Saturday, August 24, 2019

What is HRM and why does it matter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

What is HRM and why does it matter - Essay Example ng employment relationships in order to ensure that the efforts of the employees were specifically directed towards attaining organizational competitiveness and good performance in the increasingly volatile markets. Since then the term has increasingly been applied in numerous business undertakings of both small and large organizations to refer to organizational functions relating to matters related to employees. Michael Armstrong (2006) summarized human resource management as a strategic approach to achievement, development, motivation and management of the human resources in the organization. He adds that it works to shape a suitable corporate culture and initiate reflective and supportive programs regarding the organization’s core values. Human Resource Management describes a system within organizations designed for the management of employees. It works towards achieving organizational goals through acquiring and maintaining competent employees. Human resource management activities involve designing or defining work, staffing and employee benefits and compensation. According to Brewster and Scullion (1997), the human resource manager is charged with the duty of recruiting employees into the organization, helping them work, working out emerging problems and compensating them accordingly. It may well be concluded from the descriptions given by different scholars and professionals that human resource management deals with matters relating to employees such as organizational development, hiring, safety, training, compensation, benefits, wellness, and motivation among others. Many a scholar has noted that the basic asset of an organization is its human resources. In other words, the organization cannot flourish without effective management of these resources. Organizational success can only be achieved by the implementation of effective personnel policies and procedures which all add to the achievement of the organization’s set targets, objectives and

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