Monday, September 30, 2019

Postmodern Theory in Art Essay

Philosophy refers to the search for truth, existence, knowledge and performance through sense and rationale. Philosophy attempts to study the nature of existence, soundness, impartiality, beauty, mind and language. Art on the other hand refers to the process of arranging elements in a creative manner that makes them appealing to the senses and the emotions. Art includes performance which involves the use of language. The artist Paul McCarthy, born in 1945 in Salt Lake City, learned his art skills at the University of Utah in the year 1969. On his further studies at San Francisco art institute, he studied painting and went further to study film, video and art at the University of Southern California. McCarthy majors his work in video and sculpture having taught performance, video, installation and performance art history at the University of California (Bronfen 214). McCarthy in his works institutes color as a central theme in his story of modern and contemporary work. McCarthy’s life and art works are connected to the practice centered on the role of artists within the cultures and the system of art. In his works he proves a bit of a chocker. The use of language and descriptions of all the American culture that he grew up with, he works towards bending and transforming the familiar into the disturbing. The works of McCarthy definitely removes the dark side of the American dream and presents a selection of postmodern works produced between 1966 and 2006. The philosophies of Kierkegaard involved a unifying factor which evolved around three spheres of existence, which is the aesthetic, the ethical and the religious choice in constant tension. According to Kierkegaard the personal aesthetic enjoyment is in the inconsistent search of pleasure which is self-centered. Comparing the artist Paul McCarthy to this philosophy, it is clear that the philosophy involved beauty and pleasure which is mainly egocentric just like the work of McCarthy which involves the provision of pleasurable activities, through performance and beautiful paintings (Robert & Adorno 132). The ethical sphere however is not egocentric but impersonal. It involves a law centered on reasoning as opposed to personal inclination and expediency. Kierkegaard asserts that at this stage, life does not just involve a succession of separate moments of pleasure but is a long range venture which should be structured according to rational principles. The principles according to Kierkegaard’s philosophies do not only include the rules of eventual interest but the conceptual ideologies of morality that describe what an individual should do. Just like Kierkegaard’s ideals, in McCarthy’s attempts to reduce the disadvantages of painting, he resorted to using the body as a canvas. He later involved the use of bodily fluids and foods to act as surrogates in his work. Other than painting the work of McCarthy included transgressive presentation art, psychosexual events which were meant to test the emotions of both the artist and the viewer. McCarthy in his works was known for shocking, sexually charged pieces that feature benign cartoon and pop culture characters reflecting the ideologies of morality which teaches the viewers and the artist on what they should do (Glennie 34). Much of the works of Kierkegaard looks into religious premises like the faith in God, the organization of the Christian church, the Christian ethics and divinity and the emotions and feelings of different people when dealing with the choices of life. Kierkegaard remained the most influential figure in modern philosophy’s consideration just like McCarthy who remained the most influential artist in the postmodern artistry. Kierkegaard believed and insisted on individual rather than collective responsibility before God. In the stage of true religious choice, only a leap of faith that provides a ground for decision is employed, however there are no automatic rational decision procedures. According to the philosophy of Kierkegaard, acknowledgment of the need for religion as a personal dedication to truth is the major component of life. Relating to this principle of Kierkegaard, McCarthy centers his interest within the daily activities of life and the confusion created by such activities. Due to misinformation by people, McCarthy has been taken to be influenced by the Viennese Actionism. Due to his dedication to truth as his life component, McCarthy clarifies that he knew the activities of the group in the 1970s but there exists a big difference between the self deleterious activities of the Viennese and his own performances. This is a reflection that as Kierkegaard’s principle of individual responsibility to God, McCarthy obeys the same principle and would therefore not engage in the injurious activities of the Viennese (Ben 56). The view of Kierkegaard on the free press can be understood on why he hated the press. He was mainly concerned on the public sphere which had been a source of problem for many intellectuals in the middle of the 18th century before the democratization and the expansion of the press. In his view to the free press, Kierkegaard abandoned the use of internet with the claims that it promoted risk free ambiguity and idle curiosity that undermined responsibility and dedication. Kierkegaard’s opposition to the press is said to have had sociological, political and psychological motivations. He however claims that he does not attack the press because of the liberalism or any other political reason. As has been noted earlier, the works of Kierkegaard mainly revolved around religious issues. His view was therefore opposing free press because he believed that the press and especially the daily newspaper were making Christianity and religious matters impossible. Definitely from his political, sociological and psychological qualms, he considered the press as a threat to both cultural and religious practices. Because of these reasons Kierkegaard continued to attack the public and the press up to 1846 in his writings. With the democratization of the public sphere by the daily press, Kierkegaard felt that the public sphere was becoming a new and a dangerous cultural experience whereby the ranking created by the press was to produce something that was very wrong right from the beginning. In the modern society Kierkegaard gives his total view on the relation of the press, public sphere and the ranking taking place in his time. He considers the press mysterious and desituated with no obsession and dedication and combines in this philosophical age to produce the public. The ideals and the philosophies of Kierkegaard strongly affected the theologians and the existential philosophy. Even though Kierkegaard was a very strong defender of religious faith he was an unhappy, neurotic and a terribly suffering man (Ben 356). His belief was that the best way to disclose truth was through dramatic confrontation of conflicting practices to life. In addition to his ideals and philosophical works, Kierkegaard was a thinker and a genius. His philosophy despite having not been presented in a systematic and analytical manner, contain several wealth of sharp intellectual insights. Due to lack of coherent stance, the philosophies of Kierkegaard have remained questionable. Nevertheless according to Kierkegaard, his principles have been mainly on how one can become a Christian. Other than his philosophical work, Kierkegaard had complex poetic work which rewards careful reading. The totals of moral of his philosophy can be put into a single sentence that the existence of human beings needs real passion and thought. Conclusion Art and philosophy may be two different disciplines, but still some principles or morals of an artist and a philosopher may relate in some way. The revealed example is between the artist Paul McCarthy and the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. The ideals and the philosophies of Soren Kierkegaard match the artist Paul McCarthy for instance, both of them seems to value aesthetics, ethical values and religious choices and issues.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Modernisme in de architectuur

InleidingHet modernisme in de architectuur, dat zijn ontstaan vond rond de jaren '20 new wave vorige eeuw, maakt vandaag de dag duidelijk deel uit new wave de architectuurgeschiedenis en is op deze manier deel van de traditie dice zich onbewust voortzet in ons denken over architectuur. De kerngedachte new wave het modernisme is genuine rain trees met zijn grootste pionier, Le Corbusier, gestorven. Het modernisme is een belangrijke inspiratiebron geweest voor verscheidene denkers in architectuur nut daarbuiten. Omdat ze voor een radicale breuk zorgde met de bestaande traditie in het denken over architectuur en het realiseren van idee & A ; euml ; n. Maar na onderzoek te verrichten binnen het modernisme, blijkt Er een verschil Te zijn tussen het schoolse voorbeeld new wave modernisme en de toepassing op woningen. Zo vindt work forces de footing ideologie wel terug, maar hanteert work forces in woningen zachtere en voorzichtigere toepassingen. pDe kerngedachte new wave het modernisme stond haaks op wat de overblijfselen van de 19de eeuwse architectuur, dice zich vooral richtte op de fa & A ; ccedil ; aden new wave woningen, ons toont. Er was niet veel sprake van leef- nut woonkwaliteit, en de modernisten trachtten hierin een verandering Te brengen, heated interieur moest ALSs een woonmachine beschouwd worden. Hierbij krijgt het functionele karakter voorrang op de vorm, waarbij licht, lucht en zicht vooropgesteld werd. Ontwerpers verlaten heated decoration en zoeken naar eenvoud en eerlijkheid. Sobere en geometrische vormgeving wordt verwezenlijkt door het gebruik new wave moderne materialen. Op vlak new wave interieur betekende dot vooral digital audiotape Er meer unfastened ruimtes gecre & A ; euml ; erd werden, muren worden weggelaten, elektrisch licht die vanuit techniek omgezet wordt naar vormgeving. Inbouwmeubilair werd niet langer beschouwd ALSs een meubel, maar nam plaats in ALSs onderdeel van de ontworpen ruimte. Nog een belangrijke aanpassing was een eigen voordeur ALSs onderdeel van de identiteit van elke woning, wat voorheen niet gebruikelijk was. Het modernisme diende ALSs inspiratiebron op gebied new wave vorment aal, werkwijze en materialen in de latere stromingen. Vele new wave deze stromingen zijn echter een zwak afstammeling new wave wat het modernisme voor de architectuur betekend heeft. Wat de modernisten vaak verweten wordt, is dat de ruimtes die ze verwezenlijkten niet bestemd waren om in te wonen. De oorzaak is volgens ons te vinden bij de oorsprong van Hun inspiratie. Modernisten hanteerden Principes die afgeleid waren van gebouwen dice de tand diethylstilbestrols tijd doorstaan hebben. Zo vond Le Corbusier zijn typologie uit tempels, die voor hem zuiverheid voorstelden. Ook Mies Van der Rohe tekende ruimtes die een meerwaarde bieden, maar dice niet gebouwd zijn met de noden new wave een samenleving in het achterhoofd. Ze zijn het merchandise new wave een denken, en zijn dus logischerwijze ook een merchandise new wave de tijd waarin Mies new wave de Rohe leefde. Maar anderzijds Wilde hij zich bezighouden met de architectuur op zich, en niet met de fenomenen dice zich aandienden in de maatschappij. Zijn architectuur is op een bepaalde wijze volmaakt en correct, en cyberspace daarom wordt ze onbewoonbaar. Le Corbusier, echter, hield er geschriften op na waaruit zijn diepgaande interesse in de maatschappij bleek en de mate waarin zijn architectuur in die maatschappij voluit kon functioneren. Standaardisatie is, kort omschreven, wat Le Corbusier propageerde een kleine honderd jaar geleden. En dot is juist de paradox van het modernisme. Enerzijds brengt het vernieuwing teweeg, gesteund door idealisme digital audiotape onze grenzen verlegt. Maar eenmaal dice vernieuwing voor weelde zorgt, verdwijnt het idealisme. De vernieuwing verspreidt zich niet meer, maar evolueert ter plaatse. Een belangrijke zijstroming new wave het modernisme, is heated functionalisme, ook wel het Nieuwe Bouwen genoemd. Deze term wordt in de Nederlandse architectuurgeschiedenis gehanteerd tussen 1925 en 1940 voor modernistische architectuur binnen Nederland. Het gaat niet noodzakelijk om een nieuwe bouwstijl, maar eerder een nieuwe bouworganisatie, die een antwoord moest bieden aan de economische en demografische schaalvergroting, die problematisch bleek in die tijd. De aanhangers van heated modernisme waren er van overtuigd digital audiotape de stijgende bevolkingsdensiteit niet langer kon gehuisvest worden, indien work forces bleef vasthouden aan de gebruikelijke manier new wave bouwen. Standaardisatie en schaalvergroting stonden centraal bij het functionalisme. De voorgestelde oplossingen bleken echter radicaal. Ze richtten zich op collectieve bouw, met praktische indeling, comfort en licht. De publieke ruimte werd voorzien new wave parken en pleinen. Ontwerpers trachtten de confrontatie met de straat, dice in hun ogen Te direct was, te veranderen. Zonlicht en natuur dienden de agressiviteit van de straten te verzachten. Naar woningen toe werd dot uitgebreid door ruim verglaasde gevels te plaatsen. Zadeldaken, schoorstenen nut donkere gevels werden vervangen door pleisterwerk, glas- nut metaalconstructies. In de ogen new wave modernisten waren dot, stuk voor stuk, nederige materialen dice waardevol bleken vanwege de inherente schoonheid van Hun lijnvoering en vormgeving die ze teweeg brachten.1 De gebouwen hadden een zwaar uiterlijk, maar stonden dankzij staal- en gewapend betonconstructies verheven boven heated straatniveau. Architecten die tot het Nieuwe Bouwen gerekend werden, vonden steun bij het Bauhaus en Le Corbusier. Ze groepeerden zich in ‘de 8 en Opbouw ‘ , waaronder Van Eesteren, B. Bijvoet, J. Duikers, W. Van Tijen, J.J. Van Loghem, J.J.P. Oud, J.A. Brinkman en L.C. Van der Vlught. Deze laatste twee hebben de Van Nellefabriek in Rotterdam verwezenlijkt en zijn zeker noemenswaardige architecten binnen deze stijl. Wat ze voor ons in deze essay belangrijk maakt, zijn Hun bewoonbare woontypologie. Een new wave dice huizen is heated inmiddels gerestaureerde woonmuseum Huis Sonneveld. Het huis Sonneveld is ondertussen een boegbeeld geworden voor het Nieuwe Bouwen.Huis SonneveldOm het modernisme in zijn totaal beeld beter te begrijpen, leek het ons het beste een concreet voorbeeld te bespreken en hierin alle aspecten new wave het tijdsbeeld duidelijk Te maken. De verwezenlijking dat ons hiervoor uitermate geschikt scallion, is heated reeds eerder vermelde huis Sonneveld. Sonneveld is gelegen aan de Jongkindstraat nabij heated museumpark in Rotterdam. De woning werd omstreeks 1933 ontworpen door het architectenbureau Brinkman en Van der Vlugt. Zij hadden eveneens de fabriek ontworpen voor Albertus Sonneveld. Deze laatste was zodoende tevreden digital audiotape hij een verzoek deed om zijn woning ook Te ontwerpen. A. Sonneveld was een vicedirecteur van de Van Nellefabriek in Rotterdam. Door zijn reizen naar Amerika wist hij wat Er zich afspeelde op gebied new wave hygi & A ; euml ; ne, luxe en comfort. Van zijn functionalistische architecten verwachte hij ook niet anders dan dat dot ook werd toegepast op zijn woning. De opdrachtgever was gefascineerd door technologie dice het dagelijkse leven kon vereenvoudigen. Huis Sonneveld wordt gekenmerkt door ‘gesamtkunstwerk ‘ . De betrokken architecten hebben weliswaar niet alles zelf ontworpen, maar waren bij moose aspect new wave de woning betrokken. Op deze manier hebben ze doorheen het hele gebouw Hun stempel opdrukken. De woning wordt gekenmerkt door licht, lucht en ruimte. De vaststelling bleek duidelijk door het kijken naar de architectuur, het kleurgebruik en het interieur met modernistisch meubilair. Als we enkel naar het exterieur new wave het gebouw kijken, merken we veel gelijkenissen op met de bekendere designer, Le Corbusier. Huis Sonneveld werd opgebouwd uit drie bouwlagen met bovenop een dakterras. De voor- nut achtergevel zijn witgepleisterd en bevatten bandramen om een relatie Te cre & A ; euml ; ren tussen binnen nut buiten. Le Corbusier ontwierp woonmodules gelijkaardig aan waaruit deze woning is opgebouwd. De woonmodules worden op elkaar gestapeld en work forces tracht de buitenwereld binnen Te halen. Vandaag is er niet veel meer new wave Te merken, aangezien de natuurlijke omgeving in Rotterdam heeft plaatsgemaakt voor een museumpark. De toegepaste panoramavensters, het dakterras, de witte gevel en een vrij program, vinden we ook reeds terug in de pijlers van Le Corbusier. Om een vrij program te verzekeren werd een staalskelet toegepast. Betonvloeren verzekerde grotere overspanningen, waarbij work forces de aftekening new wave de bekisting in sommige ruimtes nog zichtbaar liet. Er wordt gespeeld met een verbinding tussen binnen en buiten, deels door een accurate toepassing new wave glas, anderzijds door unfastened elementen te hanteren. Alle vertrekken staan in directe toegang met de tuin of de verscheidene terrassen. Deze verbinding geeft digital audiotape de woning verlengd wordt new wave het interieur naar buiten toe. De ruime en talrijke buitenruimtes bieden lucht en ruimte aan het geheel. Behalve de woning, werd ook de tuin en het volledige interieur ontworpen door de architecten Brinkman en Van der Vlugt.Beschrijving ontwerpDe ideologie new wave het modernisme, het Nieuwe Bouwen, is duidelijk terug Te vinden in heated interieur new wave Huis Sonneveld. Zo werd er gebruik gemaakt new wave materialen dice het tijdperk kenmerken. In de woning treffen we betonnen vloeren, stalen kolommen en stalen kozijnen aan. Die kozijnen zijn inmiddels tijdens de restauratie vervangen door aluminum kozijnen. Door de toepassing new wave een stalen skeletbouw werd de woning vrijgesteld new wave dragende wanden. Zoals het werd voorgedaan door Le Corbusier, werd de binnenruimte ingedeeld met een vrij program en bandramen, die een overvloedige lichtinval verzekeren. Het Platte dhak biedt een plaats voor heated dakterras. Van de drie bouwlagen, is de begane grond new wave het huis de enige dice geen woonfunctie bevatte, vergelijkbaar met Villa Savoie new wave Le Corbusier dat enkele jaren voordien werd opgeleverd. Op dot niveau bevond zich de inkom, een garage en de dienstenvertrekken. Ook bevond zich hier de studeerruimte van de dochters Sonneveld. Aan de benedenverdieping te zien, is heated duidelijk digital audiotape het hier om een kapitaalkrachtig gezin ging. De twee bedienden dice steeds aanwezig waren in de woning beschikten over een eigen slaapkamer en een bescheiden leefruimte, afgescheiden new wave de werkgevers. Deze verdieping onderscheidt zich new wave de bovenliggende verdiepingen dice de woning huisvesten van de familie Sonneveld. Work force ontving gasten in de hal, waarna deze via de trap naar de woonvertrekken van het gezin kon worden geleid. Deze brede trap is bekleed met zwart marmer, waar gum elastic op stroken is bevestigd om het geluid Te dempen. De trap draait ALSs een schroef door het hele huis. De centrale as is unfastened en de glanzend chromen leuningen werken ALSs feestelijke serpentines, die de vorm begeleiden. Voor het personeel was er een apart trappenhuis voorzien om zich in alle bescheidenheid over de verdiepingen Te begeven. Deze stond in directe verbinding met de keuken en een elektrische lift voor de afgeleverde goederen. Work force had echt nagedacht over circulatie, privateness en voornamelijk technologie. De indeling new wave deze verdieping werd unfastened opgevat. De ontwerper concipieerde een leefniveau met vloeiende overgangen. Men kiest voor een enkele leefruimte Te ontwerpen, waarbinnen alle handelingen kunnen gebeuren, maar waarbij work forces steeds opteert de connecties van an dere functies te betrekken. Echter blijkt wel digital audiotape Er hier een beetje voorzichtig werd omgesprongen met die openheid. Er is namelijk een afscheidende schuifwand aanwezig. Hierin onderscheidt het Huis Sonneveld zich wel met het modernisme in vergelijking met Le Corbusier, waarbij meer gedurfd wordt Te experimenteren met het vrije program. Aan de andere kant kan dot ook toespelen op de discussie, i.v.m. de leefbaarheid van het modernisme. De schuifwand scheidt namelijk de woonkamer af van de bibliotheek en de eetkamer, waardoor binnen het gezin een soort new wave privateness kan gegarandeerd worden. De meubels dice in deze ruimte zijn geplaatst, werden door de architecten en de opdrachtgever uitgekozen via een catalogus new wave Gispen Dat voor A. Sonneveld technische voorzieningen een vereiste was, is eerder al vermeld. Maar wat opmerkelijk blijft, is de doorgedrevenheid new wave dice technische voorzieningen. Zo zou de woning vandaag nog steeds beschouwd kunnen worden ALSs een luxewoning. Een ingebouwde luidspreker verbond tien telefoontoestellen, voor de communicatie binnenshuis. Twee andere telefoontoestellen verzorgde communicatie met de buitenwereld. De goederenlift dice zich naast de openhaard bevond, werd gebruikt om hout vanuit de kelder naar boven aan te voeren. De keuken werd op alle manieren ALSs een laboratorium beschouwd. De oorspronkelijke aankleding new wave de keukenkastjes bestond uit stalen deurtjes, die nadien bij restauratie vervangen werden door houten panelen. Ook de aparte circulatie new wave het dienstpersoneel doet dot vermoeden. Vanuit de keuken kon eten worden doorgegeven via een luik naar de eetkamer toe. Op de bovenste verdieping, bevonden zich de grote slaapkamer, kleedkamer en badkamer new wave de ouders evenals de slaapkamers en aparte badkamer new wave de dochters. In deze badkamer waren een ligbad, een lavatory en twee wastafels beschikbaar. Ook was er een logeerkamer en een linnenkamer aanwezig. Op het dhak werd Er ook een dakterras voorzien. Maar ook op de eerste en tweede verdieping waren buitenruimten gecre & A ; euml ; erd, onder de vorm new wave balkons. De slaapkamers van de dochters waren beiden ingericht met identieke meubels en hier zijn ingebouwde kasten een deel new wave het geheel. De dochters bezaten elk over een Eigen balkon. Aan de andere kant new wave de gang van deze verdieping bevond zich de riante slaapkamer van de ouders. Deze bezat aan twee zijden een buitenterras. Vanuit de ruime slaapkamer was ook een Eigen badkamer bereikbaar voor de ouders. Deze badkamer symboliseerde in de jaren '30 de apotheose van het modernisme. Ze was ruimer dan de andere badkamer, bezat eveneens een ligbad. Een ultramoderne Amerikaanse douche vervolledigde het tijdsbeeld. De douche bezat 1 grote douchekop en werd aangevuld met 9 massagesproeikoppen.Vernieuwingen in materialenIn het huis werd moeite noch geld gespaard om de nieuwste materialen en technieken voor Te stellen. In tegenstelling tot donkere parketvloeren met handgemaakte tapijten, vindt work forces hier vloeren uit linoleum en gum elastic. De leidingen werden doordacht weggestoken in schachten, die soortgelijk waren aan hedendaagse leidingschachten. Deze detaillering werd nagedaan new wave fabrieksontwerpen. Behalve de studeerkamer van de dochters, werd Er in elke kamer een linoleum of rubberen vloer gelegd. Dit materiaal was in die tijd vrij duur en werd tot dan Department of Energy enkel geplaatst in ziekenhuizen, vanwege zijn hygi & A ; euml ; nische kenmerken. Linoleum is ook niet vochtdoorlatend nut werd naar onderhoud toe Ge & A ; euml ; xalteerd door gebruikers. De bewoners bevonden dot materiaal eerder kaal en ongezellig. Er werd daarom geopteerd om de ruimte aan te kleden met een heater materiaal, digital audiotape een leefbaarder antwoord bood. Moderne tapijten bleken de geschiktste aankleding. Het meubilair en de verlichting werden door Gispen ontworpen. Meestal ging het over een meubelstuk digital audiotape verkrijgbaar was in de bestaande Handel new wave Gispen, maar sommige meubels werden aangepast aan de visie van de architecten. Gispen begon Al in een vroeg bowl new wave het modernisme Te experimenteren met moderne verlichting. Hij stelde zijn lampontwerpen rain trees uit zuivere vormen. Liefst waren zijn creaties zuiver geometrisch opgebouwd, zoals van een modernist werd geacht. De buislampen, die reeds veel weg hebben new wave TL-lampen, in Huis Sonneveld, zijn van de manus new wave Gispen. Zijn bewondering voor de buisstoelen van Marcel Breuer, zorgde ervoor dat hij zelf begon Te experimenteren met buismeubelen. In 1928 startte de productie van zijn stalen buismeubelen. De stalen buismeubelen paste door vormgeving, functionaliteit en transparantie bij het Nieuwe Bouwen. Door met een minimal aan materiaal een stoel Te ontwerpen werd een unfastened structuur verkregen. Verder maakte een minimalisering new wave stoffering, glanzende chroomafwerking en de toepassing new wave transparante tafelbladen, het mogelijk om de meubels seriematig Te produceren. De serieproductie gaf ook aanleiding om heated produceren new wave een catalogus, waardoor nieuwe meubels toegankelijker werden voor het grote publiek. Het algemene devies ven heated Nieuwe bouwen: â€Å" licht, lucht en ruimte † werd hier wel gealterneerd in een luxe uitvoering ervan: â€Å" sfeer, hygi & A ; euml ; ne en comfort † .2 Kenmerken die A. Sonneveld eiste. Het totaalconcept moest ook kloppen en work forces ging zelfs zo ver digital audiotape Er ook serviesgoed en glazen speciaal werden ontworpen.KleurgebruikHet kleurgebruik werd voor de restauratie geanalyseerd om de juiste kleuren te kunnen weergeven, aangezien de tijd ervoor had gezorgd dat kleuren vervaagden of overschilderd werden. Het kleurenprogramma van Huis Sonneveld werd ontworpen door kunstenaar Bart new wave der Leck. Volgens de restauratiearchitect, Joris Molenaar, kan heated kleurgebruik opgedeeld worden in drie zones. De eerste zone was de woonkamer, de tweede zone betrof de eetkamer en studio en de laatste zone bestond uit de dienstenvertrekken. De woonkamer met bijhorende bibliotheek werd uitgebeeld in aardtinten. Bruin, brons en beige waren de aangenamere versies van heated puristische humor, waar door modernisten zo graag naar werd gegrepen. Elk item new wave deze ruimte werd door een kleurenschema bepaalt, zo zijn de gordijnen, de tapijten en zelfs de schuifwand in diezelfde kleuren. De bekleding new wave de meubels steekt een beetje meer af ten opzichte van de sobere ruimte, maar blijven steeds binnen hetzelfde thema. De volgende kleurgroep spreidt zich over de eetkamer en de studio. In tegenstelling tot het vorige kleurenschema, waar de kleuren aan elkaar aangepast waren, domineren de kleuren de ruimte hier. Primaire kleuren confronteren de pasteltinten die aanwezig zijn. Tenslotte werden de dienstvertrekken uitgevoerd in beige met ALSs accentkleur dieprood. Op de gangen wordt datzelfde ecru gecombineerd met gele deurvlakken. In elk facet new wave het huis is even modern en conceptueel opgevat, zo werd Er opgemerkt digital audiotape de kleedkamer van de ouders en de badkamer van de dochters afweek new wave het kleurenschema. De kleedkamer werd uitgevoerd in appelgroen. De badkamer new wave de meisjes werd dan weer bekleed met bolle tegeltjes in een pastelgroen. Deze twee vertrekken lijken eerder Art Nouveau dan Modernisme.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Recent Direction of Monetary Policy in a Country of Your Choice Essay

Recent Direction of Monetary Policy in a Country of Your Choice - Essay Example Presently, the Reserve Bank executes the functions of the monetary policies in the USA for the purpose of controlling significant issues such as inflation, unemployment, and investment trends among others (Mankiw, 1997). Notably, there lie several purposes of the monetary policies that have been transformed periodically. The various guidelines of the government of a particular country possessed a noteworthy role in the economy in which the central bank acts for the purpose of executing the monetary or fiscal policies to a large extent. The chief motives of executing the monetary policies are to enhance the progression as well as the advancement of a country, decreasing the rate of unemployment and maintaining stable prices of different commodities (Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 2007). Monetary or fiscal policies are often related with certain important factors including the facilities of credit and the rate of interests among others. It can be stated that the monetary guiding principl es establish a kind of interrelation amid the rate of the interest charges which indicates toward the price or charge at which money can be borrowed and also toward the overall money supply in an economy (Taylor, 2001). In this paper, a brief idea regarding the conception of monetary policy along with its recent direction prevailing in an economy is taken into concern. In this regards, this paper will focus on presenting a brief overview of monetary policies prevailing in USA specifying its recent direction. A Brief Overview of Monetary Policies in USA Monetary policy of any nation is defined as the management of money supply and interest charges that are executed by the central banks of various countries to control the rising commodity prices as well as to diminish the rate of unemployment to a certain extent. From an in-depth point of view, it can be inferred that the monetary policies have a considerable impact upon the demand in an economy which in turn tend to affect the rate o f interest charges (Patnaik, 2007). It is in this context that the substantial increase in the rate of interests makes the finance lending abilities of an individual more costly where the organizations as well as the firms hold fewer inventories. Moreover, a rise in the interest charges also influences the investment initiatives of an individual as well as of any industry participant to be more costly. Subsequently, the assets tend to lose its real value (Floyd, 2010). Furthermore, in relation to the financial reforms considered in the USA, the role and the importance of the monetary policies have posed greater attention as a major economic growth driver. Notably, the adequate functioning of the monetary policies is to sustain a stable and low inflation rate in the economy. The significances as well as the purposes of the monetary policies have increasingly become the prime importance of the policy makers in the USA for the purpose of introducing certain policies that would support to maintain a stable and low inflation rate (Friedman, 1968). The broad aims or targets of the monetary policies are to attain rapid rate of financial progression and advancement of the economy, making sure to preserve the stability of price into the economy. It also aims at generating more employment prospects and promoting distributive integrity towards the economy (Rangarajan, 1997). The issue of stability of prices, a low and a steady price situation among others are also fundamentally regarded as a necessary element for the purpose of enhancing as well as raising the productivity and growth of an economy (Rangarajan, 1997). Moreover, the other purposes of the monetary policies include stabilizing the rate of inter

Friday, September 27, 2019

MGMT458 U1 IP AVON Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGMT458 U1 IP AVON - Research Paper Example At that point, it goes on. It weighs in at 249 words that blanket everything from surpassing contenders to expanding shareholder quality to battling breast disease. Its incredible to do numerous essential things at the same time, yet your Mission statement ought to give workers and the globe at large with one or two key objectives that characterize accomplishment in your universe. In the event that one cannot get that into a sentence or two, backpedal and attempt once more. This is not a Mission essay it is a Mission Statement. The company should Attempt to total up your whole organizations mission in one or two sentences. It should Consider it thusly: its Mission Statement, at its best, ought to have the capacity to twofold as its slogan. Compact Mission Statements are additionally more memorable and powerful. Therefore, there is no compelling reason to make it excessively complicated; simply state the motivation behind your organization, your explanation behind beginning it in any case. No, mission statements can—and ought to have that hopeful twist, yet they should serve a true need. There are four key components found in successful Statement: Value, Inspiration, Plausibility, and Specificity. In several short sentences, the company ought to have the capacity to pass on the estimation of the organization, why its brand exists, rouse and empower your workers, sound totally sensible and possible, and be as particular and relevant as could be expected under the circumstances. The company should discover a key subject for its organization, and verify each of these segments rotate around it. Moreover, Mission statements might be fiercely not quite the same as one organization to the next. The thought here is to pick whether you need your organizations announcement to reflect its transient objectives or its long haul yearnings. Make sure to pick stand

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What is the stated purpose of Canadian multicultural policy Has Essay

What is the stated purpose of Canadian multicultural policy Has multiculturalism been successful for whom - Essay Example This study now seeks to establish the stated purpose of the Canadian multicultural policy. It also seeks to answer whether or not multiculturalism has been successful, and if it has, for whom it has been a success. This study is being undertaken in order to establish a comprehensive understanding of Canada’s multicultural policy, including its impact and its implications in the current trends of globalization. The purpose of the multiculturalism policy of Canada is to â€Å"recognize and promote the understanding that multiculturalism reflects the cultural and racial diversity of Canadian society and that multiculturalism is a fundamental characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity† (National Capital Commission, n.d, p. 1). In effect, the policy also aims to call on federal institutions to carry out their programs and projects in due consideration of multiculturalism; and to implement various activities with a modicum of sensitivity and in response to the multicultural setting of Canada (National Capital Commission, n.d). In more detail, the Canadian Multiculturalism Act sets forth that the Canadian government acknowledges and supports the fact that multiculturalism expresses the cultural and ethnic diversity of their society and recognizes the right of the people to preserve and share their heritage (Canadian Multiculturalism Act, 1988). Their policy also acknowledges and supports the understanding that multiculturalism is a major characteristic of Canada’s society and that it helps shape the future of Canadian society. The policy also supports the holistic and equal participation of the people from various ethnicities in all aspects of Canadian society, assisting them in eradicating barriers to participation (Canadian Multiculturalism Act, 1988). The purpose of the act is also to recognize that various

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Paramedics assessment with Problems in Pregnancy and Complicated Research Paper

Paramedics assessment with Problems in Pregnancy and Complicated Childbirth - Research Paper Example By estimating her EDC or EDD through ultrasonography or manual calculations by measuring the fundic height or getting the LMP, a rough correlation with her uterine contractions can be deduced to know if the patient is undergoing false or true labor. Rupture of membranes or excretion of a mucus plug may indicate an active labor process. General health must also be assessed if the mother has had allergies, is smoker or alcoholic, or takes any drugs or medications (Complicated childbirth). In ancient times, the mode of delivery for subsequent pregnancies after a history of cesarean section (CS) will always be CS. Currently, there are now options to undergo a trial of labor after a cesarean birth but patients must be aided in their decision making with sufficient understanding about the risks and benefits of a vaginal delivery. With TOLAC, there is a risk of uterine rupture. The following characteristics, increases the success of vaginal delivery: previous vaginal delivery, history of VB AC, spontaneous labor, competent cervix, nonrecurring indications i.e. breech, previa, herpes, preterm delivery, an interpregnancy interval of more than 18 months. Similarly, the risks associated and factors that may contribute to failure of the process are morbid obesity, Hispanic and African American race, increasing birth weight, previous history of cephalopelvic disproportion, diabetes mellitus, failure to progress labor, no history of vaginal deliveries, or a previous cesarean section. In the clinical case given, her risks of undergoing a trial of labor may be high; therefore a cesarean delivery may be recommended (Caughey, n.d.). Condition Clinical presentation Problems/Risks/Complications Management Ectopic pregnancy Signs of pregnancy i.e. amenorrhea, positive pregnancy test Abdominal pain accompanied by shoulder pain as the embryo grows distending the involved structure and compressing adjacent organs If abdominal implantation, signs of shock i.e. hypotension If cervical or fallopian tube implantation, vaginal blood loss Problem: implantation of the embryo in structures other than the uterus Risk: previous ectopic pregnancy, history of tubal surgery, history of tubal infection, progestin-only contraception, intrauterine contraceptive devices Complication: rupture of structure with the growing fetus, hemorrhage causing hypovolemic shock Early diagnosis via ?-hCG level determination Transport to a medical facility for possible surgical procedure Correct signs of shock Pain alleviation Pre-term labour Uterine contractions Small amount of cervical effacement or dilatation Problem: premature onset of labor before 38 weeks of gestation Risk: multi-gravid, intrauterine infections, premature rupture of the membranes, uterine or cervical anatomical anomalies, smoker, Complication: preterm birth, low birth weight neonate, fetal distress, infection Prehospital setting: supportive care, decrease level of stress, bed rest Hospital setting: IV salbutamol Pre-eclamp sia Hypertension; BP >140/90 mmHg Edema Proteinuria Headaches Visual disturbances Pulmonary edema Hepatic dysfunction Oliguria Thrombocytopenia or haemolysis Problem: biochemical and physiological alteration resulting to widespread vasoconstriction, organ ischemia and edema Risk: obesity, diabetes mellitus, race Complication: progression to eclampsia; brain ischemia, seizure, heart failure, decreased

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rights, Law and the History of Ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Rights, Law and the History of Ideas - Essay Example I decided to pay special attention to works presented by Regan, Singer, and Francione because all of these animal rights theorists have always managed to present their approach concerning animal rights issue in a very engaging and unique manner. At some points, these philosophers even get purely judgmental about other intellectuals’ approaches and I felt that highlighting such judgments and arguments would help in getting the deeper flavor of the whole issue in a multidimensional manner. I basically tried searching most of the references from hard copies of books and peer-reviewed journals though I also took support of some credible websites about which I specially tried making sure that they contained valid and reviewed information. The books I referenced in the paper throw light on Regan’s and Singer’ works and I chose them because they help contrasting Regan’s approach from that of Singer’s. I also laid stress on books composed by Francione becau se his works help immensely in understanding the core ideology of animal liberation movement. ..

Monday, September 23, 2019

Light jet plane Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Light jet plane - Research Paper Example The most primitive needs should be satisfied completely first and then gradually other needs should be fulfilled but then again sometimes the most primitive needs only prove to be a hurdle in the overall growth and routine task execution. The higher importance tasks can only be efficiently performed if the lower basic necessities are met. (Rakowski, 2008) The light jet plane is basically a corporate jet with only one operational pilot seat and capable of accommodating around five people. Some of the have a proper lavatory system while some do not; however, it is very comfortable and highly in demand for many companies. Businessmen and VIP personnel can easily cover their required distances with all the space at their disposal and without having to bear the discomfort of public air transport planes. As the name signifies these planes are small, less heavy and fly at slow speeds but comfortably. (Pike, 2009) The major factor utilizing probably the majority of the organization’s concerns is the fiscal policies. External crisis such as inflation, stock market ups and downs etcetera have huge bearings on the overall economic infrastructure. The economic conditions of the population is checked and double checked before pricing goods or investing in the manufacture process. Moreover the financial condition of a particular locality plays a driving role admits (Kreitner, 2007). Not every geographical demarcation is well suited for buying expensive luxuries. So the company should chalk out its fiscal policies considering the minutest details regarding the ongoing currency value, stock’s market and the economic solidarity of the country. In order to avoid any major setbacks to the organization’s revenue generation or the entire outlet flop. In the modern era of technology it is extremely important for every company in the endeavor to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How to Write a Research Paper Essay Example for Free

How to Write a Research Paper Essay â€Å"This should be sent to a journal† â€Å"Very good work, but I’m not sure why Alan Bundy hasn’t written this? † Anonymous review: â€Å"Clearly the author fails to understands Walsh’s previous work on this topic† †¢ 1st Lesson †¢ Don’t lose heart †¢ Even if you do everything right, reviewing is imperfect Good papers will be rejected But try to learn from your knock-backs! †¢ †¢ Why you? †¢ Academic career †¢ Publish or perish †¢ Have an impact †¢ †¢ Communicate your results Many have not had the impact they deserve for being bad writers †¢ Writing is fun! Outline †¢ How to get your paper rejected †¢ There are many traps even experienced researchers make Myself very much included †¢ †¢ Hints about how to write a paper †¢ Writing is a craft not a science! How to be rejected †¢ Submit over-length †¢ Blind man: send in 7 pages even though the instructions clearly say 5 Once they see quality of work, they’ll be pleased you sent in more material †¢ How to be rejected Submit over-length †¢ †¢ Diplomatic immunity: put extra 2 pages in appendix Appendices clearly don’t count Similarly, bibliography doesn’t count †¢ †¢ How to be rejected †¢ Submit over-length †¢ LaTeX hacker: †¢ †¢ †¢ change from 11 to 9 point font squeeze inter-line space †¢ No one will ever notice How to be rejected †¢ Submit late †¢ †¢ †¢ Deadlines are meant for everyone else Review schedules have plenty of slack Your paper is worth the wait! How to be rejected †¢ You don’t have room for space wasters like: †¢ Motivation, Background, Related work †¢ Why do review forms always have these on them anyway? How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Proof is trivial, when it isn’t Prove the trivial Fail to cite their work Only cite yourself How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ Don’t bother to spell check †¢ What do computers know about spelling anyway? †¢ Use all the old cliches †¢ â€Å"There has been a lot of interest recently in global constraints. † How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ Be pompous, boring, †¢ This is science not literature guys, who said it should be fun? †¢ Be overly formal †¢ Theorems and formulas add weight How to be rejected †¢ Annoy reader/reviewer †¢ Make them really work †¢ After all, these are dif? cult concepts and it took you some time †¢ Ignore reviews †¢ Just keep sending paper in, eventually it will be accepted How to write a paper †¢ Hints about how to write †¢ †¢ †¢ Preparation Writing itself Ethics Preparation †¢ Read, read, read! †¢ To learn how to write, read a lot †¢ I spend over 20% of my time reading †¢ 1 day/week in library Read, Read, Read †¢ Related literature †¢ †¢ †¢ So you can cite it So you don’t re-invent wheels So you know what others think are important research questions Read, Read, Read †¢ Other conference/journal papers where you intend to publish †¢ †¢ So you learn the â€Å"house† style So you can place your work within the bigger picture So you learn how to ask good questions †¢ Read, Read, Read †¢ Any sort of literature †¢ Magazines, novels, biographies, †¢ Writing is a skill, learn from others †¢ I read approx one novel/week as a way of trying to learn how to write And I have the luxury of writing in my own language! †¢ Review, Review, Review †¢ Review as much as you can †¢ †¢ †¢ So you see good/bad writing So you see the newest results (but see ethics) So you ask yourself good questions †¢ What is the contribution here? What are the weaknesses? Write, Write, Write †¢ The best preparation to writing is to write †¢ †¢ Writing gets easier the more you do it Writing is easier if you’ve drafted much of what you already need Writing is the best way to organize your thoughts Writing is a good way to record what you have done. †¢ †¢ Writing †¢ Work out the timetable †¢ †¢ †¢ Rushed papers frequently rejected Late papers are almost always rejected If you always write to deadlines, writing will seem more painful than it is Writing †¢ Work out the message †¢ You should be able to convey this in one sentence †¢ â€Å"We propose a new global constraint, provide a ? ltering algorithm and show it useful on some standard benchmarks† Writing †¢ Work out the message †¢ You should be able to convey this in one sentence †¢ â€Å"We identify an important class of symmetry, and show how to break it† †¢ Write to the message! Writing †¢ Distribute the work †¢ †¢ Play to your strengths If you have a native speaker, have them write intro/conclusion †¢ Write to length †¢ Brutally cut papers are frequently rejected Writing †¢ †¢ Structure paper before you write it I write template for paper with sections and subsection headings ? rst †¢ Intro, Background, Theoretical results, Empirical results, Related work, Conclusions Writing †¢ †¢ Start where you are most happy Often write from the middle outwards †¢ Theoretical results, Experiments, , Conclusions, Introduction, Abstract Writing †¢ †¢ Rule of Three Say everything 3 times! †¢ †¢ †¢ Introduce idea (introduction) Develop idea (body of paper) Summarize result (conclusions) †¢ But don’t copy verbatim the same text! Title †¢ Make it meaningful and brief †¢ †¢ Don’t make a joke Remember someone reading reference needs to be able to work out likely contents Good: the TSP phase transition Bad: Easy Problems are sometimes Hard †¢ †¢ Abstract †¢ Executive summary †¢ Try for one sentence or so on: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Motivation Method Key result Conclusions Introduction †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ What is the problem? Why is it interesting? What are your contributions? What is the outline of what you will show? Introduction †¢ Lure the reader in a with a good ? rst sentence †¢ Bad: There has been a lot of work recently on phase transition behaviour Good: Global constraints are central to the success of constraint programming †¢ Background †¢ Often need to set scene †¢ †¢ †¢ De? ne formalism Get reader up to speed Identify research problem Body of Paper †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Derive theoretical results Propose new algorithm Describe system engineered Results †¢ Bullet proof paper †¢ Theoretical results †¢ Experiments only provide a limited view †¢ Experimental results †¢ Theory doesn’t show if results are useful in practice. Related work †¢ Has many purposes †¢ †¢ †¢ You give proper credit to prior work You are not re-inventing wheel You can compare what you do with what has been done before Conclusions †¢ †¢ Remind reader of what you have done Place work in wider context †¢ â€Å"What general lessons might be learnt from this study? † †¢ Flag all the exciting open research directions Acknowledgements †¢ Thank all who have helped you †¢ Provided code, data sets, †¢ Thank ? nancial sponsors Writing †¢ Keep it simple! †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Active, not passive Present, not past or future Long words Short sentences Writing †¢ Avoid temptation to include every result you have †¢ †¢ †¢ Paper needs to be coherent Paper needs to be understandable Many papers are rejected for having too many results! Ethics of Writing †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Authorship Citation Submission Publication Authorship †¢ Who should be an author? †¢ Anyone who has made a signi? cant contribution May not have written any text! Always err on the side of caution †¢ †¢ Authorship †¢ Who should be an author? †¢ †¢ †¢ Ask! You’ll be surprised how often people refuse You can be sure they’ll not work with you again if they feel they should be Authorship †¢ Should my advisor be an author? †¢ †¢ †¢ In ? rst few years of thesis, probably yes .. Once you graduate, you should (be able to) write papers on your own Again, ask! †¢ Citation †¢ Cite all relevant work †¢ †¢ †¢ Reviews always ask about Related Work You’ll want them to cite you It’s central to the scienti? c method †¢ We stand on the shoulders of others Citation †¢ Do I cite myself for a blind review? †¢ †¢ †¢ Yes! You must credit all previous work Either cite [Author, 2004] Or write â€Å"As Walsh has shown previously [Walsh 2004] † Submission †¢ Can I submit to multiple conferences? †¢ What’s the deal with the disclaimer (†This paper is not under review ..†)? †¢ Can I submit to a journal immediately? †¢ †¢ No hard and fast rules My rule, once reviews are back and paper is effectively in press Publication †¢ Can I publish my conference paper as it is in a journal? †¢ Probably not, even though conference is not archival Most journals ask you to extend conference paper substantially †¢ †¢ Proofs, more experiments, Final words †¢ It takes time to learn how to write †¢ Don’t be put off if at ? rst your have papers rejected All of us have papers rejected †¢ †¢ Spend time learning how to write †¢ It will be worth the investment.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bill Gates and I Have the Same Property Essay Example for Free

Bill Gates and I Have the Same Property Essay The government does not have the freedom to interfere into the property of an owner and the owner’s right to exercise power on the property. This statement may be evaluated with the following example. An anti-trust action was passed against Microsoft Corporation by the Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department who challenged that the company cannot make it mandatory on customers to install the internet browser of Microsoft while installing the Microsoft 95 operating system. The Government also upheld the notion that it is not necessary for consumers to use one product of a company simultaneously when another product is installed. The court ordered the separation of Microsoft 95 and Internet explorer. In continuation to this verdict, the Assistant Attorney General further demanded the unusual freedom to scrutinise all future products of Microsoft Corporation to check their marketing strategy. Microsoft retaliated that if additional facilities in the computer indicate unfair trade practice, the manufacture of computer itself would be like posing threat to the manufacturers of products like calculator, typewriter and the like. Though the Assistant Attorney General justified that the anti trust motion is aimed to stimulate innovation and competition there were several obstacles to substantiate its stand to stop Microsoft from gaining market control (Labaton, 1997). According to Bill Gates, the separation of the operating system and the browser would mean producing products with lesser value and reducing the demand for the operating system in the market despite enhancing the quality (Thibodeau, 2008). In the Second Treatise of Government, John Locke justifies that man can have a right on property based on the amount of work he has done to transform the resources provided by God. The amount of work done by a person enables him to partition the common resources provided by God and own a part of it by himself. Thus private ownership of property is related to the amount of work done by man. The spoilage proviso limits the amount of resources a man can reserve when the resource is wasted and the sufficiency proviso limits the amount of resources to be owned and the balance to be left with the nature for others. And when there are no more resources available, people are required to work on the available resources for sustenance. According to Locke, when individuals own resources or land, they take better care of it rather than when the land is not owned by anyone. When land is owned the productivity is estimated a ten times its actual value and it will pave way for the betterment of life. Here labor is given more importance than on resources. When a person works on a resource it is automatically transformed into the workers property. It is the duty of the government to protect the right of a person towards a property (Meinhardt, 2007). James Madison has defined the ownership and rights to use a property. He has stated that when a person has a right to property, it is equal to having a property in his own rights. Hence the government’s interference into the affairs of a property or business owned by an individual when the business is meant for public use is not fair. Therefore the government should make it clear that the property owned by a person or corporate may be put into full use according to the wish of the owner if the use of the property adds values and the deletion of certain facilities reduce the value of the property. When certain use of a property is taken away by legal and governmental restrictions, the owner cannot exercise his fundamental freedom to exercise his right on the property (Pilon, 1995). In conclusion, governments do not have the authority to interfere into the rights of a property owner if the owner is a multi billionaire or a common person. Reference Labaton, S. December 22, 1997. Bill Gates, Meet Your Adversary, the Antitrust Chief. Available: http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=9D04E7DF143EF931A15751C1A961958260sec=spon=pagewanted=1. Accessed on September 8, 2008 Meinhardt, E. F. May 22, 2007. Critical Analysis of John Locke’s theory on Property Rights. Available http://www. scribd. com/doc/93360/John-Locke-on-Property-Rights. Accessed on September 8, 2008. Pilon, R. February 10, 1995. Protecting Private Property Rights from Regulatory Takings. Breathe New Life Into the Takings Clause. Available: http://www. cato. org/testimony/ct-pi210. html. Accessed on September 8, 2008. Thibodeau, P. June 30, 2008. For Bill Gates, antitrust fight was a personal crucible. http://www. thestandard. com/news/2008/06/30/bill-gates-antitrust-fight-was-personal-crucible? page=0%2C1. Accessed on September 8, 2008.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Organisational Chart Of London Heathrow Marriott

Organisational Chart Of London Heathrow Marriott Boots PLC has a hierarchical structure, in a hierarchical organizational chart; the Chief executive officer is the top rectangle basically the most powerful figure in the organisation/firm. The level underneath the chief officer contains high-level managers or directors, and each succeeding level includes the lower of the line above. Boots PLC also have a centralised structure. The Executive chairman has a span of control of five people the directors. Some of the subordinates of Boots are: Some of the line managers include: Ornella Barra Tony de Nunzio (Director) George Lumb Chris Britton (Director) Alex Gourlay Nick Land (Director) Marco Pagni Dominic Murphy (Director) Steve Duncan Mattia Caprioli (Director) Organisational Chart of London Heathrow Marriott (Source: Interview with the HR Manager 2010) The London Heathrow Marriott has a tall hierarchical pyramid structure; this particular structure helps the business to run smoothly and efficiently. Hierarchical organisational structures are normally used in large and complex businesses. London Heathrow Marriott also operates within a centralised structure which means the firm consists of a head office that will have the most power and retain major responsibilities. The General Manager has a span of control of five people members of the executive committee. It has a layered employment; additionally the chart also consists of a fourth layer of assistant heads of department and a fifth layer for the associates. There are also approximately twenty layers above the General Manager these include (Cluster General Manager for London, Regional Vice President, etc). The line manager of London Heathrow Marriott is Jayne Hillner the general manager and the subordinates include: David Thomas Dawn Packham Elaine Hudson Jim Shields Mike Taylor Comparison of the Organisational Chart of London Heathrow Marriott and Boots PLC Both the businesses have a hierarchical structure which helps London Heathrow Marriott and Boots PLC to be organised and run efficiently. They are also both centralised therefore the businesses can benefit from the decision making through an experienced head office or senior manager. Similarly, both the businesses have a span of control of five people- the directors in Boots PLC and the members of the executive committee in London Heathrow Marriott. The London Heathrow Marriott has approximately 20 layers above the general manager whereas Boots PLC have a complete structure with the CEO at the top. Functional Areas Functional area is a department or area which carries out specific business activity. Effectively, functional areas are used in businesses because it helps the business to be more productive, organised and efficient. In addition, functional areas are vital in businesses as it helps the business achieve its aims and objectives this is because specific departments are in charge or responsible for a particular aim or objective which makes it more easier, for instance: the sales and marketing area deal with aims linked to increase in sales or developing new markets, etc. Mostly businesses are organised in the following departments: Finance, Administration, ICT, Production, Administration, Human Resources, Marketing and Sales. (Source: Carysforth, R Dransfield, M Neild and C Richard: Edexcel GCSE Applied Business, 2009) However, London Heathrow Marriott has the following functional areas: Front Office Food Beverage Allies Restaurant, Tuscany Restaurant, Room Service, Bar Conference and Banqueting, Executive Lounge. Kitchen Leisure Club House Keeping Human Resources Finance Marketing, Sales Events Engineering Maintenance. Administration (General Manager Director of Operations). (Source: Interview with the HR Manager 2010) Front Office The front office department is divided and split into a reception, concierge, nights and At Your Service. Within the reception, London Heathrow Marriott makes sure that the customer has checked in without any difficulties. At the concierge, customers can ask for directions, bookings for taxis and days out, they would greet the customers and take their bags up to the rooms. The Nights is basically the service provided at night. Another way in which London Heathrow Marriott indicates that they are supportive is the At Your Service department, it gives general help and deals with customers enquiries. By doing all of this they are taking care of their customers while they are accommodating, thus they have a pleasant atmosphere. The Front Office helps London Heathrow Marriott to meet their aim of guest satisfaction superiority because they would welcome and greet the customers this will keep them pleased and give them a sense of belonging with the service as a result the guests are more l ikely to visit London Heathrow Marriott again. Eventually, due to the service provided by the front office will allow London Heathrow Marriott to meet their objective of- Sales turnover  £20m because the customers would be satisfied by the service provided and as mentioned before they would either visit again or inform about London Heathrow Marriott to their friends or family, this would also increase their profit levels- another aim of London Heathrow Marriott. Without the front office guests wouldnt be served, hence they are more likely to lose their customers to rival hotels; this would decrease the turnover and profits, thus the associates wont be paid on time- high labour turnover and would create an overall negative effect on London Heathrow Marriott. Although, the front office allows London Heathrow Marriott to meet their aim of maximising profit but the most significant aim it meets is the guest satisfaction superiority because achieving this aim will then allow London Hea throw Marriott to achieve their aim of maximising profit as the more customers it has the more profit it will make therefore by keeping the guests satisfied London Heathrow Marriott is likely to gain more customers. (Source: Teachers Notes 2010) Food and Beverage The Food and beverage department develops and manages food and statements to decide how the Food and Beverage department is doing in terms of profits or budgets. London Heathrow Marriott has several restaurants to meet its customers expectation and make them satisfied. The Food and Beverage area helps London Heathrow Marriott to achieve their aim of guest satisfaction superiority as they are meeting the customer specification and satisfying their needs. The restaurants also are a source of income which helps London Heathrow Marriott to meet their objective of  £20m in sales. London Heathrow Marriott has a wide range of restaurants where the guests can have their meals such as: Allies American Grille this restaurant provides an American cuisine where they provide buffet, breakfast, lunch and dinner. This restaurant opens at 6 am and closes at about 11 pm Bar Hemia this is a bar where they provide different types of alcohol and snacks. Guests can also spend time watching sports programmes on wide screen TVs. Tuscany Ristorante this is an Italian restaurant, it also has a visible kitchen where the guests can view the chef preparing the food. Costa Coffee it is a coffee shop that serves coffee, tea, etc with a light meal as a side eg: sandwich. Room Service- this is where the guests or customers can choose their meal from a menu and it will then be sent straight to the room. Executive lounge in this area the guests can relax and interact with other people, etc. (Source: Phoned Marriott on 24/01/11) Kitchen In the Kitchen department the chefs prepare the food for events, weddings, conferences, etc. They are also responsible for food stock, in other words they have to buy the exact amount of what they need this would help Marriott to reduce costs. London Heathrow Marriott can minimise costs by bulk buying from the supplier and benefitting from economies of scale. The Kitchen department helps Marriott to meet their aim of maximising profit as the costs are reduced from bulk buying therefore it allows them to increase their profit levels. (Source: Interview with the HR Manager 2010) Leisure Club Housekeeping The Housekeeping department is responsible for public area cleaning, laundry and lost property. In order to keep the customers satisfied maids have been employed to clean the rooms at high standards. They clean about 15-16 rooms a day, London Heathrow Marriott cares about the health and safety of their customers hence cleanliness is one of their main priorities towards guest satisfaction. (Source: Phoned Marriott on 24/01/11). This particular area keeps the customers pleased as they fulfil the needs of their customers before any complaints therefore this helps London Heathrow Marriott to meet their aim of guest satisfaction superiority. London Heathrow Marriott is persistent in keeping their reputation at high standards so that they could meet their aim of maximising profit; the Housekeeping department helps Marriott to do so. Human Resources This functional area works with recruitment and selection, dismissal, payroll, employment laws, health and safety, training and legislation. This is a significant department for London Heathrow Marriott as one of their aims involves training and development, recruitment, pay and benefits and promotions to ensure associate satisfaction. Hence, by providing facilities such as training and recruiting experienced and skilful associates the London Heathrow Marriott is likely to meet this aim. The process of recruitment costs Marriott  £4000 so if they recruit the right associates suitable for the job they are likely to meet their objective of low labour turnover and also make more profits by cutting down the recruitment costs. Also, the HR department is responsible for IT and payroll. The IT functional area focuses on managing the businesses IT systems, setting up accounts for employees, updating software and hardware programmes, manage and updating the website and also backing up files . Moreover, the London Heathrow Marriott does not have an ICT section; the human resources department controls the majority of the ICT aspects. Also, the main office in U.S manages any problems and is also responsible to update the London Heathrow Marriott website. Additionally, the Marriott International had researched and found that having specialised employees working in America has a far more effective result in keeping information safe and dealing with technical issues. This reduces the London Heathrow Marriott costs and allows them in meeting their aim of maximising profit because they do not have to employ and pay IT specialist. The use of ICT such as internet in the hotel would keep the guest pleased because London Heathrow Marriotts target audience are businessmen or women hence many of them would require internet, therefore this would keep the guest satisfied which is an aim of London Heathrow Marriott. The guest satisfaction survey can also be filled online and analysed b y computers, this is cost effective and also environmentally friendly as not much paper is used. This helps the business to reduce paper cost and increases profits. All the data is sent to a centralised ICT department in U.S where the headquarters are based. However, this may take a lot of time but the costs are lowered through the use of less equipment, this also helps the business to meet its aim of maximising profit because the spending costs are reduced. (Source: Interview with the HR Manager 2010) Finance The finance department deals with the cash inflows (revenue made from sales) and outflows (paying for equipments, materials and wages). It is also about budgeting, forecasting sales and costs, monitoring productivity and banking (Source: Student presentations 2010). The London Heathrow Marriott sets budgets and aims to lower the costs. This department makes it easy for London Heathrow Marriott to meet their aim of maximizing profits, as the set budgets plan to lower the costs. The sector controls cash flow and ensures theres enough within the business to pay the associates and suppliers on time. Furthermore, Finance has a vital role when customers make a booking for a function or event at the Marriott. Quotes need to be accurate and delivered fast so that customers can make swift decisions about their requirements from the Marriott. Suppliers need to be informed and the finance department need to present the information to its customers. One of the aims of London Heathrow Marriott is : Marriott Profitability and Owner Return on Investment- To meet this aim the Finance department must make sure they are constantly checking their budget and keeping tabs on the expenditure. Marketing and Sales The marketing and sales department deals with the consumer needs (Carysforth, R Dransfield, M Neild and C Richard: Edexcel GCSE Applied Business, 2009). The Marketing and Sales department are also responsible for advertising and promotions, ecommerce, responding to sales enquiry and keeping customer records, research about customer needs through market research and surveys. It is important to find out what the needs of the customers are before launching a new product or service. The marketing and sales department also responds to sale enquiries and keep customer records. In the London Heathrow Marriott the marketing and sales department present powerful advertising and competitive pricing. Furthermore, they also do spy checks where an associate visits one of the competitors of London Heathrow Marriott to find out more data and also monitors Trip Advisor. London Heathrow Marriott has a strong link with many airlines, especially Emirates. Many Emirates employees stay at London Heathrow Marriott. Additionally, 95% of the airline employees stay at London Heathrow Marriott therefore if any cancellations or delays occur the London Heathrow Marriott is their first priority; Emirates take an equivalent of 120 rooms a day. (Source: Teachers Notes 2010). This allows London Heathrow Marriott to gain more customers and meet their objective of guest satisfaction and maximizing profits as they are likely to get more customers hence making a greater profit. Lastly, the department deals with loyalty programmes such as enhanced facilities, long stay discounts, warm welcomes and spirit to serve. The offers might affect short term benefits but there are also long term benefits such as the offers will allow more customers to stay at London Heathrow Marriott through the loyalty programmes, discount scheme, etc. The more customers London Heathrow Marriott gets the more profit they will earn which means they will achieve their aim of making a profit. London Heathrow Marriott also aim s to be profitable and in order to do this they must meet their sales target objective of  £20m- which the sales department is responsible for. Engineering/Maintenance Administration Production/operations Though the London Heathrow Marriott does not sell a product, the product does offer a service thus it has an operations department. This consists of kitchen and health club staff, cleaners and maids. They also ensure that the service is provided- this includes greeting customers, showing them their room. In addition, the department helps to meet their aim of satisfying guests; if the operations department satisfies the customers then they are likely to revisit London Heathrow Marriott hence this department helps to meet their aim of increasing profits. Marriotts Spirit to Serve- operations department deal with customers as they do not have a customer service department. The Spirit to Serve the customers is evident in the adage, the customer is always right. (Source: Interview with the HR Manager 2010) Customer Service Generally, businesses include a customer service department but the London Heathrow Marriott does not consist of a customer service department. They make sure that the hotel is presentable and that services such as the mini bar, towels in rooms, etc are replaced before customers can complain about anything. However, the customer service department does not exist, London Heathrow Marriott keep their customers satisfied throughout by serving the customers with all their needs beforehand. Instead the Front Office deals with any customer enquiries, etc it acts more like the customer service department. (Source: Teachers Notes 2011)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Wholeness of the Individual in Society Essay -- Religion God Relig

The Wholeness of the Individual in Society Certain statements made by Pope John Paul II in his commentary on the lasting significance of the papal encyclical â€Å"Rerum Novarum,† resonate in a highly spiritual plane, others a highly earthly one, and others in both at once. I would posit that this integrated place is of utmost significance to a sound doctrine of social justice in society, with which both documents are highly concerned. The current pope most clearly states the intertwining of the spiritual and physical needs of the human being when he says that â€Å"the Church's social teaching is itself a valid instrument of evangelization † and â€Å"reveals man to himself† (John Paul II, 78). Like Pope John Paul II, I understand the social doctrine of the Church as more than an opportunity to show others how good God is and how much they need the spiritual salvation that comes from this same God's goodness. I believe in God's goodness, God is content to care for God's created and beloved children throu gh fostering the practice of justice and peace as integral threads in the tapestry of all ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Characters, Setting, and Conflicts in A Tale of Two Cities Essay

Characters, Setting, and Conflicts in A Tale of Two Cities      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel, A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens utilizes the characters, setting, conflicts, and other literary devices to convey the tone and establish an attitude about human beings and society.    Dickens connects this novel with the French Revolution. Many of his descriptions refer back to the Revolution and help convey the tone of depression. Dickens saw "similarities between the forces that led to the Revolution and the oppression and unrest occurring in England during his time" (Cliff notes). "Although he supported the idea of people rising up against tyranny, the violence that characterized the French Revolution disturbed him" (Cliff notes). Dickens was drawn to a play, The Frozen Deep, written by Wilkie Collins in which he acted. In this play, two men competed for one woman, like in A Tale of Two Cities, when Charles Darnay and Sidney Carton compete against each other for Lucie Manette. Dickens makes clear the characters in this novel through their actions rather than dialogue, which make this novel different from the rest. Dickens' social ideas in this novel are quite simple. He feels the French Revolution was inevitable because the aristocracy oppressed the being "of the poor, driving them to revolt" (Cliff notes). In A Tale of Two Cities Dickens attempts to show his readers the dangers of a possible revolution (Cliff notes). He relies on his descriptive skills to convey the significance of revolution and resurrection in the novel. In addition, he portrays the horror of mob violence throughout the novel, leaving the readers with images of waves of people crashing through the battered gates of the Bastille, for exampl... ... Dr. Manette and he is returned to sanity. Sydney Carton's life changes from despair to honor. Because of the great change in Carton, Darnay's life is spared. The power of love and determination is clearly demonstrated by the resurrection of Dr. Alexander Manette, Sydney Carton, and Charles Darnay.       Sources Cited and Consulted:    Collins, Irene. "Charles Dickens and the French Revolution." Literature and History 1.1 (1990): 40-57.      Dickens, Charles.   A Tale of Two Cities. 1859. New York:   Bantam, 1983.    Gross, John. "A Tale of Two Cities." Dickens and the Twentieth Century. Ed. John Gross and Gabriel Pearson. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962. 187-97.    Kalil, Marie. Cliffs notes on Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.   Cliff Notes Inc,   June 2000   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Extended commentary of ‘During Wind and Rain’ by Thomas Hardy Essay

On the Title: An ambiguous and interesting choice of title, in that it is – as I will show – both incongruous with the tense (or time-scale) used in the poem and draws the reader’s attention to descriptions of the weather. The word â€Å"during† makes the weather conditions affect the present. However, the poem is mostly written in the historic present and many of the stanzas depict images of bright, pleasant days – not the â€Å"wind and rain† alluded to in the title. There is clearly an intentional discrepancy being orchestrated here by Hardy. Quote SLS: â€Å"Beware â€Å"during†, the incongruous preposition.† Overall Structure: Four stanzas of seven lines, with a very strange (but regular) rhyme scheme. Hardy uses a very odd structure indeed. The rhyme scheme utilised in the poem consists of: ABCBCDA. There are multiple effects of this: * The sixth line in the stanza breaks the poetic flow of the stanza, as it is the only line not to rhyme with another – hence acting like a mid-stanzaic volta. It draws attention to itself. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the sixth line of every stanza breaks away from the theme of familial happiness painted in the previous five lines, and turns the subject to the contrasting theme of death. Observe the refrains used! * The drawn out â€Å"A† rhyme encompasses the entirety of each stanza. Given that the last line (about death) is linked to the first (about life), is Hardy trying to show the unavoidable connection of life and death? * Seven lines to each stanza perhaps represent a week, just as the four stanzas represent the seasons? Very poor allusion. Themes: Death, Family life, Time, The Seasons. Difficult Language Notes: â€Å"Blithely† means â€Å"happily†. First Stanza Notes: â€Å"They sing their dearest songs – He, she, all of them – yea, Treble and tenor and bass, And one to play; With the candles mooning each face†¦ Ah, no, the years O! How the sick leaves reel down in throngs!† This poem is one full of repetition and refrain. The general layout of each stanza, in terms of theme, organisation and repetition of certain lines, remains constant. Each stanza, for example, opens with an image of a family – presumably the same one throughout – in a place, or carrying out an action, in a unified and â€Å"happy† way. This stanza evokes a scene of the Victorian family gathered, singing, around a piano (â€Å"one to play†), as piano playing and â€Å"sing-a-long† was, of course, very common in Hardy’s time. Note how he only uses personal pronouns; distancing effect? Hardy goes to perhaps extreme lengths to show the family’s unity. On a critical note, one could criticise his rather inefficient use of the first four lines of this poem, but that is not our aim. Some analysis: * â€Å"They sing their dearest songs†. Note the use of a superlative adjective in â€Å"dearest†. It is the first of many. We may query its meaning; perhaps it indicates a certain reverence to familial attitude, both in Hardy and in the family itself. They are enjoying it! * â€Å"He, she, all of them.† Illustrates a togetherness within the family – one which (as Hardy will later comment upon) Death inevitably overcomes. The following line regarding the different musical voice (â€Å"Treble and tenor and bass†) illustrates a similar thing, but is used to point out that Death affects all elements of family, regardless of age. How very depressing – we’re only at line 3! Even better, he does this in all stanzas. * â€Å"– yea† Note use of colloquial (conversational) affirmative. Not only is it used to force the rhyme scheme, but it contrasts with the later â€Å"Ah, no†, which is negative. Hardy does this in all stanzas. Without jumping ahead, however, it is simply a friendly comment of approval. * â€Å"With the candles mooning each face† Night time scene. Interesting, seeing as it contrasts with the other images presented, which are all in bright daylight. * â€Å"Ah, no; the years O!† Thus we encounter the â€Å"inter-stanzaic volta†. Not only does the rhyme scheme depart from regularity (We label the sixth line in all stanzas the ‘D’ rhyme, as it is the only line not to have a rhyming companion). It signifies a departure from the pleasant theme of the unadulterated joy of family life, and an arrival at the theme of its death – or the fact that it is all going â€Å"to pass† eventually. As before mentioned, the â€Å"Ah, no;† contrasts with the previous affirmative. The actual sense of this line is rather obscure. We assume that Hardy is implicitly commenting on the fact that â€Å"the years† take away/ damage the family life – as they pass, so does the family and its happiness. â€Å"O!† is an ejaculation, expressing sadness or mourning for the family. * â€Å"How the sick leaves reel down in throngs!† Hardy furthers his ideas about death. Here is a line referring to the autumnal decay of life – leaves falling – and the way in which it precedes Death. Note how the leaves, when considered in â€Å"throngs†, may represent people? In the same way, a â€Å"reel† is a type of dance; is this (a slightly sick) dance of death? Unlikely, but we must remember that Hardy has no qualms with tragic irony. Second Stanza Notes: â€Å"They clear the creeping moss – Elders and juniors – aye, Making the pathways neat and the garden gay; And they build a shady seat†¦ Ah, no; the years, the years; See the white storm-birds wing across!† Once again, Hardy begins his stanza with an image of the family, this time in the garden – presumably in spring, as suggested by the fact that they are clearing the remains of winter (â€Å"the creeping moss†), whilst he describes the garden as â€Å"gay†. One can immediately recognise the structural similarities shared with the first stanza, as well as the meaning behind the â€Å"pleasant† image. * Note that Hardy now observes that both â€Å"Elders and juniors† participate – again, he differentiates between the different members of the family, but now uses the factor of age, as opposed to musical voices. This serves only to strengthen the original analysis; that unity may be visible and, indeed, enjoyable, but it is only fleeting in the face of Death. Lovely†¦ * Observe how the family’s actions are arranged around both â€Å"making the place neat/pretty† and around comfort. â€Å"Making pathways neat† and â€Å"building a shady seat† have only temporary effects upon happiness – the â€Å"moss† will grow back, the pathways will become untidy in time, when Winter (representing Death and decay) comes. Thus we find that Hardy is setting up, within his â€Å"pleasant† image, the backdrop upon which he wishes to point out that all happiness, joy – and life itself – is fleeting. * Or is it an image of the â€Å"futility of human endeavour† – the weather will erode the order imposed upon it, and ultimately Death will prevail? * On an aside: evidence for the scene being set in spring: if the seat is shady, then surely the sun must be out in broad daylight – not a symptom commonly associated with the Wintry illness! Ah, no; the years, the years; See the white storm-birds wing across! And yet, on cue, Hardy revives his alternative theme – this time with a slightly different D rhyme/phrase. The colloquial negative remains, but Hardy uses the echo of â€Å"the years† to emphasize the passage of time. He uses the same phrase in the fourth stanza, yet repeats the primary ejaculation in the third stanza (they alternate). The final line of the stanza is rather interesting. â€Å"Storm-birds† sound like mythical beasts – perhaps the extremity of phrase reflects that of Death? – yet they are most likely geese, flying away before Winter comes. It is not as disturbing an image as that of the leaves â€Å"reeling†, but it again points to the same idea. The use of strong verbs in all final lines in all stanza adds to their strength: â€Å"reel† in Stanza One, â€Å"wing† in the second, etc. â€Å"To wing† itself is an unusual choice, perhaps adding to a sense of the supernatural. Think back to â€Å"Neutral Tones† and the â€Å"ominous bird a-wing†. The verb has the same effect here. Third Stanza Notes: â€Å"They are blithely breakfasting all – Men and maidens – yea, Under the summer tree, With a glimpse of the bay, While pet fowl come to the knee†¦ Ah, no; the years O! And the rotten rose is ript from the wall.† Here Hardy is at last explicit about the season and its effects; much as Autumn and Winter are representative of Death and decay, spring and summer bear idyllic delights. In this stanza, we find ourselves in the latter. One cannot â€Å"overdo† the emphasis which Hardy applies to the seasons. He pictures human life as tragically linear, whilst comparing it to the inevitably cyclical seasons. In the end, the seasons – especially Winter – bring about the decay of a finite life. And yet, to begin with, this stanza suggests that the family are blissfully unaware of that fact. * Once again, we find the family in unity and happy – seeing as they are â€Å"blithely breakfasting† – suggesting a disregard for the potential decay and sadness. They appear to live in the happy present. * It has been suggested that the family have now grown up, seeing as they are now described as â€Å"Men and maidens† as opposed to â€Å"Elders and juniors†. Side point – no way to substantiate claim. Of course, now Hardy differentiates between them using sex – all the more differences which Death can overcome. * Allusions to an Arcadian ideal – a perfect landscape, full of happiness – are impossible to avoid. â€Å"Under the summer tree / With a glimpse of the bay†; it sounds more like Tuscany than Britain! Of course, Hardy is not that explicit. The â€Å"bay† may just as well be a bay tree, as much as a bit of coastland. Still, the image remains idyllic. And yet, â€Å"I [Death] am here†. * â€Å"The pet fowl† may represent a further source of happiness – domesticated or agricultural livestock have always been kept for the happiness of one’s stomach or one’s heart. Either will do. More human endeavour to be laid waste to by Death? Here, as usual, the poem breaks away and returns to the original ejaculation about the years passing. Note how the â€Å"O!† lengthens the line – it slows the reader down. Otherwise analysed above. The final image evocative of Death, however, is of our greatest interest: â€Å"The rotten rose is ript from the wall.† Again, an ambiguous phrase creates the sense of sickening mystery which Death itself possesses. Not only does the obvious alliteration of the â€Å"r† sound mount both the tension and force placed upon the final verb, but it also mirrors the ugly nature of the act itself. â€Å"Ript† is merely an archaic spelling of â€Å"ripped† – the sense is the same and bears the same strength. Yet who, or what, rips up the rose? Obviously, the image is representative of Death claiming a life; the verb suggests an unpleasant or untimely death. Quote SLS: â€Å"A complete severance from life†. Perhaps we can extrapolate this further to make a comment on the cruelty of Death in Hardy’s eyes? It may well be the wind. This would fit with the title, although we must still ponder the incongruous preposition, â€Å"during†. Perhaps the entire image is metaphorical, and Death is simply tearing a previously beautiful flower (â€Å"rotten† is probably representative of â€Å"old†) away from life? Fourth Stanza Notes: â€Å"They change to a high new house, He, she, all of them – aye, Clocks and carpets and chairs On the lawn all day, And the brightest things that are theirs†¦ Ah, no; the years, the years; Down their carved names the rain-drop ploughs.† Clearly the family have grown wealthier, to move house – and, it seems, they have moved quite literally â€Å"up† in the world, as it is a â€Å"high† one. One may question whether this stanza overly reflects upon the materialistic joys of the world. Maybe that is Hardy’s intention. I doubt, however, that this is an explicit attack upon those who value material objects; rather a memento mori, in that, despite the temporary pleasure of wealth and possessions, Death will always claim victory. Deeper analysis: * Note how we have returned to â€Å"He, she, all of them†. Have we come round in a full generational cycle? * The weather remains good, as the family display their possessions on the lawn, presumably as they either prepare to move them to the new house from the old, or simply before they have been properly installed. Clearly Hardy is using summer to represent joy and prosperity. * The language bears little complexity – hence little analysis! Is this done to reflect the simple, but enjoyable, pleasures of materialistic desires and good weather? * â€Å"Brightest things which are theirs†. Note another superlative. Relevance/ importance, other than to add emphasis? (Have previously analysed the secondary ejaculation. Now repeated.) The final image of the poem is possibly the most interesting, dramatic and explicit. â€Å"Down their carved names the rain-drop ploughs.† Here Hardy at last makes an explicit reference to the subject of death, in that their â€Å"carved names† are grave stones, whilst also tying in the title (with the reference to the weather). Primarily, we are shocked by the contrast; clearly, Hardy is imagining the same individuals with whom we are now familiar (as â€Å"the family†) as being dead. They have been buried. This is a very sudden and rather upsetting realisation. Hardy very successfully makes his point about the frailty and temporal nature of life. Their successes and happiness are irrelevant. How depressing! Worse, Hardy suggests that the weather erodes them not only in life, but also destroys (â€Å"ploughs†) their memory in death; the rain drop appears to be eroding away the names from the stones. This insensitivity contrasts with the use of â€Å"names†, which are highly personal. Perhaps, however, Hardy intends â€Å"ploughs† to be positive. As in the agricultural sense, the rain drop prepares for new growth? Final note: Is the narrator writing the poem in the grave-yard? Are the images he recollects merely his memories of a family now dead – the images of Death are all happening around him â€Å"during wind and rain†? Clever point. Perhaps.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Guide for Employee Relations Staff Essay

You receive a call or letter from a manager saying that an allegation or complaint has been made about a member of staff. At this point it is important to ascertain if the subject of the complaint is a ‘vulnerable adult’ in terms of the Safeguarding Adults/Adult Protection policy and guidance. Â  If they do fit these criteria, remind the manager that they have a responsibility to consider using the Safeguarding Adults/Adult Protection process. They can seek advice from other colleagues or from the Safeguarding Adults/Adult Protection Team if unsure. o The next step is to consider if the staff member needs to be sent home. There are occasional situations where people can be moved to non client contact settings, but sending them home usually protects them as well as the vulnerable adult. o The safeguarding adults process should have been initiated by the manager and must fit in with your timescales i. e. a strategy meeting within 5 working days from the staff member being sent home. The strategy meeting should include police where relevant, care manager, CQC (Care Quality Commission), ER (Employee Relations), any other key players with a contribution to make (see Safeguarding Adults Guidance for more detail). It should be chaired by a Safeguarding Adults Officer or by another manager. o The Safeguarding Strategy meeting will look at the whole picture, including the possibility of any other vulnerable adults being at risk; the need for a police investigation; the need for more information etc. The meeting will decide what type of investigation, if any, needs to take place. Police investigations take precedence over all others. Work needs to be done with the police to enable joint interviews with HR where possible, to avoid interviewing vulnerable adults twice. o Where there is no police interview and the issue is dealt with under the disciplinary process, there are two things that may assist your staff. One is to enlist the support of a trained investigator, and two for ER advisors to get a place on the Safeguarding Adults Investigator’s training.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Module 11 text questions-Creative photography Essay

1. What makes someone a professional photographer? What qualities do you think a professional photographer should have? – If they do the same thing, only get the majority of their income from it. 2. What are three different types of photography? Which type do you think you’d most like to focus on? Why? – Commercial photography, Forensic photography, and scientific photography. I’d probably like commercial photography the most because I like photographing my friends modeling and I would want my work to be shown in magazines and advertisements. 3. What do you think would be the best and worst aspect of being a professional photographer? Why? – Worst- Having low pay, or barely any jobs. – Best- Traveling and experiencing different types of photography. 4. What tasks or responsibilities would photographers have if they owned their own business? – Marketing their business, editing their photos, and selling their work. 5. What is the job outlook for photographers? What factors are influencing the job outlook? – In 2008, there were over 150,000 professional photographers in the U. S. And the average photographer earned almost $30,000 per year. 6. What are the educational or training requirements for becoming a professional photographer? What options exist for individuals? -There is no specific education needed. It usually depends on the type of photography you want to do. All photographers would want to have training in the subject they want to work in. 7. What are the steps to becoming a professional photographer? -Have an interest in photography -Receive a university degree or other training – Develop a strong portfolio 8. What is stock photography? Do you think you’d like to take stock photographs? -Stock photographs are photographs that are made for specific commercial purposes. I think it would be fun o take them, so yes. 9. What do you think is the biggest challenge for professional photographers? – Probably finding a good job in photography. There are not many, and I wouldn’t want to just work as an assistant. 10. How do the careers of freelance and salaried photographers differ? Which one do you think you’d prefer? Why? – Being a freelance photographer has more freedom involved and you don’t have a boss, unlike salaried photographers. I think I’d rather be a salaried photographer because I’m not very independent and I like having a set job, not making it up for myself.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cultural Patterns between the Sugar Industry and slavery in the Caribbean Essay

The origin of the Caribbean The Guanajatabey people were among the earliest inhabitants in the Caribbean island, who migrated from the forests of the South American mainland in 5300BC. They were a population of about 100,000 hunters, gathers and farmers. Recent research speculates that they may have migrated from the south of US substantiated by the resemblance of artifacts collected in both regions. Additional evidence suggests that the Guanajatabeyes were driven to the island by the arrival migrants, Taino and Cioney from the Orinoco delta in Venezuela. Colonization of the Caribbean In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the expansion of Europeans took two directions. Towards the west coast of Africa where raiding and trading of products like slaves, pepper ivory and gold was involved, and towards the Atlantic island which the Europeans collected products like honey and timber (Jennifer 1994). Eventually though, the colonists returned to settle and cultivate wheat and sugar since there was no arable land in Iberia. Sugar proved to be a very profitable commodity to produce but it needed huge tracts of land plus great labor force for production. As a result sugar and slave trade became entwined in the European exploitation in the Atlantic Islands and eventually spread to the Americas. Many think of the Caribbean Islands as a place for a get away vacation. The historical background tends to differ though. The island has come along way after colonization and slavery for many years. The settlement of the European in the Caribbean began with Christopher Columbus in 1492. Procession of an intricate feudal commission made him a long-term governor of all land discovered and also earned him a fraction of all trade conducted. Caribbean’s encounter with the European transformed the culture in the Atlantic Island affecting the lives of millions of people. It decimated its native population and introduced plantation agriculture. Sugar was one of the commodities that came with Christopher Columbus. It was a lucrative commodity that incited the Europeans to commence plantations in the Caribbean. Sugar’s long history in the Caribbean lands includes the dreadful era of slavery and just as dreadful era of indentured labor. Being the primary economic structure in the Caribbean, it resulted in external wealth increase and underdevelopment of internal markets and social classes. The colonists exploited the interior regions of the island to increase profits in the industry. They also enslaved Africans and indentured Asian laborers. They imported slaves from Africa to work in the sugar plantations. Slavery in the Caribbean Since slave trade was illegal, the Europeans used the Middle Passage. It was a very unpleasant and dehumanizing voyage. A good number of slaves did not make it to the other end. Dreadful conditions below deck, poor air conditions in the cargo, excruciating heat plus inadequate supply of food and water were among the problems faced by the slaves. Only the strong ones survived the diseases like typhoid, measles, yellow fever and small pox in addition to vomiting and diarrhea from the poor food. Apart from that, the conditions on the other end were just as appalling. In the mid 19th century, slave labor was greatly intense in sugar plantations (Marquez 1999). Plantation owners were dependant on slave labor since free labor was limited. With time, the demand of sugar rose and with limited labor, production was low. The Europeans were in dire need of laborers. The indentured servants could not meet the high demand for labor. The plantations required a large amount of labor to be at par with the increasing demand. This resulted to further importation of slaves from Africa to work in these plantations. On the other hand there was a cost increase in the importation of labor at the time. With rising costs and limited time to indenture, African slaves were the alternative. With the introduction of African slaves to the plantation sugar production rose by 300% (Payne Jennifer, 1994). Slave trade became the order of the day. With time the population of slaves rose by more than 200%. The interests of the slaves were also disregarded despite the immense turnover from the sugar industry since most of it went to Europe. England would not only benefit from the lucrative commodity but augmented demand would thrust slave trade. Planting, harvesting and processing of sugar is tiring, hot and dangerous. It also requires a gigantic amount of labor. The Africans were enslaved to work in these plantations despite the harsh weather (Conrad et al 1995). A vigorous adult was expected to till the land, plant and reap five acres of sugar. Slaves both adults and children would move row by row across the fields, planting thousands of seeds-cane stems manually. They would work from 6 to 6 with a break of two hours at noon. During harvest, the slaves would work longer hours racing against the weather to steer clear of attacks by insects on the harvest. Processing the sugar was also done manually under harsh supervision. Harvesting and processing cane was just as backbreaking as planting. Processing the sugar was done immediately by male slaves. The condition in the processing rooms was so severe that the slaves had to rotate out every four hours, their limbs engorged from the heat and humidity. The slaves worked day and nights in the mills and sugarhouses with shifts lasting up to 18 hours during harvest to avoid bottlenecks in production (Simon and Schuster, 2003). Despite some planters giving extra food and drink to encourage competition in production, the result was due to coercion. The slaves were controlled by threat and use of deadly force. In the 1770s, there was the introduction of anti-slavery movements in Europe. In 1787, The Society for the Abolition of Slavery was established which aimed at raising public awareness of the atrocious treatment of slaves. The fight however went on till 1807 when a law banning slave trade was passed. Many other countries endorsed similar laws soon after the law was passed. In 1831, a colossal anti-slavery rebellion destroyed many sugar estates in Jamaica, inspiring the government to Parliament to approve the Emancipation Act of 1834. The slaves who were still tied to plantation life were freed unconditionally. Most of the freed slaves acquired parcels of land on some of Caribbean islands for subsistent farming. For those who did not get went back to plantation work. Consequences of slavery in the Caribbean After the establishment of new colonization, there was the introduction of new cultures and languages. The world only focuses on Columbus as the great discoverer the new land and tends to forget the destruction and damages caused on the lives of the native people who were the first people on the Island. These people were almost wiped out by the brutal incursion of the Europeans along with their cultures and languages. There was division among the people which resulted from the introduction of different cultures, languages and values. The slaves that were also imported from Africa also brought along their different cultures and languages since they came from different region in Africa. Even long after slavery had been abandoned the economic and political structure that was used to control the Island still lingered. Former slaves were forced to work in the plantations but at minimum wage. Power and social inequality There was introduction of many races and cultures in the slavery era. Classes were defined according to race, financial status and culture. Despite the many cultural differences which continually impede the territories from merging, the Caribbean societies are trying to come together socially politically and economically in order to work as one nation. Facets of culture such as race, language, governmental systems, religion, history, values and morals among others differ in each territory and cause a barrier between them. The different cultures that resulted from slavery Several religious groups were started and developed from past experiences. Judaism and Rastafarianism are among the major ones that were formed from previous ones (Michelle 1986). There is a brawny bond between the two religions. They were bound by the subjugation and persecution they went through in the past. Rastafarianism Rastafari history started with the colonization of Africa. The European colonists enslaved many Africans, divided them and sent them to exile as captives worldwide. The areas in which they were taken were named Babylon. The movement was initiated in 1930 in Jamaica after a prophecy made by a black political leader, Marcus Following the prophecy was the crowning of Emperor Haile Selassie 1 in Ethiopia He is known to them as the Black Messiah, Jah Rastafari (Edwards 1999). The rituals and practices of the Rastafarians were adapted during the late 1930s and 1940s. Some of the practices are reasoning and binghi. Reasoning is done by the members gathering to pray and smoke ganja or marijuana considered a holy herb. They would pass it around in a water pipe which they have likened to the Communion cup of the Christians in its symbolic meaning. Bighi on the other hand is anal night celebration consisting of dancing accompanied by idiosyncratic rhythms of Rasta drums. This is done to mark different occasions for instance Marcus Garvey’s birthday, coronation of Haile Selassie I and the liberation from slavery. Their deadlock hairstyle signifies the Blackman’s pride for his skin color and hair texture. Rastafarianism remains to be a resistance culture in many parts in the world. Despite experiencing an unstable social history in Jamaica, the movement retains a momentous moral influence that has spread its wings way beyond Jamaica. Conclusion Nowadays, sugar is regarded the most common commodity. It is available everywhere and at very cheap prices. Conversely, there was a time when it was a very precious product desired by many. It was a luxury to many noblemen while the colonists considered it a way to make money. Sugar was very profitable back then and also very expensive. This lucrative commodity incited the Europeans to commence sugar plantations in their colonies especially in the Caribbean (Howard 1998) The demand for African slaves arose from the introduction and development of plantation agriculture, rise in the price of sugar, and need for miners. Africans were not only viewed as skilled laborers, but were also agricultural experts. Consequently, considering their high immunity for malaria, they were suited for mining and agriculture. Moreover there were serious consequences as a result of slave trade. All the same, there were positive results from colonization like urbanization and civilization of the colonies. Works Cited Conrad, D. , Glenn R, Lucas, C. , and Ray. â€Å"A Brief History of the Louisiana Sugar Industry, 1795-1995. † Center for Louisiana Studies, 1995. Jennifer M. Payne, â€Å"Caribbean History†, 1994 Marquez Slavosevelie, â€Å"Slavery to Free Labor† 1999 Michelle H. â€Å"The Caribbean, and the World Sugar Industry’’. New York University 1986 Sidney W. 1986. â€Å"Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. † New York, Penguin Books. Hagelberg, 1985