Friday, November 29, 2019

Strength and Weakness free essay sample

The Publisher has strives to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate. While all attempts have been made to verify Information provided In this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. This book is not intended for use as a source of medical, legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in medical, legal, business, accounting, and finance field. You can to print this book for easy reading. Click Here To Get The Latest Version Another publication by http://www. Spotless. Leno Welcome Focus: Can it work for you? Are you doing exactly what you want to do in your life today?Have you attained every goal you ever set yourself? If you can answer yes to these questions, then this book is probably not for you. We will write a custom essay sample on Strength and Weakness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But wait! If you answered NO to these questions and your answers to the following questions are still NO, then this book is a MUST READ for you. Do you find it EASY to concentrate and focus 100% on the task in hand? Is it SIMPLE for you to exercise self-discipline when you need to? Are you CONFIDENT when talking with peers, partners or even your kids? Have you LEARNT how the art of focus, confidence and selflessness changes lives?Can you look yourself In the mirror SMILING about everything youve accomplished so far? Have you ever found yourself stuck In a rut with the feeling that your life Is going NOWHERE? Have you ever felt UNSURE about the steps you have taken, and continue worry, and dont feel bad. There are lots of other people Just like you. People who have no direction, or they could possibly have a direction but Just dont know how to get there. I may Just have the answer for you today. Everybodys life has its ups and downs, but not everybody is aware that they can actually DO something themselves to turn things around.Knowing how to focus, how to build up confidence and self- esteem, and knowing when to exercise sel f-discipline are HUGE steps toward a better fife for yourself and those around you. Another publication by http://www. Cesspits. Info k, lets get down to why you are REALLY reading this book. Lets look at focus, confidence and self-discipline and see what we can do to make things work for you! Focus Focus is a scary word to most people. What can it do for us? How can it help us? Can we program ourselves to focus? Focus, confidence and selfishness all work hand in hand with each other.Learning to focus can help us in many ways. It can help us realize what we really want in life, it can help us make good and informed decisions. It can also help us to accept ourselves Just the way we are, without feeling the need to condemn ourselves or put ourselves down in any way, shape or form. Focus can help us gain confidence, power and happiness. Focus can also help us remain grounded and stay on track. Focus can change confusion into absolute knowledge and self-criticism into love for oneself. Always be aware that you ARE able to focus on what you want, and to focus your thoughts on anything at all.Try it now by thinking about the dishes, now change your focus and think about your car. Switch focus gain and think about a dog. It really is that easy to focus on whatever you want to focus on. We all need to learn to set aside time to be used on the one thing we want or need to focus on. Its not a matter of taking the time to focus, but more a matter of making the time. If we are willing to make the time, we will focus a lot better on whatever it is you want or need to do. You ask me how I can possibly make time to focus with four demanding children, 3 dogs and a new house?Easy, I can stay up for an extra hour when all the kids are in bed and the house is quiet, and MAKE the time o focus on what Im doing with absolutely no distractions at all. Oh, thats right; you work too, so youre too tired to stay up late. How about getting up half an hour early, before the madness at home begins? Before you go to bed, get everything ready for your early morning focus time so that you dont have to run around looking for it when youre half awake. Of course, this means you have to have a plan of action ready beforehand. Decide when you are going to make time, and stick to it like glue.Dont let ANYTHING take you away from that time. Make sure you have everything you Unplug the phone, turn off the television, and dont even listen to quiet background music. Whatever happens around you will distract you unless you learn how to focus. Sometimes it seems easier to Just go along with these distractions than to focus on the end goal. Remember, if you let yourself go along with the distractions, you are losing sight of your goals. Sharpen your vision of what you want or you WILL be at the mercy of your environment. When you want something you have to decide EXACTLY what it is you want.If you dont know what you want, theres no way on earth youre going to be able to focus on it. So you want to pass that driving test that youve taken and failed umpteen times, or you want to pass that really important exam in school. You might want to write a book, or build a website, run your own business, be a teacher or any number of different things. The main thing is you have to KNOW thats what you want, and you have to set your aims high and demand yourself to focus on getting it. Once you decide what you want, you have to decide WHY you want it.Visualize yourself in that brand new Mercedes or BMW, or in front of that school desk teaching the kids geography. The vision makes you feel good, right? So thats why you want it, it feels good to do what you want to do, be who you want to be and own what you want to own. Visualization is a major part in being able to focus. If you can actually see yourself in the position you want to be in, then its so much easier to focus on the task of getting there. The next thing you have to do is to decide how youre going to actually get what you want. What are you willing to sacrifice in the quest to get those great exam grades?What can you do without in order to start up your own business? How can you make your family life happier and more peaceful? Sit back and close your eyes, imagining what it will be like to have what you want in life, and think long and hard about what you can give up so that you can get there. Say you want a new sofa, but the only way you can get one is if you quit smoking. Envision the sofa, with you and your partner cuddling up on it. What color is it? Is it big and fluffed up, or is it a small ultra-modern sofa? Focus on the sofa and want it badly enough, you WILL stop smoking so you can get it.These are all small things and perfectly attainable with a little bit of focus, but what if you want bigger and better things than that? Well then you set goals for yourself. First overcome the exams, once that goal is reached go get that driving license. Next you get a brand spanking new BMW. Keep setting goals; as soon as you reach the first one, move on to the next, staying focused all the time on what it is you want. Reaching that first goal will give you an incredible boost of confidence, which in turn will make it so much easier to get started on the next goal.The more goals you reach, the more confidence you will have in yourself and that will fuel the success of the next goal, and the next one after that, until there are endless possibilities for you. Start off by writing down each and every goal you WANT to reach in your lifetime. Go to bed at night, it gives your brain time to take it all in and work with it. Its amazing what the brain will do when we are sleeping. Also, writing the plan the night before helps free up that time during the next day so that you can purely sit and focus on the task at hand.Make the plan a numbered list and cross each item off as you finish it. Youll be amazed at how quickly you get through it this way. Once youve reached the outcome you want, move on to your next goal following the same pattern as before. If you find your thoughts wandering in your focus time take a break, write down your thoughts and put them away somewhere for future reference. If you find there are multiple things you can do to attain your goals, fugue out which of them is the one most likely to help you get there quickest. Put the others on hold, they may come in useful when youre aiming for that next goal.If you lock your focus, and stick with it for as long as you have to, you WILL succeed. If you stick to one thing, one goal and focus on that, its virtually impossible to not reap the rewards of your actions. Confidence Before we start, please keep one thing in mind; Confidence and arrogance are two totally different things. If you confuse the two, you will most certainly become a very unhappy person with very few real friends. Arrogance is NOT a quality and it wont help you reach your goals any faster. Confidence in oneself, or the lack thereof is what stops people from getting tightly focused on what they want to achieve.That little voice telling them they cant do something is their biggest I-IN-motivator. What can YOU do to gain confidence? 25 Tips Toward Boosting Your Confidence and Self Esteem. 1. Love Yourself: This can take a bit of practice and looks really funny, but try it, it works. When you wake up, give yourself a great big hug. Do the same when its time for sleep. Youve heard this said a million times before: How can you expect others to love you if you dont love yourself? Its true. Practice the morning and evening hugs for 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks if youre the stubborn type and youll see how well it works. . Look in the mirror: Every time you pass a mirror, look into it and flash your biggest and best smile at yourself. It might feel strange at first, but eventually itll make you feel brilliant about ourselves. Tell yourself Looking good! or Wow, I love me! or similar phrases often enough to actually start believing it. 3. Do things that make you feel good: This can be anything from listening to music, trekking in the Andes, doing some volunteer work or even Just taking a shower. Anything that gives you a positive feeling 4. Listen to YOU: Face it.Nobody knows you better than you know yourself, no matter how many people try to tell you differently. So if your body, mind or gut is telling you something, then take notice of it, and dont worry about what other people may possibly have to ay about it. 5. Talk to you: In times of stress, take a time-out break. Wander into your own mind and have a conversation with yourself about anything at all. Tell yourself how lucky you are to be you, and praise yourself for every good and positive thing you can attribute to yourself. 6. Remove negatives: If anything feels like its dragging you down, get rid of it.If its clutter, tidy up, if its a friend full of negativity explain nicely that you dont really feel up to talking right now. If its your kids acting up, leave the room for a while and so on. 7. Surround with positives: Surround yourself with things that bring out good feelings in you. Examples could be things such as happy, upbeat friends, a nice new picture, a new car, an old comfy blanket, candles, pictures of your family, your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse etc. 8. Rumors Die: Did you hear something about somebody who said something about somebody else? Drop it!Rumors are nasty, horrible things that will only bring you down. Best way to kill a rumor? Ignore it! 9. Total Honesty: Be totally honest with yourself at all times. If theres something you dont like, admit it. If theres something you dont want to do right now and it isnt necessary for lath and safety reasons then Just dont do it until you feel like it. Same goes for the positive aspects. If theres something you want to do, and its not hurting anybody, then go ahead and do it. If you start feeling great about yourself for no apparent reason admit it and enjoy the feeling. Take full responsibility for your own actions.Dont shove the blame for anything over onto someone or something else. We all make choices in our lives, and once we take responsibility for those choices we tend to choose better for ourselves. Once we start to choose better, we feel better and things start falling into place. On the other hand, dont take over someone elses responsibilities Just because you feel you have to. 11. Pretend: If you feel unsafe, unsure or nervous then go inside yourself and pretend youre a hot-shot lawyer, actor, actress, singer or whatever you need to be. Make believe youre presenting yourself as that person would until you feel better.Trust me, you WILL feel better, and eventually have no need to be anything but yourself. 12. Keep Trying: If youre trying to do something but dont get it right first time round, then try again, and again, and again, constantly learning from your mistakes until you get it right. When you finally DO get it right, youll feel wonderful about it. 13. Credit where credit is due: If youve done something really good, and people compliment you on it, accept the compliments with thanks! Understand that theyre complimenting because they really ARE impressed with what youve done. Believe in you and give yourself a pat on the back. Although physically it would probably be easier to Just give yourself a round of applause). 14. Stand Tall: Standing up straight will ALWAYS make you feel better about yourself than slouching does. Stand with your feet slightly apart, suck in your tummy and Another publication y http://www. Cesspits. Info behind, broaden your shoulders and straighten your neck. Its an amazingly quick confidence boost. 15. Say Hello: Make it a rule to say hi to at least one person you dont know EVERY day. Give them the smile you flash at yourself in the mirror, the biggest and best one you can find.Theyll smile back automatically, and theyll walk away with a little extra confidence boost thanks to you. People look their best when they smile, and they also feel better by smiling too! This ultimately means you get a confidence boost too, for making someone else feel good about themselves. 6. Never Say Never.. .. Ever: eventually. So never say never, Just keep plugging along until it works for you. If other people are telling you it cant be done, youre going to feel such immense satisfaction at actually doing it that your confidence will soar. 17.Get Active: Dont sit around the house Just doing nothing. Get up, go out, cycling, walking, exercising, anything that might invigorate your brain. A lively brain full of thoughts will help you gain confidence. 18. Happy Foods: Happy foods, such as chocolate, strawberries, lemons, ice-cream etc will increase the retention levels in your brain, leading to an increased feeling of happiness. Feeling happy is a natural confidence boost. So go on, enjoy your food! (in moderation, of course). 19. Face Your Fear: Is there something you are afraid of? Face it full on.Doing something scary and overcoming the fear is a fantastic way to boost your confidence. So go on, Jump out of that plane (with a parachute of course), drive that car, speak in front of a large crowd, ask for a promotion, or whatever it is that scares you. Youll feel absolutely brilliant once its done. 20. Willpower: Create a goal that you really want to reach. Possibly something like weight loss before a certain time, giving up smoking or having a certain amount of money in the bank within so many months etc. Take baby steps, and use your willpower until you succeed at reaching your goal.It will be really hard, as will power can be very elusive at times, but keep going and dont give up. Once you have reached that first goal by using your willpower you will have the confidence to create new goals AND reach them. 21 . Ask questions: Any time you find yourself worrying about something you havent done, or something you think you should have done, ask yourself positive questions. Instead of thinking Im terrible for missing my friends birthday think What can I do to make my friend feel special? Or, instead of Why cant I ever seem to do things on time? Change it to What can I change to better manage my time Creating positive questions will release the negative energies which have a tendency to pull down your self confidence. Accept that not everything works out the way we plan it. Decide to accept any mistakes and rejections as part of a learning curve that we all need to go through. Without mistakes, you cant learn from your own experiences. Remember, experience lids confidence, so always learn as much as you can. 23. List: Write a list of every single thing youre good at, anything from clipping the dogs toenails to putting up a shelf.Take the time to sit and actually think about what you ARE good at and add them all to the list. Youll be surprised at how many things you end up Jotting down, no matter how minor or trivial they may seem at the time. Whenever you have a spare 5 minutes, or if youre feeling a little low, take the list out of your pocket and read it. This is a great little way to give yourself a nice confidence boost. 24: Help out: There are lots of ways to help others, and feeling useful and helpful are great ways of building your confidence. Just make sure you do things because you WANT to do them.You could call a good friend who may be down at the moment-even take them out for coffee, you will brighten both your days, or you could possibly help out at an old folks home or similar. Knowing that people appreciate your help will boost your confidence for sure. 25: Show the way: Think of the one thing you do best of all. Think long and hard about this one. Thought of something? Now, find a discussion group or similar related to that topic and parade your wisdom by answering questions, offering advice or help to anybody needing it. If you cant find a group, you could even start one yourself.People will look up to you and that will give you all the more reason to feel confident about yourself. Self-Discipline To really be able to focus demands a lot of self-discipline. Remember that your outcome depends on YOU, not on the world around you. If you want something badly enough you WILL do everything in your power to get it. Self-discipline in this context is basically only letting yourself do what you WANT to do at that precise moment in mime to be able to reach your goals more quickly. Remember that YOU are the boss of your actions. YOU are the one who is in control.So ultimately YOU decide what and when to do things you need to do to achieve your ultimate success. Another publication by http://www. Cesspits. Info Your ability to manage your actions is directly related to the level of success and happiness you will experience throughout your life. Managing your actions is commonly known as exercising self-discipline. Its absolutely not about restricting your lifestyle, or punishing yourself. Its about being able to work with your thoughts, behavior and actions in order to reach the goals that you wish to reach.Not having self-discipline is one of the main reasons why we fail at what we want to do, both professionally and personally. Excuse-making often creates lack of self-discipline, so drop all your excuses and start keeping habits that in themselves will create the self- discipline you need. Make routines that you know you are capable of sticking to, and keep them. How do you attain self-discipline? A few options could be regular exercise, better, healthier eating, even learning to spend less money. It could be something eke deciding to learn something new every single day or Just getting up an hour earlier than you normally would.Having self-discipline will help you to complete the most boring and mundane of the tasks you are focusing on. Should you find yourself sitting and thinking thoughts like Oh, Ill Just do this instead or l can do that some other time when you are working on your goals then STOP, take a deep breath and remember your self-discipline. In Ending The end of the story? You can do anything you want to do, be anything you want to be and go where you want to go. All you need is confidence in yourself and the ability to Ochs. Eve now given you ideas on how to do that, so go on; Get out there and DO it!If you still lack of confidence to make this work for your success, dont hesitate to get Firmware that will hold you hand by hand to make it happen. A motto to live by, in ALL aspects of life, quoted from Napoleon Hills book Think rich, grow rich. To Your Success Cesspits. Info Recommended Resources goals in the quickest time. And I highly recommend this to those who are lack of self discipline or whoever that fails to concentrate on their goals for whatever reasons it might be. Click Here to see how it can help you.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety The need for waste management is essential in assessing the requirements for properly managed waste in a community. Needs assessment process would involve checking the existing waste management strategies, identifying the areas of importance, focusing on the critical needs, and identifying possible solutions. Waste management involves supervising the gathering, ferrying, processing, discarding and recycling of waste materials formed by human activity. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental Health and Safety specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If this waste is not well managed, it can be a threat to humans and the environment in general. Thus, needs assessment for managing waste would be conducted by observing the methods that can be used to control the negative effects of waste. Waste is classified into four classes namely solid, liquid, gaseous, and radio active. Each of these four classes has its own methods o f discarding. To begin with, observation of how landfills are managed is essential in assessing the need for waste management. Landfill is whereby waste is collected and buried in an isolated piece of land that is relatively far from residential areas such as quarries. The waste is then compacted and covered in order to keep rodents away and keep the waste intact. This is the cheapest method of discarding waste but its effectiveness relies on how the dumping site is planned and run. There are several problems that are associated with landfills. Lemann (2008) argues that if the landfill is not planned well, it might attract rodents such as rats and mice and also debris from the dumpsite might be blown by wind into residential areas. Secondly, these dumping sites generate a gas that contains carbon dioxide and methane which is produced by decaying organic matter. This gas has a fowl odor and does not support plants life. This gas can be extracted using perforated pipes and then burnt to generate electricity. Thus, without proper management of landfills in a community, the community is deemed to be affected by waste. Another method of waste management that can be assessed is incineration. Incineration is the most appropriate method of discarding solid, liquid and gaseous waste. Its best suited for places where land is inadequate. In this method waste is discarded by burning or by exposing the waste matter to high temperatures referred to as thermal treatment. The waste is usually put in a furnace where it is burned to produce gas which is then used to produce electricity. Recycling involves collecting waste bins and ferrying them to a recycling center. Once they arrive at the recycling center, they are graded according to the materials that are used to manufacture them. This is to ensure that waste that is made from a common material can be remanufactured to make new goods. Good examples of products that can be reused are aluminum cans, plastic beverage containe rs, computers, glass jars, PVC and papers.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Involving the Community in Needs Assessment Process Biological Reprocessing This is one of the methods that can be used to involve the community in needs assessment process. Organic waste for example food bits and pieces, plants and papers is reprocessed using biological absorption and composting to decay the organic waste which is then used as manure (organic fertilizer) in farms. This process is used to increase the process of decaying the organic matter. During this process methane is extracted and is thereby used in producing electricity. This method has been found to be more efficient than the other methods of discarding waste. Energy Retention The energy contained in waste material can be recaptured by converting them into other forms of fuel. This means that the waste material can be used in homes as fuel for cooking food and also the gas that is obtained from decaying matter can be used as fuel in boilers that produce electricity in turbines. The process of extracting this gas from organic waste is called gasification. The waste material is put into boilers that are tightly sealed to create high pressure. The boilers are then heated at very high temperatures which in return change the form of the waste from solid to liquid and lastly gas. The gas and the liquid are reprocessed to produce energy while the solid material is converted to active carbon. Methods of Avoiding Accumulation of Waste According to Vaughn (2009), there are several ways through which accumulation of waste can be avoided. The first one is by adopting the habit of continuous use of items that had been used previously. To add on to that all households and organizations should be encouraged to repair their broken items instead of replacing the item with a new one. By doing this, all dustbins will remain empty. Manufactures too can contribute to avoiding accumulation of waste by coming up with products that can be reused. For instance plastic shopping bags should be replaced by cotton bags because cotton can be reprocessed to make another shopping bag. Consumers can also participate in this campaign by not using disposable products such as plastic knives, plates, spoons and forks. Manufacturers should also use light materials in their products for instance in telecommunications industry lighter phones are more preferred than bulky ones because they are easy to carry around. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental Health and Safety specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More All companies that manufacture goods for local and external markets should be held accountable for the lifecycle of their goods from the time they are manufactured till they are fully exhausted. Individuals or organizations that will be found polluting the environment should be made to compensate for the damages they cause to the environment. In conclusion, the pollution of air and water by discarding toxic materials and also polluting the soil by deforestation and emitting toxic gases that damage the ozone layer contribute to global warming which poses a great threat to human lives and those of other living things on planet earth. References Lemann, M.F. (2008).Waste Management. Switzerland: Peter Lang AG, International Academic Publishers. Vaughn, J. (2009).Waste Management. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, Inc.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Modern soil stabilization methods in condition of a dense urban Research Paper

Modern soil stabilization methods in condition of a dense urban environment - Research Paper Example The present study is focused on the methods of soil stabilization, the modern day techniques and materials that are available, and the need and understanding of the methods such that soil stabilization in the urban dense areas can be successfully achieved improving the conditions of the soil, increasing their strength and making them more capable of bearing loads. Introduction: Stabilization of soil refers to the process of soil treatment through the use of chemicals or mechanically. This is primarily done to improve the engineering properties of the soil. The chemical materials that are in common used for the purpose include lime, fly ash, and cement. Mechanical substances include geotextiles and geogrids. The use of cement treated bases generally assists in upgradation of the quality of the soil. There are several reasons for the need of soil stabilization. These essentially include the strengthening of the soil since stabilization of soil increases the strength of the soil that is already in existence thereby improving its capacity to bear loads. Also, soil stabilization enables control of dust and allows waterproofing of the soil. With control in dust, the dust that is generated as a result of use of different tools and instruments may be eradicated. Waterproofing enables preservation of the natural strength of soil by preventing the entry of water travelling from the surface (Ana, 2011). Mechanical or additive methods are the two most significant methods that can be used for soil stabilization. The blending of the materials used is highly essential in this regard since it determines the effectiveness of the stabilization. A stationary or travelling plant is usually considered to be preferable for the mixing whereas other methods like scarifies, plows, disks, graders, and rotary mixers are also used. The amount of stabilization required as well as the environment and prevailing conditions of the site determine the method that may be used for stabilization. Mechanical stabilization mixes soils of two different gradations that result in the desired soil specificity. In the additive method, the use of an additive which when added into particular amounts leads to improvement of the soil. Apart from mechanical and additive measures, soil stabilization might also be achieved through cementing or by modification. The cementing process makes use of chemicals for hardening the soils. In the process of modification, the compacting, mechanical blending, addition of cementing materials in small amounts, or addition of chemical modifiers are done to achieve the stabilization of the soil (Ana, 2011). With understanding the needs of stabilization of soils, and the different methods available for the process of soil stabilization, the present study focuses on the modern methods of soil stabilization that may be applied in the dense urban environments. Literature Review: Day et al (2010, pp.193-195) in their studies reflected on the association of the root and soil in the urban environment which they considered to be critical not only for the lives of trees but also for the functions of the ecosystem in the urban areas as well. The importance of trees and hence the significance of soil stabilization has been considered in these studies. Hence conditions in a particular urban environment that includes the compactness of the soil, and other factors associated with underground infrastructure, contamination, etc are essential for the development of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cross-Cultural Business Expansion Management Essay

Cross-Cultural Business Expansion Management - Essay Example The two countries where we can expand our business have been identified as China and Canada. Canada has certain similarities to America in terms of the legal, cultural and economic environment but the systems in China are significantly different (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1998). However, an understanding of both is important for us if we are to make our international venture a successful one for all concerned parties. Being our old ally and neighbor, Canada is particularly important for America as a trade and resource partner and there are quite a few similarities in terms of culture, laws, the environment and business processes which connect the two countries. In terms of size, it is the worlds second-biggest country with regard to governed area and it stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The country was founded like America as a set of British colonies but it gained full independence from the UK in a peaceful process (Statistics Canada, 2007). Systemically, unlike America, Canada is a federal constitutional monarchy which is ruled by the Queen of England but it also has a parliamentary system of democracy. Culturally, Canada is a bilingual country since a significant population speaks French therefore both French and English are official languages (Statistics Canada, 2007). The levels of diversity in Canada are much higher than in America since a significant population segment is made up of immigrants to the country. In terms of doing business, it might be useful for us to have a French speaker or two if we really want our products to sell in the French-speaking regions of the country. However, the advantage of doing business in Canada comes from its technological base and high standard of living.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Poetry - Essay Example Despite his mother’s protestations and desire to spend their insurance cheque on a house which would greatly benefit the family as a whole, Walter is adamant that he invest the money, and does so despite these familial objections. His sister wants to spend money on tuition for medical school as it is her dream to become a doctor, but he even mocks this as she is a woman and he cannot see the merits of spending the money in this way. Walter reflects the view in the 1950s that women should stay at home and only men should be educated, an obstacle his sister must constantly fight against. Though he does dream of his son going to college, this is still a selfish dream as he appears to think that this will reflect favourably on himself. The conflict the family experience due to their different dreams, is a major theme. The character of Walter as the protagonist of the play is also the most interesting in my opinion as he also serves as a form of antagonist. Many of the plays themes and plot developments centre on Walter while it is also as a result of Walters weaknesses and actions which cause the family further adversity and problems. Walters character goes through a significant transformation through the play. At the beginning he is portrayed as weak, selfish, materialistic and belligerent, while by the end of the play his selfishness seems to have waned as he puts the needs of his family ahead of his own. In doing so, he gives the play its structure and reflects the conflict and tensions which were relevant at the time. The character of Walter is introduced to the audience as a man of weakness and selfishness and several of the social and economic obstacles faced by the Younger family are manifested in Walters attitude. Though Walter admits that he wants the best for his family, his version of having the best is utterly materialistic and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

History And Evolution Of RFID Technology Information Technology Essay

History And Evolution Of RFID Technology Information Technology Essay Chapter 1 Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is the fastest growing technology in the world today. RFID is an automatic identification method that can remotely retrieve data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. RFID in wireless communication has evolved to the great advancement of wireless technology. This introduction of RFID into the mobile communication field has made the world a smaller place to live in. The technology which enables the electronic labeling and wireless identification of objects using radio frequency communications is RFID. RFID is also a subset of the broader area of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies. The advancement in different applications of RFID are emerging from current research ideas to concrete systems. RFID and mobile telecommunications are the services that provide information on objects equipped with an RFID tag over a telecommunication network. Tags are stationary and Readers are in mobile phone (mobile). RFID readers can simultaneously scan and also identify hundreds of tagged items. Diffusion of radio frequency identification (RFID) promises to enhance the added value of assistive technologies of mobile users. Visually impaired people may benefit from RFID- based applications that support users in maintaining spatial orientation through provision of information on where they are, and description of what lies in their surroundings. To investigate this issue, we have integrated our development for mobile device. With a complete support of RFID tag detection, and implemented an RFID enabled location-guide. The guide is an ecological guidance in mobile technology. This introduction of RFID into the mobile communication field has made the world a smaller place to live in. RFID is the base technology for ubiquitous network or computing and to be associated with other technologies such as telemetric, and sensors. The term RFID is used to describe various technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. RFID technology is similar to the bar code identification systems we see in retail stores every day. However one big difference between RFID and bar code technology is that RFID does not rely on the line-of-sight reading that bar code scanning requires to work. 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW: The study of this project describes about the application of RFID in cinemas. The main study of the project is to check the authorized member or not enter the cinema using RFID application. We must check whether the person is authorized or not through RFID technology .In this project each person have one RFID card with the ticket when the person purchases the ticket so that person has right to enter the cinema .After entering the cinema the person can check the status whether it is screen1 or screen2 through RFID. Here RFID will read the data from card and compare data base and display the data. If the person is authorized means cinema(screen1 or 2) will open through door shepherd(stepper motor).Otherwise it will give message as this is not appropriate screen please check the other screen and it give a buzzer. Aims and Objectives: The main aim of the project is to explore the application of RFID in wireless communications. The main objectives are to develop a new application using the existing applications of RFID. DELIVERABLES: CHAPTER 2 Definition: The technology which enables the electronic labeling and wireless identification of objects using radio frequency communications is RFID. RFID is also a subset of the broader area of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies. RFID is an application of object connected data carrier technology with attributes that are complementary to other machine-readable data carrier technologies. RFID technologies provide strong potential for improving efficiency, productivity and/or competitiveness. RFID market increasing significantly, yielding lower costs and higher performance. RFID is about identifying and handling items Physical Materials Components and sub-assemblies Products Containers Physical carriers People Locations HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF RFID TECHNOLOGY: Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is a technology that has existed for decades. At a simple level, it is a technology that involves tags that emit radio signals and devices called readers that pick up the signal. It was not until the 1980s that RFID applications began to appear in commercial applications, such as railroad freight car tagging, the tagging of cattle and rare dog breeds, key less entry systems and automatic highway toll collection. As there is improvement in the technology there has been reduction in the cost and size, and it has gained wide acceptance in warehouse management and manufacturing. First application to identify planes in world II using radar. 60s -Electronic article surveillance (EAS) used to identify whether an item has been paid or not using a 1 bit tag. 80s first automated toll payment systems. RFID has been used in mobile technology through which there had been a great advancement in this field. Korea is widely known that it has established one of the most robust mobile telecommunication networks. Korea has recognized the potential of RFID technology and has tried to converge with mobile phone. Convergence of three technologies: Radio frequency electronics: The research in the field of radio frequency electronics as applied to RFID was begun during World War 2 and continued through the 1970s. The RF electronics and antenna systems employed by RFID interrogators and tags have been made possible because of radio frequency electronic research and development. Information technology: The research in the field of information technology started in the mid 1970s and roughly continued through 1990s. interrogator and the host computer employ this technology. Networking of RFID systems and RFID interrogators has been made possible by research in this field. Material science: some of the breakthroughs in material science technology made the RFID tags cheaper to manufacture. By overcoming this cost barrier goes a long wayin making RFID technology commercially viable. Mile stones in RFID and speed of adoption: The development of RFID technology can be defined by the following time based summaries shown below: Pre- 1940s: Different scientists like faraday, Maxwell, hertz had yielded a complete set of laws of electromagnetic energy describing its nature. In the beginning of 1896 Watson, Baird and many others sought to apply these laws in radio communications and radars. So including RFID work done in this era form the building blocks upon which many technologies have been built. 1940s World war 2: Many advancements and improvements have been taken place during World War 2. Scientists and engineers continued their research increasingly in these areas. In 1948 Harry stockman published a paper on reflected power which is the closest thing to the birth of RFID technology. 1950s- Early exploration of RFID technology: Different technologies related to RFID were explored by researchers during 1950s. The US military began to implement early form of aircraft RFID technology called identification, Friend of Foe, or IFF. 1960s- Development of RFID theory and early field trials: RF Harrington did a lot of research in the field of electromagnetic theory and it is applied to the RFID. Passive data transmission techniques utilizing radar beams and interrogator- responder identification system introduced by Vogel man and J.P vindings. In the late 1960s sensormatic and checkpoints were founded to develop electronic article surveillance (EAS) equipment for anti-theft and security applications. These are 1-bit systems that mean these only detect in the presence of RFID tags rather than identifying them. Later EAS is the first widespread use of RFID. 1970s: Early adopter applications and an RFID explosion: There is a great deal of growth in RFID technology in 1970s based on the witnesses. All the academic institutions, companies and government laboratories are involved in RFID. In 1975 short range radio- telemetry for electronic identification using modulated backscatter was released. Big companies such as Raytheon, RCA started to develop electronic identification technology and by 1978 a passive microwave transponder is accomplished. Later the US federal administration convened a conference to explore the use of electronic identification technology in vehicles and transportation application too. By the end of the decade research in computers and information technology which is crucial to the development of RFID hosts, interrogators and networks has started as evidenced by the birth of PC and the ARPANET. 1980s- commercialization: This year brought about the first widespread commercial RFID systems. Personnel access systems, key less entry are some of the examples. In Norway the worlds first toll application was implemented and later in Dallas. In 1980s the implemented RFID systems were proprietary systems. So there is little competition in the RFID industry and that results in high cost and impeded industry growth. 1990s- RFID enters the main stream: In 1990 RFID finally started to enter the main stream of business and technology. In the middle of the year RFID toll systems operate at highway speeds. This means the drivers could pass through toll points un impeded by plazas or barriers. This results in the deployment of RFID toll systems in United States. TIRIS system was started by the Texas instruments which developed new RFID applications for dispensing fuel such as ski pass system and vehicle access systems. In the early 1990s the research in the information was well developed and evidenced by proliferation of PCs and internet. The materials technology advances and many of them related to semiconductor chip makers such as IBM, INTEL, MOTOROLA and AMD put cost effective tags on the horizon. At the end of the year large scale smart label tests had started. 2007 and Beyond: Item level tagging is implemented when there are no checkout scenario at large super markets. High value and high risk goods are the first to benefit from item level tagging. For example goods like pharmaceuticals and firearms. Smart shelves for select categories started to appear and smart appliances with embedded RFID technology come into the market place. OVERVIEW OF RFID TECHNOLOGY: Wireless radio communication technology is used by the RFID system to uniquely identify the people or tagged objects. RFID system consists of three basic core components RFID tag RFID Reader Controller TAG: Tag can also be called as transponder which consists of a semi conductor chip and sometimes a battery. The life time of a battery in a active tag is limited by the number of read operations and the amount of energy stored. READER: Reader can also be called as interrogator or a read/write device, which consists of antenna, an RF electronics module and a control electronics module. CONTROLLER: Controller can also be called as host which acts as a work station running data base and control which is often called as middle ware software. FUNCTION OF RFID TAG: Tag stores the data and transmits data to the interrogator. The electronic chip and antenna present in tag are combined in a package to form a usable tag as a packaging label fixed to a box. The chip contains memory where the data stored is read or written too in addition to other important circuitry. Tags are of two types Active tags Passive tags [RFID-tags.bmp] Active tags: Tags are said to be Active if they are having an on-board power source called battery. When the tag requires transmitting the data to the interrogator, tag uses the source to derive the power for the transmission. This is same as the mobile phone which uses a battery so that the information is transmitted over longer ranges and communicates with less powerful interrogators. These tags have large memories up to 128 Kbytes. The life time of battery in the active tag can last from two to seven years. Passive tags: Tags which contain no on-board power source are called passive tags. To transmit the data they will get the power from the signal sent by the interrogator. Passive tags are of low cost and typically smaller to produce than active tags. Differences between Active tags and Passive tags: Active tags are self powered where as Passive tags is not having their own power source. The maximum distance that the Passive tags generally operate is 3 meters or less where as Active tags can communicate with 100 meters are more away. Passive tags require more signal from the reader than the Active tag. Active tags are better suited than passive tags when the collection of tags needs to be simultaneously read. The reader talks first in the passive tag, the RFID tag is a server where as in the case of Active tags communications can be initiated by either the tag or the reader. FUNCTION OF RFID READER: RFID readers convert the returned radio waves from the RFID tag into a form that can be passed on to controllers, which can make use of it. The RFID tags and readers should be tuned to the same frequency in order to communicate. 125KHZ frequency is most commonly used or supported by Reader. FUNCTION OF A CONTROLLER: The brains of any RFID system are RFID controllers. Controllers are used to network multiple RFID interrogators combined and to process the information centrally. In any network the controller should be a application software or workstation running data base. Controller uses the information gathered by the interrogators when new inventory is needed in retail application and alert the suppliers. FREQUENCY: Frequency of operation is the key consideration as the television broadcast in a VHF or a UHF band. RFID Frequency Table In RFID there are two types of bands low frequency and high radio frequency bands in use Low frequency RFID bands: Low frequency (LF): 125-134 kHz High frequency (HF): 13.56 MHz High frequency RFID bands: Ultra- high frequency (UHF): 860-960 MHz Microwave: 2.5GHz and above Frequency plays a prominent role because several characteristics of an RFID system are affected by the choice of frequency. CHARACTERISTICS OF AN RFID SYSTEM: The following are the characteristics of an RFID system: Read range Interference from other radio systems Data rate Antenna size and type Read range: For the lower frequency bands the read ranges of passive tags are not more than couple feet because of poor antenna gain. The electromagnetic wavelength is very high at lower frequencies. At high frequency there is increase in the read range especially where active tags are used. Here because of high frequency bands that leads to health concerns in human, most regulating bodies. So the range of these high frequency systems reduced from 10 to 30 feet on average in the case of passive tags. Interference from other radio systems: The fact is that LF frequencies do not experience path loss and the operating systems in the LF band are particularly vulnerable. The radio signals operating at same LF frequency will have high strength at the antenna of a RFID interrogator, which can translate into interference. Data rate: RFID systems have low data rate operating in the LF band. With frequency of operation there is increase in the data rate reaching the Mbit/s range at microwave frequencies. Antenna size and type: The size has to be made larger than UHF for the antennas of LF and HF systems to achieve comparable signal gain. Te type of antenna is decided by the frequency of operation. Loop type antennas are used at LF and HF and they are also called as inductive coupling and inductive antennas. Capacitive coupling is used at UHF and microwave frequencies and dipole type antennas are used. RFID SMART LABELS: The next generation of bar code is the RFID smart labels. Smart label is nothing but a RW transponder that has been incorporated in a printing packaging label. These smart labels are quick to read, easily applied, unconstructive, disposable and cheap. There are some measures by which RFID smart labels not stack up to bar codes such as technological maturity, price and ease of implementation. The benefits of smart labels over bar code systems started to outweigh the short comings and the cost of implementing smart label solutions a cost effective technology. SMART LABELS vs. BAR CODES: Bar coding system uses laser light as a data carrier where as RFID and smart labels uses radio waves to carry information. Bar code is referred as optimal technology and RFID is called radio frequency or RF technology. COMPARISION OF RFID TO BARCODES: Memory size/ Data storage: Bar codes hold only limited amount of data. It holds just a few bytes as data storage that is only 8 numerical characters. They are UPCE symbols. The data matrix of the bar code system permits the storage of 2000 ASCII characters on a two dimensional tag and these are these are used rarely. RFID tags can hold far more information. Here RFID tags made with smaller memories to hold a few bytes but the present technology puts the upper limit at 128K bytes. Read/write: once they are printed barcodes cannot be modified again therefore bar coding is called RO technology. RFID tags such as smart tags have a specified addressable, writable memory which can be modified thousand times over the life of the tag and this is why RFID technology is more powerful. CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 1. INTRODUCTION:- Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is the fastest growing technology in the world today. RFID is an automatic identification method that can remotely retrieve data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. This introduction of RFID into the mobile communication field has made the world a smaller place to live in. RFID readers can simultaneously scan and also identify hundreds of tagged items. Diffusion of radio frequency identification (RFID) promises to enhance the added value of assistive technologies of mobile users. Visually impaired people may benefit from RFID- based applications that support users in maintaining spatial orientation through provision of information on where they are, and description of what lies in their surroundings. To investigate this issue, we have integrated our development for mobile device. With a complete support of RFID tag detection, and implemented an RFID enabled location-guide. The guide is an ecological guidance in mobile technology. RFID is the base technology for ubiquitous network or computing and to be associated with other technologies such as telemetric, and sensors. The term RFID is used to describe various technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. RFID technology is similar to the bar code identification systems we see in retail stores every day. However one big difference between RFID and bar code technology is that RFID does not rely on the line-of-sight reading that bar code scanning requires to work. 2. BACKGROUND OF PROJECT: Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is a technology that has existed for decades. At a simple level, it is a technology that involves tags that emit radio signals and devices called readers that pick up the signal. 80s first automated toll payment systems. RFID has been used in mobile technology through which there had been a great advancement in this field. Korea is widely known that it has established one of the most robust mobile telecommunication networks. Korea has recognized the potential of RFID technology and has tried to converge with mobile phone. 3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The main aim of this project is to explore the application of RFID in wireless communications using RFID tags, readers , the computer and the internet. The specific objectives include; Study of existing applications of RFID. Expanding the application of RFID in wireless communications. Using the internet to further enhance the employee management system. 4. RFID APPLICATION FIELDS: Transportation, materials management, and security and access control. Currently, there are a variety of other applications for RFID in agriculture, construction, and athletics. Major RFID application domains include monitoring physical parameter, such as temperature or acceleration during fragile or sensitive products delivery, monitoring product integrity from factory to retail locations, utilizes for home and office automation. Now a day we have passive or active inexpensive RFID that makes these kind of sensors practical for tourist applications. For example, a museum explosion can place tags attached to each point of interest so that tourists can receive information about explosion in the right moment at right place. 5. FUTURE OF RFID TECHNOLOGY: RFID is said by many in the industry to be the frontrunner technology for automatic identification and data collection. The biggest, as of yet unproven, benefit would ultimately be in the consumer goods supply chain where an RFID tag attached to a consumer product could be tracked from manufacturing to the retail store right to the consumers home.   Many see RFID as a technology in its infancy with an untapped potential. While we may talk of its existence and the amazing ways in which this technology can be put to use, until there are more standards set within the industry and the cost of RFID technology comes down we wont see RFID systems reaching near their full potential anytime soon and RFID is expected to be the base technology for ubiquitous network or computing and to be associated with other technology such as telemetric, and sensors. 6. CHALLENGES OF MY RESEARCH: To develop an application of RFID where there is less human attention and to prevent more fraud. Developing an RFID solution that can interoperate with emerging standards for communication protocols, hardware platforms, and software interfaces. Implementing an RFID solution that is cost effective, leverages their existing supply chain investments, and gives them clear a return on investment (ROI). Preparing for the vast amounts of data generated by RFID. 7. PROBLEMS WITH RFID: Problems are divided into two parts 1. Technical problems 2. Privacy and ethics problems 7.1 Technical problems: Problems with RFID Standards RFID systems can be easily disrupted RFID Reader Collision RFID Tag Collision 7.2 Security, privacy ethics problems: RFID tags are difficult to remove 8. RESEARCH METHODS Conducting of a detailed survey of the various existing applications of RFID and monitoring systems used in the locality: At this stage the study of applications of RFID is to develop a real time application. The study about this will also determine the workers and employer attitude towards the monitoring system being used. To conduct this research a questionnaire will be formulated and distributed to various organizations in the locality. 9. RFID READER AND TAG COMMUNICATION FLOW DIAGRAM: 10. DESIGN OF RFID MONITORING SYSTEM: The design solution for the employee monitoring system based on a selected land size of 500 meters by 500 meters with ten buildings, 3 of which are administrative, 3 are production centers, 2 are general purpose building, 1 is a mess and 1 is the car park area. The designer will determine the best places to install the RFID receivers. It is assumed that the workers will be carrying RFID tags in form of a card. When a worker enters the gate, the receiver at the gate takes his number, records it and stores this value in a database. The time of entering is also noted and entered in the database. When he/she goes to his area of work, say, the production area the receiver there takes his number and stores it plus the time he has entered. Based on all the data collected, the developed software produces a summary of the time and place the worker has visited in the firm. Visitors are also given special tags. 11. PREVIOUS WORK: RFID is a rapidly developing automatic wireless data collection technology. Firstly we have multi-bit functional passive RFID systems with the range of several meters. Recently it has experienced a tremendous growth due to developments in integrated circuits and radios and due to increased interest from the retail industrial and government. Key volume applications of RFID technology in markets such as access control sensors and metering applications, payment methods, document tracking. Previously they were using radars to warn off approaching planes while they were still miles away however it is impossible to distinguish enemy planes from allied ones and after that crude method is implemented by germans for identifying the planes. So with the increasing technology further research of RFID is done using RFID tags and readers which is similar to barcode. VARIOUS EXISTING APPLICATIONS OF RFID: The following are some of the applications of RFID: Vehicle anti theft system uses radio frequency identification system. Application of RFID technology on tires tracking. Application of RFID in automotives. Supply chain management uses RFID in retail industries. Mobile health care service system using RFID. Application of RFID in animal tracking. Application of RFID in asset tracking. BRIEF STUDY OF THE APPLICATIONS OF RFID: Vehicle anti theft system uses radio frequency identification system: As there are many car and light van thefts which are increasing alarmingly all around the world the new guide lines were implemented by the insurance companies, are being set for vehicle manufacturers to make their products secure. A new passive anti theft security system (PATS) is developed by ford registration and identification system (TIRIS) which is a radio frequency technology which meets the new requirements. Working: There is a tamper-proof link between the drivers key and the ignition system. This system is based upon the tamper-proof electronic link. Each key has a tiny transponder which electronically links it to a specific vehicle. The tag which can be called as a transponder contains a unique identification code that is accessed by the radio signal from a transceiver unit in the car whenever someone tries to start the vehicle. Unless there is a proper ignition key with a transponder present the engine will not start, even if the ignition key is broken or bypassed. This is based up on RFID technology which adds a new level of theft protection to vehicle security systems which does not require any effort from the drivers. .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Lemonhead :: essays research papers

Lemonhead Nobody knows why Ethan had an enormous lemon shaped head. It was a major debilitating factor in his life that prevented him from doing many activities. He couldn’t wear a football helmet or hats. Ethan couldn’t even play in the play places at McDonalds because his head wouldn’t fit through the tubes. Ethan wasn’t born with a lemon shaped head he just kind of slowly grew into it. When he was seven it was only about the size of a watermelon and was just starting to take the shape of a lemon. By the time Ethan hit middle school his head was about a foot and a half wide and two feet tall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people would ask Ethan why he had such a large head. His responses over the years to questions about his head differ. When he was ten he would cry and run away, but when he was fourteen he would respond with witty sarcasm. A girl named Whitney once asked â€Å"wow†¦why is your head so big† and he responded with â€Å"why is your nose so big, I guess god hates me and you† If Ethan was in a really bad mood he would just simply give them the finger and say â€Å"why do you ask dumb questions.† Some people revered Ethan for his comicalness and for his personality but others called him lemon head or big head and made fun of his large head. Ethan never took too much offense to the teasing though; he figured they were just ignorant. After all Ethan was not short of friends he had plenty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ethan was the kindest hearted and most outgoing person you’d ever meet and he rarely ever hated life. He didn’t let the size of his head affect his life in a negative way. In fact Ethan rarely cared what his head looked like. But he began to care when Daria moved into the house next door.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Daria was the new girl in town and Ethan noticed her as soon as she stepped out of the moving van that brought her here. She was stunningly beautiful she had brown hair that flowed around her as if it was always in a breeze. She had the most gorgeous blue eyes and had creamy light brown skin that could make any heart melt. She was perfect in every aspect in Ethan’s eyes. As soon as Ethan could gather up enough courage he went next door to talk to her.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Amsterdam Company Essay

Question 2 Presented below is information related to Rembrandt Inc.’s inventory. (per unit)SkisBootsParkas Historical Cost273.79152.7576.37 Selling Price312.70208.95106.27 Cost to distribute27.3811.533.60 Current replacement cost292.52151.3173.49 Normal profit margin46.1141.7930.62 Determine the following: Question 3 Matlock Company uses a perpetual inventory system. Its beginning inventory consists of 67 units that cost $40 each. During June, the company purchased 202 units at $40 each, returned 8 units for credit, and sold 168 units at $67 each. Journalize the June transactions. Question 4 Amsterdam Company uses a periodic inventory system. For April, when the company sold 700 units, the following information is available. Compute the April 30 inventory and the April cost of goods sold using the average cost method. Question 5 Amsterdam Company uses a periodic inventory system. For April, when the company sold 600 units, the following information is available. Compute the April 30 inventory and the April cost of goods sold using the FIFO method. Question 6 (FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost Inventory) Esplanade Company was formed on December 1, 2011. The following information is available from Esplanade’s inventory records for Product BAP. PurchasesUnitsUnit Cost January 1, 2012(beginning inventory)7628.00 January 5, 20121,5249.00 January 25, 20121,65110.00 February 16, 20121,06111.00 March 26, 201276212.00 A physical inventory on March 31, 2012, shows 2,032 units on hand. Prepare schedules to compute the ending inventory at March 31, 2012, under each of the following inventory methods. Assume Esplanade Company uses the periodic inventory method. Question 7 Floyd Corporation has the following four items in its ending inventory. Determine the final lower of cost or market inventory value for each item. Question 8 Kumar Inc. uses a perpetual inventory system. At January 1, 2013, inventory was $320,786 at both cost and market value. At December 31, 2013, the inventory was $428,714 at cost and $403,231 at market value. Prepare the necessary December 31 entry under: Question 9 Boyne Inc. had beginning inventory of $15,000 at cost and $25,000 at retail. Net purchases were $150,000 at cost and $212,500 at retail. Net markups were $12,500; net markdowns were $8,750; and sales were $196,250. Compute ending inventory at cost using the conventional retail method. Question 10 (Gross Profit Method) Astaire Company uses the gross profit method to estimate inventory for monthly reporting purposes. Presented below is information for the month of  May. Question 11 Previn Brothers Inc. purchased land at a price of $30,400. Closing costs were $1,820. An old building was removed at a cost of $14,850. What amount should be recorded as the cost of the land? Question 12 Garcia Corporation purchased a truck by issuing an $108,000, 4-year, zero-interest-bearing note to Equinox Inc. The market rate of interest for obligations of this nature is 10%. Prepare the journal entry to record the purchase of this truck. Question 13 Mohave Inc. purchased land, building, and equipment from Laguna Corporation for a cash payment of $352,800. The estimated fair values of the assets are land $67,200, building $246,400, and equipment $89,600. At what amounts should each of the three assets be recorded? Question 14 Fielder Company obtained land by issuing 2,000 shares of its $12 par value common stock. The land was recently appraised at $103,700. The common stock is actively traded at $50 per share. Prepare the journal entry to record the acquisition of the land. Question 15 Navajo Corporation traded a used truck (cost $23,600, accumulated depreciation $21,240) for a small computer worth $4,366. Navajo also paid $1,180 in the transaction. Prepare the journal entry to record the exchange. Question 16 Mehta Company traded a used welding machine (cost $10,080, accumulated depreciation $3,360) for office equipment with an estimated fair value of $5,600. Mehta also paid $3,360 cash in the transaction. Prepare the journal entry to record the exchange. Question 17 Depreciation is normally computed on the basis of the nearest A). full month and to the nearest dollar. B). day and to the nearest cent. C). day and to the nearest dollar. D). full month and to the nearest cent. Question 18 Fernandez Corporation purchased a truck at the beginning of 2012 for $54,180. The truck is estimated to have a salvage value of $2,580 and a useful life of 206,400 miles. It was driven 29,670 miles in 2012 and 39,990 miles in 2013. Compute depreciation expense for 2012 and 2013. Question 19 Lockhard Company purchased machinery on January 1, 2012, for $79,200. The machinery is estimated to have a salvage value of $7,920 after a useful life of 8 years. (a) Compute 2012 depreciation expense using the double-declining balance method. (b) Compute 2012 depreciation expense using the double-declining balance method assuming the machinery was purchased on October 1, 2012. Question 20 Jurassic Company owns machinery that cost $1,145,700 and has accumulated depreciation of $458,280. The expected future net cash flows from the use of the asset are expected to be $636,500. The fair value of the equipment is $509,200. Prepare the journal entry, if any, to record the impairment loss. Question 21 Everly Corporation acquires a coal mine at a cost of $501,600. Intangible development costs total $125,400. After extraction has occurred, Everly must restore the property (estimated fair value of the obligation is $100,320), after which it can be sold for $200,640. Everly estimates that 5,016 tons of coal can be extracted. If 878 tons are extracted the first year, prepare the journal entry to record depletion. Question 22 Francis Corporation purchased an asset at a cost of $58,200 on March 1, 2012. The asset has a useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $5,820. For tax purposes, the MACRS class life is 5 years. Compute tax depreciation for each year 2012–2017. Question 23 Celine Dion Corporation purchases a patent from Salmon Company on January 1, 2012, for $50,820. The patent has a remaining legal life of 16 years. Celine Dion feels the patent will be useful for 10 years. Prepare Celine Dion’s journal entries to record the purchase of the patent and 2012 amortization. Question 24 Karen Austin Corporation has capitalized software costs of $768,500, and sales of this product the first year totaled $390,630. Karen Austin anticipates earning $911,470 in additional future revenues from this product, which is estimated to have an economic life of 4 years. Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year. (a) Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year using the percent of revenue approach. (b) Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year using the straight-line approach. Question 25 Jeff Beck is a farmer who owns land which borders on the right-of-way of the Northern Railroad. On August 10, 2012, due to the admitted negligence of the Railroad, hay on the farm was set on fire and burned. Beck had had a dispute with the Railroad for several years concerning the ownership of a small parcel of land. The representative of the Railroad has offered to assign any rights which the Railroad may have in the land to Beck in exchange for a release of his right to reimbursement for the loss he has sustained from the fire. Beck appears inclined to accept the Railroad’s offer. The Railroad’s 2012 financial statements should include the following related to the incident: A). recognition of a loss only. B). creation of a liability only. C). disclosure in note form only. D). recognition of a loss and creation of a liability for the value of the land. Question 26 Roley Corporation uses a periodic inventory system and the gross method of accounting for purchase discounts. On July 1, Roley purchased $66,000 of inventory, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. Roley paid freight costs of $1,210. On July 3, Roley returned damaged goods and received credit of $6,600. On July 10, Roley paid for the goods. Prepare all necessary journal entries for Roley. Question 27 Takemoto Corporation borrowed $93,000 on November 1, 2012, by signing a $95,093, 3-month, zero-interest-bearing note. Prepare Takemoto’s November 1, 2012, entry; the December 31, 2012, annual adjusting entry; and the February 1, 2013, entry. (For multiple debit/credit en tries, list amounts from largest to smallest, e.g. 10, 8, 6. Round all answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. 11,150.) Question 28 Whiteside Corporation issues $629,000 of 9% bonds, due in 14 years, with interest payable semiannually. At the time of issue, the annual market rate for such bonds is 10%. Compute the issue price of the bonds.(Use the present value tables in the text. Question 29 Indiana Jones Company enters into a 6-year lease of equipment on January 1, 2012, which requires 6 annual payments of $37,560 each, beginning January 1, 2012. In addition, the lessee guarantees a residual value of $20,870 at lease-end. The equipment has a useful life of 6 years. Assume that for Lost Ark Company, the lessor, collectibility is reasonably predictable, there are no important uncertainties concerning costs, and the carrying amount of the machinery is $191,722. Prepare Lost Ark’s January 1, 2012, journal entries. Question 30 On January 1, 2012, Irwin Animation sold a truck to Peete Finance for $26,050 and immediately leased it back. The truck was carried on Irwin’s books at $20,800. The term of the lease is 5 years, and title transfers to Irwin at lease-end. The lease requires five equal rental payments of $7,048 at the end of each year. The appropriate rate of interest is 11%, and the truck has a useful life of 5 years with no salvage value. Prepare Irwin’s 2012 journal entries.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

George and Lennie’s Relationship in Of Mice and Men Essay

Of Mice and Men is a novella centred on the disincentives of America during the depression in the 1930’s. The country known as ‘the land of opportunity,’ is dismissed as it became deprived and inept. Many men were itinerant workers that travelled from ranch to ranch looking for wages that would be sufficient till they moved on. These types of men were the loneliest, with no companionship. It is this transient migrant lifestyle which highlights the importance of the relationship between Lennie and George, a rarity among the other characters to be exact. George and Lennie are an unusual package deal within the novel. From the beginning Steinbeck enforces the idea of a parent –child relationship. He distinctively sets the two apart as they ‘walked in single file’ and ‘one stayed behind the other.’ From first sight, a dynamic in their relationship is established. Although they are outwardly of the same class, George is still the one if front, revealing himself as the leader. As the story progresses we can acknowledge that George does not deem himself as superior to Lennie, it is simply his duty to control and guide Lennie who is mentally inept and regarded as a ‘crazy bastard’. We can decipher from this that Lennie is in no shape to take care of him and need George to help him. Their relationship is not of a regular companionship, I regard it as a fraternal bond made over time. Lennie’s nature is almost childlike; Steinbeck describes the character in such a way so that the readers perceive him to be incapable and dependent upon George ‘Lennie, who had been watching imitated George exactly.’ Children often ‘imitate’ their guardians and some people may even believe this to be the way of development of a person. Lennie may need George to create stability for the future but Lennie’s mimicry isn’t to just fit in with the civilized world. Steinbeck implies from the innocent actions by Lennie, that he genuinely admires George. Although it seems as though Lennie is dependent on George, this is not the case. I believe that George, a stoic man enjoys the company of Lennie; however a burden he may seem. Steinbeck uses the subtlety of George who only confides in Slim to depict the pride he has of Lennie ‘he’s dumb as hell, but he ain’t crazy.’ George at times creates a softer tone of voice when talking about Lennie. The approval of Slim from George’s compliments ensures the reader that George genuinely likes Lennie. George himself refers to ranch men as being the ‘loneliest guys in the world.’ We can assume that deep down George is afraid of this happening to him, and losing Lennie. No doubt this would’ve have crossed his mind due to Lennie getting in trouble all the time. His fear is turning ‘mean’ by becoming lonely; he is after all comfortable with Lennie, being with him for most his short life. Together they both hold the aspiration of attaining the ‘American dream’ common to many men at the time to have a piece of their own land. This dream is what fuels both Lennie and George to go on. Lennie is set on ‘tending rabbits’ while George could have more freedom in general. Steinbeck places importance on these two and dream, while we believe they will be successful as the story develops. ‘With us it ain’t like that. We got a future.’ Steinbeck reveals a timeless definition of friendship. Someone who listens and that cares for you. They are reliant upon each other, as even though George conducts the ‘dream’ speech, Lennie has also memorised this dream, maybe in hope it will bring them closer to it. Their friendship is natural, for George it had always been a promise to care for Lennie, but they simply bonded over time. George even admits this ‘got kinda used to each other after a little while.’ He doesn’t describe it in abstract terms nor does he give any justifications. It is this simple statement that proves the relationship to a natural course. But we can still agree this is remarkable for them to be so close, in such a world where men do not do this. The tragedy of Lennie dying highlights the importance of the relationship. George who shot him in an act of compassion showed mercy and care. The tension Steinbeck builds in the last chapter, shows how distraught and vulnerable George become and relieving Lennie of torture and pain to come. ‘George shivered and looked at the gun’ as the tough faà §ade of George breaks we see his emotions and his contemplative actions which suggest he had valued the relationship, also springing to mind the fact that their dream is destroyed and will never be achieved. This is really the climax of the relationship where Steinbeck reveals feelings in the relationship. Steinbeck uses the thoughts and curiosity of other characters such as Slim and the bitter, avenging side of Curley to portray the relationship between Lennie and George. The support George had given Lennie from the time he was in a fight with Curley to when he kills his wife, shows the dynamics and security of the relationship. George would always look out for Lennie, as Lennie would always be protective over George. Their relationship is pivotal and underlines the main theme of friendship in the novel, which led to Steinbeck focusing so much on the friendship of the two men. The readers are aware from the beginning that this relationship is powerful and meaningful although this is not always depicted.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Are we alone (aliens) essays

Are we alone (aliens) essays Yes extraterrestrial life exists. We arent alone, but what do we really mean by asking are we alone? Are we alone in this earth, or in this universe. The only data point that scientist have acquired is that if life emerges in a planetary environment it shall be in our own earth and no other. Life exists everywhere, even in our own earth there is still many places that havent been discovered. There has been many forged videos who try to imply the existence of extraterrestrial life and at the same time trying to prove the existence of UFO s . Through out many years, scientist have been trying to search with microscopes to see if their lens can reach those others worlds they have hope in knowing about. Extraterrestrial life refers to life that might exist beyond the Earths biosphere, on planets in our own solar system or around other stars. For most of this history, life has meant intelligence, and the hopes for scientist of obtaining actual data in its existence is not that great. When talking and asking questions about extraterrestrial life, most likely it becomes a debate within everybody because there is no real facts or information that can prove any of the things we say truth. Although life can exists none of the planets that we know have the supplements they need to keep life in it. As far as we know, ours is the only planet with oxygen, sulfuric-acid, and other chemicals that developed what now is life and intelligence in Earth. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence, undertaken at several observatories around the world, was the ultimate development in the long history of the extraterrestrial-life debate. In the history of science and culture, the extraterrestrial-life debate is perhaps the best seen as a fundamental shift in word view from the psychical world to the biological universe. While most of the history of science has attempted to demonstrate the role of ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Buyer Utility Map Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Buyer Utility Map - Essay Example Wal-Mart has focused on improving the purchase experience by enabling its customers to get access to its products online. They can access product information at their comfort locations using mobile application. Moreover, customers can purchase from Wal-Mart stores online. It saves time and money for the customers. Delivery of commodities especially fresh farm produce services makes shopping simple and convenient. Customers will always consider the price of commodities and compare it with competing business irrespective of their economic status. The company intends to diversify customer convenience by increasing the number of retail branches and associates to enable customers purchase merchandise in their communities without incurring extra travelling expenditures. The price of its commodities is sensitive to people of all lifestyles and income levels. Through low-cost competitiveness, the company aims to remain the price leader to maintain its value-conscious

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Phase 2 Discussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Phase 2 Discussion Board - Assignment Example Therefore, the demand is inelastic, meaning that a change in price would not significantly affect the quantity demanded. When elasticity of demand is referred to as unitary, this means it equals one and as such, any change in price will have an equal impact on quantity demanded. Price elasticity of demand (PED) refers to change in quantity demanded due to percentage change in price. The value of price elasticity is similar at all points along the demand horizontal curve. The same case applies to price inelastic demand (PID) which is represented by a vertical line. According to Gupta (2008), PED is defined as a measure of responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price. Demand is said to be elastic when PED is greater than one. Further, this indicates that consumers are very sensitive to changes in price. One percentage change in price will lead to a drop in quantity demanded by more than one percentage. Similarly, when PED is less than one, it is interpreted that consumers are insensitive to price changes and any increase in price will cause a decline in quantity demanded by less than one percentage. Ideally, the effect of price increase has a significant effect on Autoedge total revenue. As such, PED becomes paramount for the company as it seeks to maximize revenues. In this regard, if Autoedge finds its PED to be relatively inelastic, it may decide to raise prices since the auto parts would be sold at high prices without adversely affecting sales. Similarly, if Autoedge finds its PED to be inelastic, it may choose to lower prices in order to enable the business increase the number of units sold and hence revenue without necessarily losing customers. It is worth noting that when demand is perfectly elastic as represented by a horizontal curve, any increase in price leads to zero units demanded. On the other hand, if the demand is found to be perfectly