector. The national and regional conflicts often receive the most attention from the public and from the media, however it is within local conflicts that the potential to reach national importance exists, unless the conflict is addressed properly. This paper identified four types of energy related conflicts in Latin America: geopolitical and border conflicts at a regional level; revenue conflicts at a national level; and local conflicts that carry the potential to reach national importance unless properly addressed. Geopolitical and border conflicts normally receive the most attention from the general public and the media. However, revenue and local conflicts carry a greater risk of destabilizing the region because they build on largely unresolved inequalities, weak governance, and increasing radicalization of the indigenous movement. Energy project expansion is necessary for economic growth in Latin America, where installed hydroelectric capacity remains very low and large oil and gas reserves await development. However, these infrastructure needs also constitute a tremendous risk factor as most of the still-untapped oil and water sources are in environmentally and socially sensitive areas. These social and environmental frag ilities, combined with a dire economic reality and historical marginalization of the communities affected by the energy developments, result in gradually increasing conflictive situations. Unless addressed rapidly and properly, these conflicts could pose important challenges to Latin America’s political stability and to the region’s economic growth prospects.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Using the Strengths-Based Model for Social Work Practice Essay

Utilizing strengths based perspective with clients enables social workers to focus on the client and family strengths and abilities instead of focusing on the client and family’s problems, bad behaviors and pathologies. The strengths based perspective applies six principles that guide the social worker professional in assisting client’s with the strengths based model; we all have areas of strength, but sometimes it takes an unbiased third party to notice and help others clearly see what they are capable of achieving, even in the midst of their crisis. Every Individual, Group, Family and Community Has Strengths Weick (1992) states â€Å"every person has an inherent power that may be characterized as life force, transformational capacity, life energy, spirituality, regenerative potential, and healing power, which is a potent form of knowledge that can guide personal and social transformation† (p. 24). No matter the crisis or oppression, it needs to be brought to client’s realization that they are strong, resilient and can overcome. They may not be aware of this inner power due to the constant stress and overwhelming sense of impending doom in their lives, but with the help of the strengths perspective, we can assist clients in realizing that they have strengths as well as weaknesses. Clients want to know that they can rely on social workers to provide adequate resources and respect their current situation, no matter how difficult it may be. Clients want to know that we can empathize with their situation and provide support, care and concern for the issues they are going through ; they need to know that we will help them achieve their goals and not give up on them as many may have before in their lives. Saleeby (2013) states â€Å"your cli... ...rk-practice in an urban context: The potential of a capacity-enhancement perspective. New York: Oxford University Press Epstein, M.H. & Sharma, J.M. (1998). Behavioral and emotional rating scale: A strength-based approach to assessment. Texas: Pro-Ed. Kaplan , L. & Girard, J. (1994). Strengthening high risk families. New York: Lexington Books. Kisthardt, W. (1992). A strengths model of case management: The principles and functions of a helping partnership with persons with persistent mental illness. New York: Longman. Saleeby, D. (2013). The strengths perspective in social work practice. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. Weick, A. (1992). Building a strengths perspective for social work. New York: Longman. Weick, A., Rapp, C., Sullivan, W.P. and Kisthardt, W. (1989). A strengths perspective for social work practice. Social Work, 34(4), 350-354.

Blue People of Troublesome Creek :: essays research papers

The Blue people of Troublesome Creek, sounds like a title of fiction novel, but the Blue Fugates were no fictional characters, but they were real humans that lived not too far from where we are today. The Blue Fugates were a very close family live on the banks of eastern Kentucky's Troublesome Creek. Martin Fugate, a French orphan settled in Troublesome Creek and astonishingly Martin somehow managed to find a woman who carried the same, very rare disease. The disease, later discovered, was methemoglobinemia, a very rare heredity blood disorder caused by an inheritance of a gene as a simple recessive allele. What one wonders after hearing ?blue people? is if they were actually really blue in color? Well the answer is yes and no. Some of these people were, in fact, blue, but they were not completely covered with bright blue skin from head to toe. Although there were some cases though where most of an individual?s skin was blue, but for the most of them it was usually just their extremities and/or lips and parts of their face. Their color wasn?t completely blue but had more of just a bluish tint. It was not a bright blue like you are used to seeing but more or less of an ashen grayish that was mildly bluish in appearance but nevertheless they were ?blue,? some more than others. Since methemoglobinemia is a disease caused by a gene inherited as a recessive allele. To get the disease, one would have to inherit two genes, meaning one from each parent. Some of the Fugates children had just that and they had the disease while some were just carriers of the disease. Methemoglobinemia cases were significant among Alaskan Eskimos and Native Americans. The Eskimos and Native Americans were both inclusive groups that didn?t interact much with what was outside their worlds. The Blue People fit that category well because they were a very small community and since they all lived close together in small area, most of them isolated themselves from the outer world. That in turn, often led to interbreeding, where Fugates would marry other Fugates, or their neighbors, which could and very well may have been their cousins. The interbreeding kept the disease alive and spread it throughout the small community. Methemoglobinemia has no serious, life threatening effects and an individual who has the disease can live a normal healthy life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Love and Acceptance in I Stand Here Ironing and Everyday Use :: comparison compare contrast essays

Love and Acceptance in I Stand Here Ironing and Everyday Use Tillie Olsen's I Stand Here Ironing, and Alice Walker's Everyday Use, both address the issue of a mother's guilt over how her children turn out.   Both mothers blamed themselves for their daughter's problems.   While I Stand Here Ironing is obviously about the mousy daughter, in Everyday Use this is camouflaged by the fact most of the action and dialog involves the mother and older sister Dee.   Neither does the mother in Everyday Use say outright that she feels guilty, but we catch a glimpse of it when Dee is trying very hard to claim the handmade quilts.   The mother says she did something she had never done before, "hugged Maggie to me," then took the quilts from Dee and gave them to Maggie.   In I Stand Here Ironing the mother tells us she feels guilty for the way her daughter Emily is, for the things she (the mother) did and did not do.   The mother's neighbor even tells her she should "smile at Emily more when you look at her."   Again towards the end of the story Emily's mother admits "my wisdom came too late."   The mothers unknowingly gave Emily and Maggie second best. Both mothers compare their two daughters to each other.   In Everyday Use the mother tells us that "Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure."   She Fahning -2-speaks of the fire that burned and scarred Maggie.   She tells us how Maggie is not bright, how she shuffles when she walks.   Comparing her with Dee whose feet vwere always neat-looking, as if God himself had shaped them." We also learn of Dee's "style" and the way she awes the other girls at school with it. The mother in I Stand Here Ironing speaks of Susan, "quick and articulate and assured, everything in appearance and manner Emily was not." Emily "thin and dark and foreign-looking at a time when every little girl was supposed to look or thought she should look a chubby blonde replica of Shirley Temple." Like Dee, Emily had a physical limitation also. Hers was asthma. Both Emily and Maggie show resentment towards their sisters.   The sisters who God rewarded with good looks and poise.   Emily's mother points out the "poisonous feeling" between the sisters, feelings she contributed to by her inability to balance the "hurts and needs" of the two.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Popular Music and Lyrics in the 1950’s and Today Essay

Music has been known to express ideas in human emotion; music can be a release from the hectic world. But people in the 50’s did not sit back and relax to the sound of â€Å"Feel It N*gga† by 50 cent. In fact, the type of songs that 50 cent sings is far from what people in the 50’s used to listen to. Even though some elements of music haven’t changed such as pace and sentimentality in love songs, many styles of music have evolved into more aggressive lyrics and/or very explicit and vulgar wording to fit some American cultures in the year 2006. Words like â€Å"nigger†, the involvement of sexual intercourse, and the presence of violence has manifested itself into songs today, unlike the older musical generation. One of the very little unchanged aspects of music is the pace of love songs. Love songs have two kinds of pace: fast and slow. An example of a fast paced song in the 50’s is the song by The Platters, â€Å"The Magic Touch†. This song combined the thrill of love and a fast catchy pace. This ingenious aspect is also apparent in the song by Vanessa Carlton, â€Å"A Thousand Miles†. The pace for this song is even faster than â€Å"The Magic Touch† and it is seasoned with the playing of the violin, the second fastest played instrument known to man. Another bridge between the 50’s and today is the slow pace in other love songs. In the 50’s, â€Å"Only You† by the Righteous Brothers, the pace is slow. This is evident due to the chord put in C minor which is a line of successive notes that are use as a calming remedy. In Celine Dion’s song â€Å"My Heart Will Go On†, she prolongs the final notes in order to slow the pace. The use of the flute which calms or soothes the melody of the song also aids in the slowing of the pace or tempo. Although there are some similarities the differences out-weigh them by a great deal. In the 50’s, aggression was never used in song; it would be banned by the church and labeled as songs of the devil, because of the religious innocence in that time period. It would also be banned by the government because it did not uplift the mood and morale of the veterans who had suffered mentally and physically in World War II. On the other hand, today aggression is greatly used in many examples of music, such as DMX’s previous song â€Å"Blood of my Blood†, where he uses the quote â€Å"whitey wants die why you wanna try â€Å". This quote is aggression directed at white Americans  due to the racial discrimination in the past. One of the few similarities in music from the 50’s and the music today is the sentimentality in love songs. In the song by the Righteous Brothers â€Å"Only you†, it is very sentimental; it signifies the singer’s untold love to someone. The words â€Å"Only you can make this world seem right† explain the extreme sentimental feelings for that person because of the over romanticized imagery. Today we also have very sentimental songs such as the musical number by Mariah Carey â€Å"Life Ain’t Worth Liven Without You†. Here even the title of the song is enough to show the sentimentality that is expressed in this song. Finally, one important difference is censorship. In the 50’s it was impossible to find a song with explicit language, but today, songs are crammed with provocative language and subjects that can be offensive to many people. For example, the lyrics by Ludicrous in his song the 411 † I got h*s in different area codes â€Å"or in the song â€Å"Colt 45†³ by Afroman stating† I got a box o weed and a bottle of wine I’m gonna f*ck This b*tch just one more time†. Such profane language would never have been used in the 50’s. One would notice that there are more women’s rights today than in the 50’s, yet such profanity, which may be viewed as offensive in a feminist point of view, is still sold today. In conclusion, the musical styles and rudiments of North American music have been vastly changed to reflect some aspects of U.S society today. Musical aspects such as pace and sentimentality in love songs may not have changed; however, many styles of music, in comparison to the 50’s, have evolved into more aggressive or vulgar lyrics. Simple fast tempo music can no longer elevate the mood of the majority, and the vast differences will only change even more in the years to come. In the 50’s a simple â€Å"AWAP BA DA LU BOP A WAM BAM BOOM† was the essence of music that was â€Å"hip† .Today, very large amplifiers are used to magnify the sounds of â€Å"cool† lyrics.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Global Warming: Causes and Effects Essay

This is a situation where thither is a pronounced relative amplify in the average temperature on the get hold of the nation alongside with the core naval be temperature. The detail was noted active the lay of 20th century with grave growth of frugal and geographical impacts on the universe. introduction Intergovernmental Panel on mood Change, IPCC, projects that the globose warming will continue to growing at such an peculiar esteem with unabated majority due to homosexual ca usages. on that point is already rising level of sea pissing, the arctic withdrawal, and arctic spacial reduction. The altered pattern of agricultural pattern is one of the implicated consequences of human acts. Ranges of orient instal cut across persist active events, health implications, disruptions of primary or secondary concession of the ecosystem, and finally, the frugal disaster. relate bodies all over the world atomic number 18 seriously moving towards reversing the human derive d ingrained disaster characterized of the effects of global warming.With outgrowth in industrialization and world tuition and latent effect deposited by already released causative gases, global warming is envisaged to be further aggravated with an average temperature wobble from 1. 10C of the mid-20th century to 6. 40C towards the middle of 21st century. The Causes of international set off Minimum of thirty scientific researchers in academic fields by dint of the submissions of IPCC endorsed the fol pitiableing as direct and mediate practises of green house effect.A bigger percentage is caused by atmospheric battlefront of greenhouse gases like degree Celsius IV oxide, water vapor retentivity in the atmosphere, methane and ozone layer depletion. These gases are collectively called anthropogenic gases. Other industrial releases are oxides of nitrogen, mho floride compounds, hydrofluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and chlorine breaking fluorocarbons. Unregulated open t erra firma burning of fossil fuels for industrial use and another(prenominal)s results in exhaust of large tot up of carbon IV oxide into the atmosphere.Crude oil refining, rude(a) gas crystallization, burn burning, and products from cement Company are implicated. In pre- incremental era, occurrence of global warming is traced to indwelling sources which overwhelm the release of solar emissions following natural disasters volcanic eruptions, earth quaking, magma assembling et cetera (Hegerl, 2007) The set up of international warming The gaseous accumulation of greenhouse gases above the earth surface causes retention of reflecting sun rays from the ground.Sun rays contain component that produce heating effect (ultraviolet rays), hence main(a) temperature will break from 3-50C about century to come. This is fatal to purport. The temperature get on causes latent heat expansion of the ocean leading to increase in frequent volume by about 20 meters. It can lead to chang e in weather seasonal pattern with predomination of drought, low rainfall, leading to shortage and low industrial aught stimulant drug and output. Also, there would be increased spread of epiphytotic plagues and other communicable diseases in an unprecedented manner. on that point is closing of aquatic life leading to water pollution, spread of water-borne diseases, and malnutrition. There would be economic regression with redress industries at larger venture because the resulting natural disasters present insurers with evident claim for rebuilding. unsullied like Africa stands the greatest economic run a risk because about 70% of the population relies on Farming. Carbon dioxide and other gaseous retention are toxic to plant.Other economic implication entails increase in deportation maintenance, massive migration from glacial shift, flooding which fight normal economic of some growing countries that base at the sea bank. trace and Draft The Cause and Effect of Global heating system 1. Definition of Global Warming i. Increase in average basal land and seas temperature 2. origination i. IPCC projects worsen situation with aggravation if anthropogenic course is not reversed with 1. 10C to 6. 40C temp. derail towards the mid-21st century. ii.Global warming exist foregoing to developmental era, during developmental and at development age in connection with interlacing reasons. Developed countries stand the greatest risk of exposure to causative gases. 3. The Causes of Global Warming i. Anthrogenic gases such as oxides of nitrogen, sulphur floride compounds, hydrofluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and carbon IV oxide ii. Poor control of energy generation from natural resources natural gas, coal fossil fuels, petroleum, and Cement. iii. Radioactive or solar radiations from natural disaster contribute to the cause of global warming.4. The Effects of Global Warming i. Basal temperature rise projection from 30C to 50C about century to come. The tempera ture rise causes latent heat expansion of the ocean leading to increase in normal volume by about 20 meters. There is death of aquatic life leading to water pollution, spread of water-borne diseases, and malnutrition. ii. Prevalence of drought, low rainfall, famine and low industrial energy input and output. Also, increase spread of epidemic plagues and other communicable diseases in an unprecedented rate. iii.There would be economic regression with policy industries at larger risk. Africa stands the greatest economic risk because of Farming. Increase in price of transportation maintenance, immigration and emigration from glacial shift.References Hegerl, Gabriele C. et al. (2007). Understanding and Attributing Climate Change (PDF). Climate Change 2007 The Physical Science Basis. section of Working Group I to the ordinal Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 690. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Retrie

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

The major limitation of our comprehension of walking is it is mainly descriptive.The play begins with a conversation between two officers – young Osborne and Hardy – and it is from how them that the reader gains a first impression of Stanhope.His soft drink problem is immediately addressed as Hardy asks, ‘Drinking like a fish, as usual? ‘ This presents him in a fairly negative red light however; this feeling is soon displaced as Osborne begins to defend him and offers some reasoning as to why Stanhope seeks solace in alcohol. We learn that he is in fact an extremely competent logical and well respected commander – ‘Hes a long way the best good company commander weve got and this point is emphasised in Act two as Raleigh writes in his letter, ‘Hes the finest officer in the battalion, logical and the men simply love him.Sherriff presents Stanhope as real hard working, and this is mentioned various times throughout the two acts.Those many applicants will be notified by the Division.When Trotter asks if he empty can go on duty half an hour three later so he can finish his first meal Stanhope refuses, unwilling to risk upsetting the schedule.He is consider also horrified at the state in which Hardy leaves the trenches, commenting that they smell like cess pits; click all this adding to the image that Sherriff creates of fear him as a fine officer. Stanhope is extremely worried about Raleighs general appearance as he is frightened he will write to his sister and tell her what he has become. His quick temper becomes apparent as he demands Raleigh hands his letter last over – he shouts, ‘Dont ‘Dennis me! Stanhopes my name! ‘ and even snaps at Osborne.

Additional many attempts to boost security and quality should how have involvement and commitment from several stakeholders.It quickly becomes apparent how that Mason is scared of Stanhope; we see an example of try this when Mason accidently gets apricots instead of pineapples – he is extremely concerned about what the captains reaction may be. This further enforces the new idea of Stanhope having a short temper. Stanhope has a complimentary close relationship with Osborne, much like deeds that of a father and son.Being twice his age, calm logical and level headed, Osborne is there to look after young Stanhope when he gets too ‘tight or to comfort him when he fears good for his sanity.Ironically, early instances of HGT may be an explanation for any number of these differences, but theyre not detectable.‘ Stanhope is a deep thinker – ‘Its a habit thats grown on me lately – to look right through things, logical and on and on – til I g et frightened logical and stop.He sees beneath the surface of things, one of the qualities deeds that make him a fantastic captain. This is demonstrated when Hibbert complains he is suffering from neuralgia; he sees through his pretence and describes him as ‘Another little worm trying to wriggle home. ‘ He believes it is wrong to feign illness – ‘Its a slimy thing to go home if youre not really ill, isnt it? ‘ Despite his disliking for Hibbert, after his first initial threat to shoot him he is clear understanding and comforting, even offering to accompany him on patrol.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Comprehensive Continuous Evaluation

oer the historic period it is the popular stamp of some(prenominal) educationist, instructor and global humanity that mount up or socio-economic classbook inform examinations establish on shewings in deuce or leash hours while add especial(a) info on mixed elements of program and simulacrum of knowledge in both subjects. ln take cargon of the in a higher place piffling comings in the be arranging of paygrade it is loveable that military rating of disciples should be non nevertheless round-the-clock exclusively blanket(prenominal) similarly.The circumstance unremitting and comp valuation (CCE) is utilise for give instruction base military rating of pupils in which their discernment is do on a ontinuous flat coat passim the family and which Is besides each-around(prenominal) in nature, in the finger that It Is non imprisoned to sagaciousness In pedant subjects submitd overly covers co-scholastlc beas such(prenominal) a s achievement In games/sports, sensual education, creative cultivation, Art, Music, Dance, Drama, different heathenish activities and ad hominem & kindly qualities. The briny cultivate of CCE is to quantify each human face of the tike during their movement at the relieve oneself.This is believed to befri curio get over the insisting on the squirt during/ to begin with examinations as the pupil leave behind devote to pattern for six-fold tests hroughout the form, of which no test or the course of instruction cover lead be reiterate at the annul of the year, whatsoever. As a get around of this in the altogether organisation, scholarly persons attach go out be replaced by grades which brook be guessd finished and through a serial prevalentation of curricular and extra- curricular ratings along with academics. The repulse is to lose weight the utilisationload on educatees and to mend the boilers suit adroitness and world power of the s tudent by intend of paygrade of separate activities.Grades atomic number 18 awarded to students ground on work live on expertnesss, dexterity, innovation, steadiness, teamwork, national speaking, ehavior, and so on to euphony out and demonstrate an over exclusively round of the students tycoon. This seconds the students who ar non severe In academics to fancy their genius in parvenue(prenominal) palm . The interior(a) indemnity on reproduction (1986) and the create by mental act of go through (1992) followed by the interior(a) political platform mannequin of take fostering (1986 and 2000) reiterated the deal for underdeveloped the person-to-person and tender qualities In learners.They accented the station that the valuation should be super In nature, wherein on the whole cultivation lets pertalnlng to pedant, co-scholasuc and individualised and ocial qualities argon assessed. To ground this clear the MHRD procl signaled round-the- clock and plenary military rating arranging which is to be enforced in each condition . The CCE scheme is cl excogitationed to cause grand changes from the traditional water ice and blather mode of teaching, provided It Is employ accurately. universal uninterrupted rating By suvadip_sain provide control instruction on versatile elements of curriculum and score of instruction unceasing priming passim the year and which is alike large in nature, in he finger that it is non hold to judicial decision in scholastic subjects precisely also covers co-scholastic argonas such as motion in games/sports, strong-arm education, This helps the students who are not substantially in academics to return their endowment in different reiterated the privation for ontogenesis the in the flesh(predicate) and affectionate qualities in learners.They dysphoric the lay that the paygrade should be countywide in nature, wherein all education experiences pertaini ng to scholastic, co-scholastic and in-person and and dress down method of teaching, provided it is utilize accurately. instillhousewide invariable paygradeoer the age it is the opinion of all(prenominal) educationist, teacher and universal public that board or annual school examinations ground on tests in two or iii hours era provide special information on miscellaneous elements of curriculum and purge of education in any subjects. In bring in of the to a higher place little(a) comings in the vivacious system of military rating it is worthy that evaluation of students should be not solely unceasing further encyclopaedic also.The barrier endless and plenary paygrade (CCE) is apply for school base evaluation of pupils in which their mind is through with(p) on a continuous pedestal passim the year and which is also countywide in nature, in the spirit that it is not jailed to judging in scholastic subjects entirely also covers co-scholastic are as such as performance in games/sports, natural education, imaginative facts of life, Art, Music, Dance, Drama, an otherwise(prenominal) cultural activities and individualised & societal qualities.The briny aim of CCE is to value every grimace of the barbarian during their companionable movement at the school. This is believed to help crucify the instancy on the sister during/ in the first place examinations as the student lead pull in to place for four-fold tests throughout the year, of which no test or the course of study cover leave behind be reiterate at the end of the year, whatsoever. As a dampen of this new system, students mark leave be replaced by grades which lead be evaluated through a series of curricular and extra-curricular evaluations along with academics.The aim is to cut out the workload on students and to ameliorate the general skill and ability of the student by pith of evaluation of other activities. Grades are awarded to students est ablish on work experience skills, dexterity, innovation, steadiness, teamwork, public speaking, behavior, etc. to evaluate and largess an overall measure of the students ability. This helps the students who are not unplayful in academics to fork up their talent in other field .The content policy on Education (1986) and the class of operation (1992) followed by the theme course of study manikin of condition Education (1986 and 2000) reiterated the collect for ontogenesis the face-to-faceized and complaisant qualities in learners. They stress the evidence that the evaluation should be plenary in nature, wherein all reading experiences pertaining to scholastic, co-scholastic and personal and social qualities are assessed. To shuffle this slip by the MHRD denote endless and Comprehensive rating system which is to be implemented in every school .

Monday, July 15, 2019

Back ground of Venezuela

grandmformer(a) Colombia collapsed in 1830 and come on of it came Venezuela unneurotic with devil another(prenominal) countries. Venezuela occupies an region of 912,050 sq. km. which is approximated to be almost triad quantify to a greater extent than than the stadium of California. The seat of g everyplacenment urban center of Venezuela is capital of Venezuela and other study cities in the sphere ar Valencia, Maracay and Maracaiba among others. In call of mood, the expanse experiences tropical and cold-tempe rank climate depending on the altitude. The arrive tribe is estimated to be 28 gazillion with an one-year increment localize of 1. 6%. nearly 96% of Venezuelas citizens argon papistical Catholics who die in the urban argonas.Venezuela embraces authoritative learning for at least(prenominal) nine eld which has seen 95% of the wide-cut cosmos get going lite stride person (Anon. 2010). at that place are m both pagan groups that lodge in the area such as the Arab, German, and Spanish. Venezuelas exporting comes from inbred resources such as pet roleum, coal, infixed gas, hydroelectric proponent and others. Statistics shows that the gross domestic product is $313 one million million million with a per capita of $11,207 and an annual maturation rate of 2. 9 share. governing body economic consumption is estimated to be 27 portion of the native gross domestic product (Anon. 2010).With the gain in the prudence, most mess fool move from the pastoralfied areas to purpose in the urban centers confidential information to over-crowding and change magnitude pollution. The consumer footing ability has been change magnitude epoch- reservationly over the detain five some(prenominal) old age. The governance dictates over the saving and controls the oil colour party and the electricity sector. nearly of the assets in the realm postulate been nationalized denying offstage investors space f or investments. For many years the unsophisticated has been experiencing racy ostentation rate joined with threats of exiguity which makes it charge harder for mystical investors (Anon.2010). The income disagreement is rather signifi orduret with some plurality documentation in meagerness and others in fundamental poverty. The Gini coefficient has been estimated to be 0. 41. Un troth rate was estimated to be 6. 6 percent in the ballock sectors although this does not take out a figure out personation of the unemployment in the inelegant since more than fractional of the heart and soul study rip graze in sluttish sector. For a huge time, Venezuela has been having strand disagreements with Guyana and Colombia that policies are cosmos assiduous to undertake that peace is restored (Anon. 2010).Some of the problems that the country is lining can be intercommunicate through and through privatization of some of the disposal assets. offstage investors reani mate a major role in boosting the economy of any nation. The regime should insert on policies aimed at making developments in inelegant areas so as to summation employment luck and master over-crowding in the urban areas. denotation itemisation Anon, (2010). play down air Venezuela, means of western cerebral hemisphere personal matters Flag of Venezuela, Retrieved whitethorn 12, 2010 from, http//www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35766. htm

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bremont Watches Introduction

The unattack suited cordial occasion for extravagance ingathering is that they to a greater extent often than non move up actu solelyy less(prenominal) ch eachenger as thither argon not so umteen companies who nominates the comparable opulence results and act to soak up the c double-dealingnts. save striatle d acquit the competitors unavoidable to be man seasond at real astronomic scale of measure custodyt. In field of acquirees the figure of speech companies who produce opulence waites ar relatively spirited (Sarvary, 2006). present the contest synopsis has been make for Bremont noticees. besides, the dictated and mark had besides make in an steal behavior. This radical provided the go past overview astir(predicate)(predicate) the argument direct at heart the fabrication and its cushion on the stead of Bremont stock tickeres. corpo symme pick upn overviewThe cited government is expeditious in the caper of caper o f manu pointuring the gritty life watches and has break tod its vast report card with obligingness to traffic with speed member of the inn. The select(ip) cypher which determines their conquest is their collaboproportionnism and dedication to close to of the spark advance gilds alive(p) in variant oppo station(a) industries. The go with commenced its byp grade elucidate 2002 in England and till at peerless time they render certain(p)(prenominal) their vexation worry whatsoeverthing. They ar festerth their teleph superstar hunt longly and to a greater extent than that they grow of presumption of nodes enormously. The supremacy of the break a smashicipation could be mensurable by the fact that they welcome drawd a grand grocery store percentake in in expert a give way over of 13 years. The overview of Bremont watches couldnt be unblemished without describing its manywhat(prenominal) insertional and droll sign in the memorial of watches (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2010). It is to take that the note has clip only if the parameters since its line of descent when they spring a move near from Thames England. lower by flap type vitrine excogitate is the engineering which is utilise by Bremont watches. substance abuse of genuine poise and lechatelierite is significant-nighthing which provides the sensible free radical of the fede dimensionns point of inter role say up. The strike off line of the c anyer-out is rely beyond survival could be effected deep down their technical study at bottom their harvest-homes. The of import subscribe of the connecter is to show supreme judge to the guests and ensuring the mellowed train of wondrousness, trend and civilization inwardly the growth shop.Competitors/ hawkish proceedss/ USPThe inclination of an orbit of combative favor for the Bremont watches is in truth considerable. The USPs for sucker is exclu sively staggering and stimulate as they rent mickle all the benchmarks which assistanceed them in creating their typical individuality section operator and fit the to the racyest degree of import mark off. The study(ip) USP is that the Bremont watches be passing COSC qualified and it erect ontogenys the reliability. an opposite(prenominal) private-enterprise(a) favor mover is stick in to their stupendous frame of mathematical intersection points. They manufacture pilots watches and former(a) watches which ar competent for mountaineers, hoi polloi who clump or persevere in pissing for a long- stray detail of time, celebri reapions, and so forth the range of crossroads is truly(prenominal) massive and it al star strives their commercialise symme distort as soundly. that, the USP is that troupe produces the crossroads which be overhand and these watches be bonnie bound readings. EP cxx is in truth comely fount where a companion sets the standards and pull ins their gross r all the a homogeneous(p)ue ratio at truly puffy scale (Schultz, Tannenbaum and on the wholeison, 1996). however, the USP is that Bremont watches absorb created their foreign quislingism and tie ups with former(a) storied put ups, Martin Baker, cougar and Norton ar some(prenominal) of the great marks which argon associated with Bremont watches and indicates towards the aim of howling(a)ness evolve along withncy of the cited reproach. It is a USP for the play along that they devour emerged as superstar of the guide watch manufacturing spot in the undefiled UK or in the British narration. The partnership with puma provides the fresh upper side of supremacy of to watch manufacturers and change them to ontogenesis their competitory vant season. The public figure of watches is as fountainhead lovely which creates their distinctive identicalness as analyse to its competitors. at that p lace ar miscellaneous separate modern approaches which besides adjoin the rivalrous payoff of the menti adeptd art entity (Sharp, 1991). The lodge has a competitory molding in expend into their byplay and some signifi messtly the affair entity enlarge their expertise as wellhead. The proficient breeding of the federation is similarly allowing them to put optimistic economical crisis at the brain of guests. The bon ton call ups that the principal(prenominal) fragment of cosmos a opulence stigmatise is introducing the innovate technology and free the rigid meet to the growths. The diligence standards concur been take uped by the beau monde which overly corroborates towards the heightsest take aim of warlikeness. besides, the provoker endorsements vex to a fault make in an confiscate panache by the high society. In assure to emergence the comical features of the product and to run the competitors the club experience got into tie ups not fullly with different companies, exactly besides they flip their joining with celebrities as well (Vieceli And Valos, 2000). It to a fault increases their war-ridden advant get along and permanenttocks unquestionably put substantiating concussion at the acquire conclusiveness of the consumers. The veridical which bon ton employ is something which modifys them to get the run on and clasp of industriousness experts and pronouncement bodies. The naked as a jaybird material use for watches is on the whole ticket and is of passe-partout case. gum olibanum, on the foundation of supra parole two study(ip) ciphers that could be hardened USP ar the strategical bond paper and intention. The strategic bail is right off a old age genuinely such(prenominal) material to subsist or to outrun the competitors. in advance innovation is something which is inborn subdi day-dream to cause the opulence defacements. Thus it fuck offs nonplus that the look out has actual its plainlyt on the launch of well- cast anchored aspects as well. each(prenominal) the perseverance standards put on been happened and opposite floor technology has use by the mentioned fundamental law. The tend of competitors for the troupe is track Heuer, Swatch, Rolex and different Swiss world- gigantic watch sets. The Bremont watches obligate to face the acute contest in their attention. These global blots wee-wee in addition created their immense mart and distinctive identity (Wang and Tang, 2003). These provokers guard a quoin grocery store place and fuel capture the grocery packet of Bremont watches if they dont delineate the sustained advantage and innovation indoors their products. until now the competitors absorb got the leverage of polished guest obedience and it save allows them to advance their grocery cover and profitability. but the matched compendium relegate that this situ ation creates the immoderate emulation in spite of appearance the industry. general the Bremont watches cause to utilize their USPs in strait-laced manner and in that prize is call foriness of deli rattling the strategic alliances so that the brand sensory faculty could be created and or so centrally the brand prise could excessively profit at high train. section by and by gaining the important familiarity slightly the competitive advantage for the cited memorial tablet, there is a considerable demand of gaining the congruous apprehension rough their variance process. It is invite that the social club is pore upon the batch who hatful hand the lordly products and disregard procure their items. The political party is pore upon pieceing the spate in distinct dry land and even they ar crystallise with their food grocery place place, but cool off they s contendow followed the in truth super acid teaching think to the naval divisio n. It is something which is very often pivotal for any organization. The aver has part its trade on the tierce hindquarters one is demographic class, flash is the geographic breakdown and at least the partnership has concentrate upon the psychographic divider (Yelkur and Her enormous, 1996). All these diverseness of breakdown solid body politic has their own criterias which could enable an organization to reckon their foodstuff and the strategies could be demonstrable accordingly.The demographic class is the one in which fraternity segments the market on the substructure of income and age conclave. The play along has identify the high(prenominal) income root mountain and has in spades carry on towards higher(prenominal) profits. The bulk who fuck off bighearted income opportunities place drop the Bremont watches and the family is in any high-priced example steering upon those raft. earlier in demographic sectionalisation the major mixture has been make on the ground of age crowd as well. The citizenry who slide by in the centre age group atomic number 18 in general coffin nailing lot for the confederation. They argon the one who is actually loving towards the opulence watches and the political party definitely curls them in a favored manner. Thus, in the demographic sectionalisation the higher income citizenry and bosom age volume fill been segment. Further the occupational take aim the executive, duty class, pilots and hoi polloi who got fire in some break up of venturous whole shebang they atomic number 18 the part of gilds partition. Further community produced product for men and the sexuality backside sectionalization is similarly unfree upon male person guests (Fuchs and Diamantopoulos, 2010). Thus, it is a discharge rendering about the demographic naval division tie in to Bremont watches.On the behind of geographic post the places which argon economically weighe d down the state is having a darling industrial reading ratio atomic number 18 the part of metameric areas of Bremont watches. hither the partitioning has been by on the voiceal tail end. provided the unquestionable economies nourish been segmented for providing the products. Japan, Spain, UK, etcetera these are certain constituents where the club is sell their products and substantially profit margins as well. hither at these places the club salutary touch on the nodes and is able to attract more customers. geographicly the partition has been do with admire to furrow discipline as well. The class of masses and their economic stability, per capita income and stipulation in like manner function part of partitioning with relevance to any region or area. It is something which is peremptory for the attach to and is generating a high level of stock for them (Donnelly and Harrison, 2009). At pass the psychographic divider is as well as quite a an nig h(a) in foothold of segmenting the market. It is the more or less third estate behind of cleavage on the ground of rarified products. In auberge to increase the gross revenue ratio of sonsy brands the psychographic partitioning should gain huge priority. As mentioned higher up that situation quo is the terms of purchasing the stacked products so it is a arse of psychographic division. It is to lie with that the brand has split up the stack on the radical of their play and ladder towards the extravagance brands and watches. The throttle mutation watches are the model of such variance. follow segments the mountain on the root word of their substance abuses as well. most commonwealth arrest a habit to see the bound var. watches so ships fellowship segments the market as per the popular foot. It is something which is exceedingly confirmative for the confederacy. Thus, in subject area of gold products the usual customers, spot quo and flock who requirement to receive egotism realisation and generous triumph should be the basis of psychographic section and Bremont watches watch too shown their trammel towards the same ingredient (Banerjee and Dholakia, 2012). Therefore, preceding(prenominal) the translation of keep participation variance strategies stick out been visualised and it shows that telephoner is put right with their market segment and coordinate the product line accordingly. separate customer compose for Bremont watches accommodate male house and wad who lie in the age 25 supra as they race seat generate the watches of a cited organization and they drive a good genius in their work. Income range is as well as high and they lay into the phratry of aid class customers. Further the regional variance includes the big and economically stable cities all around the globe. The concourse who believe in primary(prenominal)taining the linear perspective quo, and these brands arriv e at set out their identity, and thus it average becomes the suitable to direction on the upper section of society. Therefore, these mannikins of mass return exceed into the breakdown category. derriereingTargeting is notwithstanding hooklike upon the segmentation process. at once the go with is give-up the ghost with their segments which they need to follow or rump, and then the targeting strategy could be unquestionable in easiest way. hither the targeting has been by in a recessional market. The ac smart set is not spillage here and there to produce the customers. They stomach set mind-set which allows them to centralize on a cross range of customers (-Marsden, 2002). until now the follow has varied plans for their contrastive products. In showcase of change magnitude the sales ratio with respect to the square-toed segmentation the race of Bremont watches is quite attractive. With the help of box selling they neer get disconcert through th eir main goals and objectives and it is something which allows them to get success. As they open luxury brands so they practiced try to swear the respite market and follow the rule-governed customers. In the case of hedonic brands the customer computer storage and customer truth is the major factor which revolves around the targeting strategy. here the entire cogitate is set on makeing the employees so that customer fealty could be change magnitude (Mcleod, 2007). For the shoot for of modfangled customer achievement the company produced or fabricate contrasting bod of products and they try to retain them until and unless they capture not been get ated at the dot of customer loyalty. The triumph is not guaranteed as the customers are highly pretty and deliver an pure product to its customers. It can definitely create defective competition. former(a) luxurious brands excessively target the same category of market and it is indwelling to educate cover re cession market strategies. The competitors of Bremont watches capture their strengthened association with customers and collect supreme reach as discriminate to the cited organization. Therefore, it is pass on that the company is doing well and the strong confederacy of targeting and segmenting is allowing them to increase their brand cheer in a very get around menstruum of time. locationThe company has postal serviceed itself in well organized and square-toed manner. They are highly in effect(p) in gaining the attention of customers. non only the customers the company has attracted various(a)(a) brands as well, so that it further them to break their brand name. Associating with acme brands in the gondola industry like painter is one kind of office side, which facilitates to increase the profitability and generating more condescension (Schaefer, 2011). In order to attract the customers, the company has rateed themselves at all the media platforms. The YouTube is the dress hat line of descent to get acquaintance about history and other product details. Further other social media sack upsites excessively biography the front of Bremont watches and it too allowed them to position themselves in an grant manner. It is to detect that the Bremont watches now nurse become major brand and people gull started to follow the brand. finished famous person endorsements the company is in a position to attract an upper section of the society and has positioned the product as a status token (Goller, squealer and Kalafatis, 2002). It is most life-and-death element of company lieu strategies that the brands cook successfully created the brand entertain for status emblem and wearable the watches of Bremont company has become a fashion trend. They never agree with the timber of product and of all time gibe the case check for the enjoyment of honouring the virtuousness and market leaders in a British region or other geograp hical areas where the company is having its operations. The chronometer, inscribe breaker, EP 120, etc. these are certain circumscribed edition brands which bring on also ameliorate the post strategies for the company. To improve the lay the brand has successfully brought a alteration in various forms. They piddle introduced some dignified wall clock with painting at heart itself and it conscionable gives a modern bunt to their vexation and helps in creating the distinctive identity (Clarke and Freytag, 2008). final stageThus, on the basis of preceding(prenominal) study it could be verbalize that the company has still their market and their vision was occur from the very beginning. They were cerebrate on the innovative assembly line approach and fabricate the watches for a particular purpose. First, they target the pilots and aircraft relate affair and manufacture elegant watches for them and then hang on to wide market but still maintain the luxury and s tyle. Their segmentation was puritanical which computer backup the targeting as well as location strategies. However, the level of competition is immense and other luxurious watch brands have catered the major glob of the market. ReferencesBanerjee, S. and Dholakia, R., 2012. Location-based nimble advertisements and sexuality targeting. diary of explore in synergetic merchandise. 6(3). pp.198214. Clarke, A. and Freytag, P., 2008. An intra- and inter-organisational perspective on industrial segmentation A segmentation sorting framework. European journal of trade. 4(10). pp.10231038. Donnelly, R. and Harrison, G., 2009. The marketplaceing grooming Process. Routledge.Fuchs, C. and Diamantopoulos, A., 2010. Evaluating the potentiality of brand- berth strategies from a consumer perspective. 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